Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/728

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694 FORTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 169, 170, 171. 1871. lh-tch 3, 1871- CHAP. CLXIX. — An Act q1untin_qA¢9Pen:£on to John Preveaux, a Citizen of Amesbury, assa usetts. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of RopresentateIves of the United Ponsiouto States of rimerica in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the In- J°h“ P'°*°““· terior be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to place the name of John Prevcaux, late a. private in Captain Whituey’s company, tirst regiment of artillery, upon the pension roll, and to pay him a pension at the rate of eight dollars per month from the date of the passage of this act. Approved, March 3, 1871. March 8, 1871. CHAP. CLXX. ·—- An Act granting a Pension to Elhlc A. Haines. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives <y” the United Pension to States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inte- EW A- H¤i¤°¤· rior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of Ellis A. Haines, late a scout in second cavalry division, United States army, department West Virginia, and pay him a pension at tho rate of eight dollars per month from and after the sa o of this act. APPROVED, March 3, 1871. Pas g March 3, 1871. CHAP. CLXXI.—An Act la relieve certain Persons therein named from the legal and _"";" political Disabilities imposed by the fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, and for other Purposes. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Ls?,.;:..,.;,,,. Siates of America in Congress assembled, (two thirds of each House con- }£§gg“Yc€;mk curring therein,) That all legal and political disabilities imposed-by the mm cm,;,, fourteenth amendment of tho Constitution of the United States, by mmm i¤K¤¤- reason of participation in the late rebellion, be, and they are hereby, °“°kY’ removed from the following persons citizens of the State of Kentuck V°l`xv`p`709` namely: R. F. Allison, Todd county ; George A. Bates, Kentucky; P. Bates, Warren county; W. R. Bates, Barren county; Ben. Berry, Jeferson county; Baker Boyd, Daviess county; R. J. Breckinridge, jr., Lincoln county; S. P. Breckinridgc, J eiferson county; S. C. Bryce, McCracken county; J. F. Bullitt, Jefferson county; T. L. Burnett, Jcfferson county; John A. Campbell, Nicholas county; James E. Cantrill, Scott county; W. M. Cargill, Graves county; Landon Carter, Anderson county; William Carter, Caldwell county ; John Catherwood, Clarke county; William H. Clarke, Daviess county; Martin H. Cofer, Hardin county; John E. Cooper, Morgan county; W. Cox, Morgan county; T. E. Crutchcr, Daviess county; Philip Darnall, Marshall county; W. S. Dulaney, Warren county; George B. Easting, Jefferson county; W. C. Ellis, Carroll county; P. M. Ellison, Calloway county; John Ficklin, Montgomery county ; Thomas L. Foster, Marion county; J. C. Gilbert, Kentucky; W. M. Greenwood and Thomas D. Grundy, McCracken county; Thomas T. Hawkins, Jefferson county; Thomas H. Hays, Hardin county}; John Iéuzeirig, lgorgan county; Grahainn Hughes, Daviess county;omas . rc and, wen count ; John . Irwin Marshall crolunty; G3·>o’§gc M. gcssc, Henry county; J Johnson, Jefferson county; omas . ones, aviess count ; V. H. Jones and P. H. Leslie, Barren county; William Lindsay, Hickman county ; W. T. Love, Kentucky; John B. Major, Franklin county; D. Mathewson, Calloway county; Clinton McClarty, Jeferson county; Cyrus McCIarty, Jencrson county; J. B. McCreory, Madison county; Thomas McElrath, Carrol county; Thomas E. Moore, Bourbon county ; Charlton Morgan, Jefferson county ; John D. Morris, Christian county; John. C. Noblo, McCracken county; Thomas W. Pickering, Caldwell county; D. L. Price, Fayette county; E- S. Pryor, Henry county; .John Rodman, Franklin county; J. H. Boulhac, Hickman county; J. J. Schoolfiold, Bracken county; J. O.