Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/859

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BOSTAL CONVENTION WITH GREAT BRITAIN. Nov?. 25&iD11c. 14, 1859. 825 Done in duplicate and signed at London on the third day of February, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and at Washington on the eleventh day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. HORATIO KING. Approved: ROWLAND HILL. Aluzou V. Bnown. Concnssrnn. ADDITIONAL ARTICLES To the Articles agreed upon between the Post- Office of the United Hngdom November`26 ry" Great Britain and Ireland and the Post·0jice of the United Stated §;‘d,€§§°“‘l’°’ of America` Sseposi,p.841. IN pursuance of the power granted by Article XXI. of the convention Ante, p. 78Z of December 15, 1848, between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the United States of America to the two~ Post-Oliices to settle the matters of detail, which are to be arranged by mutual consent, for insuring the execution of the stipulations contained in the said convention, the undersigned, duly authorized for that purpose by their respective offices, have agreed upon the following articles :—- _ Anrzcnn I. °There shall be established new offices of exchange on the Nswomcesct part of the United States at Detroit and Chicago, and on the part of the <gjl9h*¤€°gg k United Kingdom at Dublin, Cork, and Galway, for the exchange of p,i°,;#?’puJu,§, United States and European mails by means of British, United States, wd G¤iw¤y· and Canadian mail packets. Anrronn II. The office of Portland, which has hitherto exchanged, 0m°° °*` Ymmails with the offices of Liverpool and London only, shall henceforth be :?,?,’u§,;¥°hmg° an office of exchange with the offices at Dublin, Cork, and Galway also. ARTICLE III. In addition to the exchange of mails already provided for between the United States office at Portland and the British offices of E;¤:¤¤5° °*` London and Liverpool, (by virtue of the additional articles signed at QQ3mi1px; Washington on the 11th January, and in London on the 3d February, ets. 1859,) there shall be established an exchange of mails between the British office of Cork and the United States office of Portland by means of the Canadian mail packets plying direct between Liverpool and Portland during the winter, and also an exchange of mails between the office of Portland on the one side, and the offices of London, Liverpool, and Cork, on the other side, by means of the Canadian mail packets plying between Liverpool and River du Loup in summer. Akricnn IV. The description of letters, &c. which shall be com- _ prised in the mails forwarded from the respective United States ex- mgi;°*`g’;l°E:; changing offices to the several British exchanging offices, and, vice versa, wb, ,{,,,_,,g,d_J from the British exchanging offices to the United States exchanging ofiices, shall be arranged by correspondence between the British and the United States Post-Offices. Anrrcnn V. The present articles shall be considered as additional to T who those agreed upon between the two offices, for carrying into execution the conggzzed asm_ convention of December 15, 1848, signed at Washington on the 14th ditigngl mates. May, 1849. ·¢···¤» v· *8* Done in duplicate and signed in London on the twenty-fifth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and at Washington en the fourteenth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine. HORATIO KING. Approved: ROWLAN D HILL. J. Hom.