Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1017

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'1`rru: Lx.—PA'l`ENTS AND C()PYR1GHTS.—Ch. 1. 945 T I T L E L X . PATENTS, TRADE—MAR,KS, AND COPY- RIG] ITS. CHAl"l`l·]lt ONE. PATENTS. Sec. { Sec. 4883. Patentsaehioxv issued, attested, and E 4910. From examiners-in—chief to Comrecori . imssioner.

 Their qontents and duration. 4911. From the Commissioner to the su-

’. ate o patent. preine court D. C. 4886. What inventions are patentable. 4912. Notice of such a cal. . . PP 4887. Patents for inventions previously 4913. Proceedings on appeal to supreme patented abroad. court. 4888. Bequisites of specification and claim. 4914. Determination of such appeal and 4889. rawings, when requisite. its effect. 4890. Specimens of ingredients, &c. , 4915. Patents obtainable by bill in equity. 4891. Model, when requisite. ‘ 4916. Re—issue of defective patents. 4892. Oath required from applicant. 4917. Disclaimer. 4893. Exainiiiation and issuing patent. 4918. Suits touching interfering patents. 4894. Limitation upon time 0 completing · 4919. Suits for infringement; damages. application. I 4920. Pleading and proof in actions for 4895. Patents grantor to assignee. l infringement. 4896. \Vhen, and on what oath, executor y 4921. Power of courts to grant injunctions or administrator may obtain pat- and estimate damages. ent. , 4922. Suit for infringementlwhere speciti- 4897. Renewal of application in cases of cation is too broad. failure to pay fees in season. 4923. Patent not void on account of pre- 4898. Assignment of patents. vious use in foreign country. 4899. Persons purchasing of inventor bei 4924. Extension of patents granted prior fore application may use or sel , to March2 1861. the thing purchased. I 4925. What noticeiof application for ex- 4900. Patented articles must be marked astension muit be given. such. 4926. Applications or extension to whom 4901. Penalty for falsely marking or label- to be referred. ing articles as patented. 4927. Commissioner to hear and decide the 4902. Filing and effect of caveats. , question of extension. 4903. Notice of rejection of claim for pat- 4928. Operation of extension. 904 I entfto be given to applicant. Ilxgnf fopélesigns authorized. 4. . nter erences.C . o e s o esigns. 4905. Atiidavits and depositions. i 4931. Duration of patents for designs. 4906. Subpmnas to witnesses. i 4932. Extension of patents for designs. 4907. Witness fees. 4933. Patents for designs subject to gen- 4908. Penalty for failing to attend or re- eral rules of patent-law. fusing to testi ·. 4934. Fees in obtaining patents &c. 4909. A eals from rimary examiners to 4935. Mode of ia ment. y PP P I Y examiners-in·chief. , 4936. Refunding. Sec. 4883. All patents shall be issued in the name of the United States Patents, how isof America, under the seal- of the Patent-Office, and shall be signed by Susdlstgésmd, Md the Secretary of the Interior and countcrsigned by the Commissioner of "’°°" 6 · Patents, and they shall be recorded, together with the specifications, in 8 July, 1870, e. the Patent—OfIice, in books to be kept for that purpose. 230·S·21·V·16»P·200· Doughty r. \Vest, 6 Blatch., 429. Sec. 4884. Ever atent shall contain a short title or descri tion of Contentsanddu- . . .Y P . . . . P ,- the invention or discovery, correctly indicating its nature and design, and m "°“· a grant to the patentee, his heirs or assigns, for the term of seventeen 8 July, 1870, e. years, of the exclusive right to make, use, and vend the invention or gg? 5- 22A'- 16, P- discovery throughout the United States, and the Territories thereof, ___%___, retcrrin to the s ecitication for the articulars thereof. A co of the Simpson v- Wil- · - g· p · P gy on 4 H 709· specification and drawings shall be annexed to the patent and e a part ” . · °“’:» · Pitts r. Whitman thereof. 2 smry, 614; suuxi van v. Redfield, 1 Paine, 441; Emerson v. Hogg, 2 Blatch., 9; Doughty v. West, 6 Blatch., 429; Vlfhitney v. Emmett, Baldw., 314; Boyd r. Brown, 3 Mclean, 297.