Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1153

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INDEX. 1113 S°"’§§£€’1l‘Zf£Q’2l‘§’Ji°’Bll“£"’Zl’ lm 386 S"“'“* · sa 1519 m. . , ,596 l' f " cojréporatorsf of the Cemteuuial Board of Spa¢7c;;u§a77z;n¤;7llOwGd by Commlssmners o · 756 matnce rom . 208 lf ,. landq m, held by the United States, ac- C aéxglngrsesfat? ?f” jmowed by comms 744 quxgegl under directtax a,cts,i11cluding Sparks Thomas, •t l · • · cer am tracts purchased under " arm l ,` f ll' . and na,vy" sales, to be restored @7; Spascgj IB'h7>1;z;s y18d by commxsslomrs · l 741 former legal owners upon proof, &c. . 332 claim of, allowed by commissioners . 744 moneys from szyle of " school farm ” Sparrow, Charity, ' lgnds, appropriated to uga of free pub- claim ofQ allowed by commissioners . . 7 52 hc schools m certam pzmshes m . . 332 Speaker of the House of Representatives lxowt to bglcxpended . . · 332 no person to be employed as an reporter persons m portions cf, composing unlayv- of the House of Represcnmtives withful combinations, Qc., ordered to d1s· out the approval of the . 47 perse, &c., and deliver up their arms, may appoint a clerk &»;·. .. 122 &c. . I . . . . 950, 951, 952 no appointment on duorkeepefs the Wzflt of hapeaq cmpus suspended in rolls, &c. ...,. 122 cer mp countles m ... 952 to a o' t th b ftl H suspension_rev0l;ed as to Marion county, 953 otP¥1aé;rese71(l3t?;;;P (Srila; fxilgyjlllrgecl suspended m Umou qounty . 954 Congress to be members of the board addltlolxaltcompensation to the marshal of visitors of the military academy at of the district of, and his deputies . . 683 the next annual examination . . . 481 Southern Collection District of Oregon, salary of, established from March 4 established, and to include what . . . 601 1873 . . . . . , 486 port, of entry as Coos Bay . 601 Speaks, Han.;/brd, · i l ’ I · ' collector in, his appointment, residence, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 744 &c. . I 601 Special Agents. See Post-office Departnzent . 48 three ports of delnvery established, and provisions concerning, in post-office three deputy collectors authorized . . 601 act 289, 312, 322 pay of collect0r and deputies . . 601, 602 Special Agents of Treasury Departmmzt, Southern Dzstrzct Qf·N€Z:l} Xor/c, to examine books, accounts, &c.. at doexpenses of dxsmct Judge from another positories, &c., appropriation for pay district, while holding court iu, how to of the .. 72, 497 be pq1d ... 35 for collecting money belonging to but Southvrn, Rza/zard, withheld from the United States . . 72 damages awarded to, by commissioners Special Counsel, S h ofglaims .. 697 LS appgopriation fop expenses of 349 out ern tales, ipecialaxes. See ntemal Revenue. appropriation for expenses of joint select to be paid by stamps, after April 30, committee on alleged outrages in the . 7 1873 .. 402, 403 Sovereign, S provisions concerning, and penalties, 402, 403 t0 be equal to what .. . . 603 pecéfica/[ans and Drawings, what valuation to be par of exchange of patentroflicc, act furtlner regulating for . 603 the publication of the .. 2 contracts upon any other par, when price of printed copies, when uncertified, 3 to be void . . ... 603 Speed, Joseph F., ` Spain, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 756 congratulations of the Angerican people 638 Speedy, B. F., f 1 773 tendered to the people 0 . ‘ payment to or mi itary services . . . right expressly reserved to the King of, Spence, William; to become :1 party to the treaties bc- payment to, for property taken lulate war, 7 41 tween the United States and France . 795 Spencer, Abraham, . claims of citizens of the United States claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 762 against the government of Spain, to Spencer, C'., · _ be submitted to arbitrators, and in claim Of,§llOW€d by commissioners . . 756 case of disagreement, no umpire . . 839 Spencer, Charms, _ arbitrators and umpire, to meet at \Vash- payment to, for destruction of property _ ington, &c. .. 839 of . . ... 648 power and jurisdiction of arbitra- Spencer, Henry W., ' tors ... 839 payment t0, for destrucntmn of property _ each government may name an advo- 839 S ofT/ . .F .. 648 t pencer, wmas . caaellcwance to advocates . . . . . 840 payment to, fo; horse taken by governclaims to be presented through the g0v~ ment: 707 ernment of the United States . . . 839 Sperzjq, Henqy C., · I _ r expenses of arbitration and how dc- 8% S h0m?§tca<l_a;g:l1cation0£ declared valid, 606 f- * d ... . , pmner, mums ·., seclggsry and his pay . . . _ 840 allowance to, in settlement of jgawards 20 be final and conclusive . . . 840 _ counts . 101, 768 Spafnc, Samuel D., _ _ SPT7W1W5y Aa”$U» __ _ 2 claim of, allowed by commlsslouers . . 744 V clam} 5)f,‘Z·1»l(}\V€J by comnmsnoncrs . . 75 Spanish Clahns C'011mzz`ss1`0n, ” léprague, 1. Lduxzrdz U l f d x ld rd 655 appropriations thr A . 66, 444 lxomestezzd applmxtxou u , ec me va 1 ,