Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/267

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FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 308. 1872. 227 Flathead, Kootenai, and Pend d’Oreille Indians, was set apart and reserved for the use and occupation of said confederated tribes. Sec. 2. That as soon as practicable alter the passage of this act, the Certain lands surveyor-general of Montana Territory shall cause to be surveyed, as lu Bm"' R°°‘ other public lands of the United States are surveyed, the lands in the i—°§k{,§,1;.I°,igi,I;$ Bitter Root valley lying above the Lo·Lo fork of the Bitter Root river; surveyedlnrrd and said lands shall be open to settlement, and shall be sold in legal $$3} °°m°` subdivisions to actual settlers only, the same being citizens of the United may be sold to States, or having duly declared their intention to become such citizens, "h°m» &°· said settlers being heads of families, or over twenty-one years of age, in quantities not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres to each settler, at Quantity and the price of one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, payment to be P"i°°· made in cash within twenty-one months from the date of settlement, or of the passage of this act. The sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections of Schoolsecsaid lands shall be reserved for school purposes in the manner provided *·l°“*‘· by law. Town—sites in said valley may be reserved and entered as provided by law : Provided, That no more than fifteen townships of the lands Town sites. so surveyed shall be deemed to be subject to the provisions of this act: And provided further, That none of the lands in said valley above the Provisos. Lo-Lo fork shall be open to settlement under the homestead and preemption laws of the United States. An account shall be kept by the Seo- Account of retary of the Interior of the proceeds of said lands, and out of the nrst :§j5pQ%;;,dlf_°P°· moneys arising therefrom there shall be reserved and set apart for the use how appniudl of said Indians the sum of fifty thousand dollars, to be by the President expended, in annual instalments, in such manner as in his judgment shall be for the best good of said Indians, but no more than five thousand dollars shall be expended in any one year. Sec. 3. That any of said Indians, being the head of a family, or twen- d,C°’*¤l¤ 1*** ty-one years of age, who shall, at the passage of this act, be actually §,“ii,,er$,,]_ residing upon and cultivating any portion of said lands, shall be permitted ley and pre-empt to remain in said valley and pre-empt without cost the land so occupied lm “°“’s‘ and cultivated, not exceeding in amount one hundred and sixty acres for each of such Indians, for which he shall receive a patent without power Patentof alienation: Provided, That such Indian shall, prior to August first, Notice ot‘_ineighteen hundred and seventy-two, notify the superintendent of Indian {;':.;r*° l§fc9“'°” aliairs for Montana Territory that he abandons his tribal relations with e’ ` said tribe, and intends to remain in said valley: And provided further, _Notice to In· That said superintendent shall have given such Indian at least one 6*3*1* month’s notice prior to the date last above mentioned of the provisions of this act and of his right so to remain as provided in this section of this act. Sec. 4. That in case John Owen, an actual settler in said valley, above —l°l"€)tO;"°3t,e the Lo-Lo fork, shall come within the provisions of the act of Congress igaésing Y,,,,;,,, of September twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and fifty, entitled "An it &¢· act to create the office of surveyor-general of the public lands in Oregon, V;?F&_°g;Zgé_ and to provide for the survey, and to make donations to settlers of "the 1853, ch.69. said public lands," and the acts amendatory thereof, he shall be permitted l;<gg4X— lp ggto establish such fact in the land-office in the said Territory of Montana, VOL {PQ 365 and, upon proof of compliance with the provisions of said act or acts, 1864,_ch. 154. shall be permitted to obtain title, in the manner provided therein, to such V§’;f‘Q{1}’ig’i*· quantity of land as he may be entitled to under the same. All disputes Vol: zivi. p. 583. as to title to any lands mentioned in this act shall be decided according to mlhsputes ¤¤ to the rules governing the decision of disputes in ordinary cases under the bf,} to be d8_ pre-emption laws of the United States. cided. Approved, June 5, 1872.