Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1163

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Arrnumx. 1091 and fifty cotpies; to the Post-Office Department, fiftv copies; to the Departmento Justice, including those for the use of the chief and associate justices, the judges and the officers of the United States and territorial courts, four hundred and twenty-five copies; to the Department of Agriculture, ten copies; to the Smithsonian Institution, five copies; to the Government Printing Office, two copies; to the governors and secretaries of Territories, one copy each; to be retained in the custody of the Secretary of State, one thousand copies; and ten thousand copies shall be distributed to the States and Territories in proportion to the number of Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress to which theév are at the time entitled. Ee. 7. That after the close of each Congress the Secretary of State Preparation of shall have edited, printed and bound a sufficient number of the volumes 1**** °f *****3** 00* containing the Statutes at Large enacted by that Congress to enable gm"' him to distribute copies, or as many thereof as may be needed, as follows: To the President of the United States, four co ies, one of which Distribution gf shall be for the library of the Executive Mansion, andp one co y shall be bouucl volumes. for the use of the Commissioner of Public Buildings; to the iiice President of the United States, one copy; to each Senator, Representative, and Dele te in Congress, one copy; to the librarian of the Senate, for the use ogg Senators, one hundred and fourteen copies; to the librarian of the House, for the use of Representatives and Delegates. four hundred and ten copies; to the Library of Congress, fourteen copies, including four ccgpies for the law library; to the Department of State, including those or the use of legations and consulates, three hundred and eighty copies; to the Treasury Department, including those for the use of officers of customs, two hundred and sixty copies; to the War Department, includin a copy for the Military Academy at West Point, fifty copies; to the Navy epartment, including1a copy for the library at the Naval Academy at Annapolis, a copy for the library of each navy- ·ard in the United States, a copy for the library of the Brooklyn Nyaval Lyceum, and a copy for the forary of the Naval Institute at Charlestown, Massachusetts, sixty-tive copies; to the Department of the Interior, including those for the use of the surveyorslgeneral and registers and receivers of public land-offices, two hundre and fifty copies; to the Post—Office Department, fifty copies; to the Department of Justice, including those for the use of the chief and associate justices, the judges and the officers of the United States and territorial courts, four hundred and twenty-five copies; to the Department of Agriculture, five copies; to the Smithsonian Institution, two copies; to the Government Printing- Office, one copy; and the Secretary of State, shall supply deiciencies and offices new y created. Sec. 8. That the said printed copies of the said acts of each session To be lepalcviand of the said bound copies of the acts of each Congress shall be legal d?“€*;"* ei °P“'*¤ evidence of the laws and treaties therein contained, in all the courts of gum and Etaé the United States and of the several States therein. sem-,i gw8s_ Sec. 9. That the said laws of each session of Congress shall also be Laws ot each stereotyped and printed for sale as provided in respect to the said re- $°¤**;b°P¤¤¢· vised statutes. And the co ies of the said revised statutes and of the °"“°· said laws of each session of Congress, as issued from time to time, shall Price ot. be respectively sold at the cost of the paper, press work and binding, with ten per cent thereof added thereto, to any person applying for the Disposition of same. And the proceeds of all sales shall be paid into the Treasury. proceeds. Sec. 10. That the Secretary of State shall cause all the copies of the _P~¤vi¤i0u of In- Revision of Indian treaties made by Thomas J. Durant, now printed to {1)::1*; §'*;*l:;f“d*° be be bound, and the same shall be deposited with the Secretary of the md with thfgg Interior, for the use of the Departments and officexs of the Government. retary of the Inte- Approved, June 20, 1874. fwr-