Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 16.djvu/960

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926 POSTAL CONVENTION WITH BELGIUM. AUGUST 21, 1867. have been charged against the receiving office, shall be deducted from the account. Reduction in Aimcnn XX. In considerations of the concessions made by the Qgftggfsgfes in United States Post Department, it is agreed that a reduction of 20 per the t,.,,,,,;; 0g' ·cent. shall be made in favor of the United States office from the charge of closed mails- forty centimes per kilogramme established in Article XIV. for the transit of the articles mentioned in the second paragraph of the first article of this Convention, and which shall be despatched from the United States. Formerccn- Artricus XXI. From the time this convention shall take effect, all L“{£°;§ former conventions between the two offices shall cease to be in force, ,4,,;,,, Pp_ ghgr except for the purpose of closing the accounts arising thereunder. 918- This Convention shall take etfect on the first day of January next. When this It shall continue in force until cancelled by agreement of the two offices; ¤g,¤V:¤*i°¤ *¤k°¤ or until one year from the time when either office shall have given notice 9 °° to the other of its wish to terminate the same. Subject toap- This Convention shall be subject to the approval of the Postmaster provai- General of the United States and of the Minister of Public lVorks of Belgium. Execution. Executed in duplicate at Brussels this 21st day of August, in the year 0fom' Lord 1861 JOHN A. KAss0N, [L. s.] M F Sp. Oom., dc., .§-c. . Assnnx [L. s.] Director- General of Railroads, Posts, ami Telegraphs. Posr-Orrmn Dnnnrmnur, Wasmuexrou, October 8, 1867. Approval by Having examined and considered the foregoing articles cf' a Convenit-;*:¤°::1*f¤”“'· tion for the regulation of the postal intercourse between the United States ’ of America and Belgium, which were agreed upon and signed in duplicate dIa;,dBr1sssels on the twenty-first day of August, one thousand eight hun an sixty-seven, by the Hon. John A. Kasson Special Commissioner, &o., &c., on behalf of this Department, and ’by Mr. Fassiaux, Director-General of Railroads, Posts, and Telegraphs, on behalf of the Belgian Post Departments, the same are by me hereby ratified and apygoveg, gay and with the advice and consent of the President of the nite tates. In witness whereotQ I have caused the seal of the Post Ofhce Department to be hereto aliixed, with my signature, the day and year first above W1-men` ALEX. W. RANDALL, [L. s.] Postmaster G'enemL by th, pm;. I hereby approve the aforegoing Convention, and in testimony thereof, §i;¤:i;°<g gsm I lpive cjaused the seal of the United States tt-Klip affixed. JOH S ' L- S· DREW N ON. By the President: F. W. SEWARD, Acting Secretary. Dsnwrusxr or Sum, Wasnmoron, 9th October, 1867.