Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1018

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946 TITLE Lx.——PATENTS AND (,`OPYRIGHTS.—C11. 1. Dm of patent- Sec. -1885. Every tent shall bear date as of a day not later than six -...;_ .P° . . , 8July,1870,c.220, months from the time at which it was passed and allowed and notice s. 23, v. 16, p. 201. thereof was sent to the applicant or his agent; and 1f the final fee is not 30{8{°*{;· 187;; ¢- paid within that period the patent shall be withheld. 11;;,,,;,;,,:;,,,;,;,,,,, Sec. 4886. Any person who has invented lOl' discovered any new and are patentable. useful art, machme, manufacture or composition of matter, or an_y new 8"J"‘”`u,y 1870 c_ and useful improvement thereof, not known or_ used by others in this 230, 8_ gi, v_ 1é,p_ country, and not patented or dgscribed in any printed pu blioation in this 201. or any foreign country, before is invention or discovery thereof and not 8 G,,,.;,,,.,._B,,,,w,,’ in public use or on sale for more than two years prior to his application, 10 How., 47 7; un ess the same IS proved to have been abandoned, may, upon payment gr? 0 h k 1 SF lg of the fees required by law, and other due proceedings had, obtain a patent °“"°°‘ · therefor How.,248; Le Roy ‘ ·. Tatham, 14 How., 156; O’Reill · ·. Morse, 15 How., 62; Cor 'n 1-. Burd ,15 H ·., 252; Kendall 1·. Winsor, 21 How.?322; Appleton 1-. Bacon andulllgirth, 2 Bl? 899; Bdrr 1-. Duryee, 1 \Vall., 531; Jacobs 1-. Baker, 7 Wall., 295; Tyler 1·. Boston, 7 Wall., 327; Agawam Co. 1-. Jordan, 7 Wall., 583; Whitely 1-. Swayne, 7 Wall., 685; Rubber Co. v. Goodyear, 9 Wall., 788; Stimpson 1-. Woodman, 10 Wall., 117; Gorham Co. 1-. White, 14 Wall., 511; Mowry r. Whitney, 14 Wall., 620; Carlton 1-. Bokee, 17 Wall., 483: Coffin v. Ogden, 18 Wall., 120; Hicks 1-. Kelsey, 18 Wall., 670; Woodcock v. Parker, 1 Gallia., 437; Odiorne v. Winkley, 2 Gallis., 51; Ames 1·. Howard, 1 Sumn., 482; Ryan 1-. Goodwin, 3 Sumn., 518; How 1-. Abbott, 2 Story, 194; Bean v. Smsllwood, 2 Story, 411; Carver v. Braintree Manufacturing Co., 2 Story, 438; Hove-y r. Stevens, 3 Wood. & M., 17; Foote 1-. Silsby, 1 Blatch., 445; Parkhurst 1-. Kinsman, 1 Blatch., 493; Hall 1·. Wiles, 2 Blatch., 194; McCormick 1-. Seymour, 2 Blatch., 240; Ellithorpe 1-. Robinson, 4 Blatch., 307; Morgan 1-. The liew York Iniim1ary{,f5 lBlatch.,l116; Hoffmpn 1-.dSt§efel, 7 Bxhztch.,

eutgen 1·. 'anowrs an raunt, 1 as . 171- ark 1-. Littea \ ood, 3 'ash.,

198; Kneass 1·. The Schuylkill Bank, 4_Wash,., 12; Whitney 1·. Erdlmett, Baldw., 314; Goodyear r. The Railroad, 2 Wall., jr., 380; Smith 1+. Pearce, 2 Mclean, 178; Root v. Ball and Davis, 4 McLean, 177; Hotchkiss 1-. Greenwood and Wood, 4 McLean, 461; Stainthorp 1·. Humiston, 1 Fish. Pat. Cas., 475; Poillon 1-. Schmidt, 3 Fish. Pat. Cas., 476; Consolidated Fruit Jar Co. 1:. Wright, 94 U. S., 92; Dunbar v. Myers, 94 U. S., 187; Fuller 11. Yentzer, 94 U. S., 288; Russell and Erwin Manufacturing Co. 1:. Mallory, 10 Blatch., 140; Nat. Spring Co. v. Union Car-Spring Co., 12 Blatch., 80. P¤¤¢¤¢¤l0¤‘ip\‘<->¤· SEc._ 4887. No person shall be debarred from receiving a patent for his

  • ‘°“;(l""’*"‘°"*lY invention or discovery, nor shall any patent be declare invalid, by reapaten abroad. . . · . .

._..;_._a son of 11.S havinglbeen first patented or caused to be patented IH a foreign 8 July. 1870, c- country, unless the same has been introduced into public use in the United §i6`§’» ”- 25» "- l6· P- States for more than two years plrior to the application. But everv pat- 7;;, ent granted for an invention_w ich has been previously patented in u O’Reillyr·;)M<>rS€. foreign country shall be so limited as to‘expire at the same time with {5 6;* $,3;* the foreign patent, or, if there be more than one, at the same time with i;,,,_C,,,,_7g32, y,,dQ the one having the shortest term, and in no case shall it bein force more son 1-. Cope,1 Fish. than seventeen years. Pat. Cas., 615; Cammeycr 1·. Newton, 94 U. S., 225; Weston 1-. White, 13 Blatch., 364. Requisites of ap- Sec. 4888. Before any inventor or discoverer shall receive a patent for l;l;;“*;°”·i£g$££' his invention or discoveréy, he shall make application therefor, in writing, ’ Rm ’ to the Commissioner o Patents, and shal tile in the Patent-Oflice a ““d °l“““‘ r`tt d ii t' t in 11 1 th 11 t k H__..*- w 1 en csc ‘ p 1on 0 e same an 0 e manncr an rocess 0 ma - 8 July, 1870, c. ing, constructing, compounding, and using it, in such full: clear, concise, gg? S- 26, "· l6· P· and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the art or science to _;______ which 1t appertams, or with which it is most nearly connected, to make, Evans r. Eaton, construct, compound, and use the same; and in msc of a machine, he 7l’%h;d43;al;l1<fo<g shall explainl the lprinciple thereof, and the best mode in which he has

  • '· ° · contemp ate ap ying that principle so as to distin uish it from other

H ‘., 1; H *. . . . . . ‘. . E,?,2m,;,1]§,.i, inventions; and he shall particularly point out and distinctly claim the 587; O’R»eilly 1·. part, improvement, or combination w ich he claims as his invention or M<>¤·€.l5H<>W·.622 iscovery. The specification and claim shall be signed by the inventor C°'"l“€"·B“"d"“· and attested b - two w`t 15 new., 252; Le · l l “°SS°S· gay Tptham, 2?2)£low¥7132; l1’hd23ps Eniailge, 24 Ilgowé, 164; Tyler 1:. Boston, 7 Wall., 27; ar ton 1-. ee, a ., ; on . e 1203; S ll' . Redfield, 1 gaipie, 4};0;n1\iau5i ggtégepvll Biatch.': 372; Gizyhmd Cislghbd 1;. Jahiehfmllet. C.C.,401; ar 11. iteanc ,· as.,198;B kadM·.B'.k l d Jenkins, 3 McLean, H; G0lllil’¤ M&DUf£CtUFlDg C0. 1l:0€)o:id‘g, 12(13rld!i»dh., 243im an Draygngs, when Sec. 4889. When the nature of the case admits of drawings, the nppll-

 cant shall furmsh one co y s1 ed b the inventor or his attorne ln flwli,

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