Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1154

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U 14 INDEX. Spring, Harriet, Stamps, Postage, (continued,) payment; to, as heir of Captain Vifilliams matter only for the executive depart- _ Barker ... 701 ments ... 542 Sprmgfteld Arsenal, to be sold only at what price . . . 542 appropriation for 362 Standard Troy Pound of the jllint of the Unitecl Squires, Wil/iam JI., States, homestead application ot} declared valid, 657 what shall be the 432 Stamzd, Jolm, Standard Wcig/tts_;?2r [Mints and Assay Offices, damages awarded to, by commissioners to be furnished and tested and regulated of claims . . 697 annually .. . . . . 4£ Staford, llenry I]., Standger, P. W., allowance to, in settlement of accounts . 770 claim of to be allowed .. 7 73 Stajbrd, Sarah S., Standish and Balkzrd, payment to . . ... 681 appropriation to pay ... 369 Staford, Wit/iam M., Stans¢r, Simeon, payment to, for services rendered . 703, 704 credit to be allowed, in settlement of his Stamped Envelopes. See Post-office Depart- accounts .. 702 ment. Staples, B. T., to have no printing on, except . . 301, 557 claim of estate of, allowed by commisprovisions concerning, in p0st—0fHce sinners ... 756 act .. 304, 305 Starbuck, G. M, appropriations for .. 200, 557 claim of§ allowed by commissioners . . 762 special, to he prepared only for official Same County, Texas, mailniatter for each of the executive annexed to the collection district of Bradepartments . , 542 zos de Santiago ... . 53 to be sold only at what price . . . 542 State Department. See Department of State. Stamps. See Internal Revenue. deficiency and other appropriations for, 66, for tobacco, snuff cigars, distilled spir- 123, 529 its, and fermented liquors, may be deficiency appropriation for. . . 530, 531 changed ... 240 day of dishursing clerk for new departinstruments, &c., for attaching, cancel- ments building . . . , . 531 ling, &c., may be prescribed . . ,. . 240 State Department Building, special, denoting tax upon compounds appropriation for 352 known as wines . . . . 241 to be available immediately upon to be aiiixed to bottle, &c. . . . . 241 the approval of the act containing, 352 absence from bottle, &c., to be prima State Fencibles, facie evidence that tax is not of Philadelpliia, Pa., condemned canpaid . . 241 non, &c., to .. 341 penalty for counterfeiting . . . . 241 States, for distilled spirits withdrawn from ware- none to be admitted into the Union withhouse for exportation 242, 243 out what population . . 29 tax paid, for re—stan1ping distilled spirits, 245 representation of, in the Congress of the for payment of tax upon iermented United States . . . . 28, 29 liquors ... t . 246, 247 appropriation for balances due, for ex~ permits for removal of fermented penses in enrolling, &e., troops thr the liquors ... . 247, 248 defence of the United States 129 collectors to keep a supply and de- Statistical Atlas of the United States, liver the same to the brewers of -appropriation for maps, &c., for . . . 536 their district only .. 247 Statistical Congress, deductions and commissions . . . 247 the President authorized to invite the how and by whom to be affixed to International, to hold its next session barrel, &c., and cancelled . . . 247 in the United States 638, 639 penalties 247 proceedings iflnvitation is accepted, 639 in cases of retail sales at breweries . . 248 Statumy, etc., for tobacco, &c., sold under distraint or certain, imported for exhibition by, &e., forfeited ... 253 and not intended for sale, to be free of for tobacco intended for immediate ex- duty 35 portation .. 254 bond for payment of duties on such on stamped boxes, once containing to- as shall not be re-exported within, bacco, but emptied, to be destroyed . 254 &c. . . . 35 once containing cigars, &c. . . . 255 Statutes at Large, Volume Sevezzteentlz, stamntaxes named in Schedule B re- appropriation to purchase . . . . . 512 pealed except bank checks 256 Statutes at Large, Volume Sixteenth, upon certain mortgages .. 255 appropriation for purchase of copies of . 7 instruments without any stamp, or with Statutes a/the United States, deficient stamp 256 appropriation for completing the revision allowance for spoiled, &c. . 257 of the, and making indexes thereto . 513 for pztynient of special internal revenue to be furnished the Department of Justaxes, provisions concerning . . . 402 tice for distribution ... 578 Stamps, Daniel, register to be kept of books received and damages awarded to, by commissioners distributed .. 578 of claims . . 697 Stat·e—’>o/1:, Stamps, Postagye. See Post-qmre, §·c. in customs matters to include " headingspecial, to be prepared for official mail bolts" . . . . , .. 569