Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/118

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46 TITLE vu.-DEPARTMENT OF THE ’l`REASURY.—Ch. 4. Sec gl;. Accounts of expenses paid by post- Oagizrin settlements with Sixth Au- 295. oésudgments. _ V 299. Settlement of accounts of district at- 296. Papers requi in suits for delm- torneys. qucncies in Post-Oi:Hce Department. 300. Allowance of lost checks. , 297. Auditors may administer oaths. glaims for qulasnteznrzsmgta stores. . aims crsu s n , c. Auditors. Sec. 276. There shall be connected with the Deuartment of the Treasury s ,, Q; {_- {gg)"; six auditors of accounts, who shall be appointed v the President, by and “ P ’ with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall be known as the ]2.s.1,v.l,p _ _ _ ., ,. . __ ._ 3 Mar., 1817, c. First, becond._Th1rci, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Auditors, respectively. ggb¤q£é1¤»V-3·PP· Each Auditor is entitled to a salary of four thousand dollars a year. z' Jn1y, isaac, c. 270, s. 8, v. 5, ii. 81.1 Ibiqéqs. 4;, p9.l8?3Juni;2i;s12,3c. axis. 2%, " . 7. 2M .,1799 .38,s. ,v. ,p. .., ,<·. ,s. ,v. 4,p. . }$l‘l[¢!ir.?l875,c. 1g0i), s. 2, i1.c18, p. 397. Duties of the Sec. 277. The duties of the Auditors shall be as follows: A¤dit0¤‘¤- l`irst. The First Auditor shall receive and examine all accounts accruing E Mm-_, 1817, c_ in the Treasrngy Department, all accounts relat1nE; to the receuiticfrom 45, s. 4, v. B, p. 366. customs. including accoun 0 co ec ors an o er o <·e·s o cus- 3 M¤¤'·» 1*4% "· toms. all accounts accruing on account of salaries in the Patent-()H‘ice, mg;] if Pig;;` (_ all accounts of the-jud es, marshals. clerks. and other of licers, of all the U6 s_liy§,·_ 15,’ of courts of the United States, all accounts of the ouicer in charge of the md i public buildings and grounds in the District of Columbia. all accounts 3 M¤¤’·» 184% S- of the expenditures of the Department of Agtriculture, all accounts relating 12gé“j2f"9i§£l:‘ to prisoners convicted in any court of the United_States; and, after 297 S_ gy;-_ 1/pf examination of such accounts relating to the receipts from customs, 327: I i including the accounts of collectors an other officers of the customs, he _§$0 June, 18% C- shall certify the balances and transmit the same, with the vouchers and

 “‘ 2* "‘ 13* p‘ certificates, to the Commissioner of Customs for his decision thereon,

“ Q,' Jun, 1872, Q_ and he shall certify the ltzzlances of all other accounts. and transmit the 335, s. 22, v. 17, p. same, in like manner. to the First Comptroller for his decision thereon. 287· _ Second. The Second Auditor shall receive and examine all accounts 2S? J“g· ISL? "‘ relating to the pay and clothing of the Army. the subsistence of officers, ’ v` ’P' lbounties. and premiums, military and hospital stores, and the contingent expenses of the War Department, all accounts relating to Indian ah'airs. and to agents of lead and other mines of the United States: and, after examination of such accounts. he shall certify the balances, an,] transmit such accounts, with the vouchers and certificate, to the Second ('omptroller for his decision thereon. Third. The Third Auditor shall receive and examine all accounts relntive to the subsi<tence of the Armv the uartermaste1·’s De rtment. . 7 pn and generally all accoimts of the lVar Department other than those provided for; all accounts relating to Eensions for the Army, and all accounts for compensation for the loss of orses and cquigments of officers and enlisted men in the military service of the United fates. and for the loss of horses and equipments or of stcamboats, and all other means of transportation, in the service of the United States by contract or impressment: and, after the examination of such accounts, he shall certi y the balances and shall transmit such accounts. with all the vouchers and papers and the certificate, to the Second Comptroller for his decision ¢h€1‘P0¤· [see sg :1482-s4ss.]· Fourth. The President may assign to either the Second or the Third Aurlitor the settlemenlt of the accounts in the \Var Department existing at the conc usion of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve. Fifth. The Fourth Auditor shall receive and examine all accounts accruing in the Navy Department or relative thereto, and all accounts yelating to Navy pensions; and, after examination of such accounts, he shall certify the balances, and shall transmit such accounts, with the vouchers and certiiicate to the Second Comptroller for his decision th 7 p ereon. _ Sixth. The Fifth Auditor shall receive and examine all accounts accruing in or relative to the Department of Stace, all accounts of the Com-