Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/119

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'l`rrL1=: vu.——DEPAR'l`MENT OF THE TREASURY.—Ch. 4. 47 missioner of Internal Revenue. all accounts relating to the contingent expenses of the Ijetent-Office. and all accounts relating to the census. beventh. The bixth Auditor shall receive all accounts arising in the 3 Mm., 1875, c. Post·Oflic0 Department, or relative thereto, with the vouchers necessary l?8·*·4w-l8.1¢-343· to a c·0rrect adgustment thereof, and shall audit and settle the same and certify the balances thereon to the Postmaster-General. Ho shall keep and preserve all accounts and vouchers after settlement. H0 shall close the account of the Department quarterly, and transmit to the Secretary of the Treasury quarterly statements of its receipts and expenditures. He shall regwort to the Postmaster-General, when required to do so, the manner an form of keeping and statin the accounts of the De rtment. and the official forms of papers toie used in connection wigiiits receipts and expenditures. He shall report to the Postmaster-General all delinqueucies of postmasters in rendering theiruccounts and returns, or in paying over money—order funds and other receipts at their offices. He shall register. charge, and countersign all warmnts upon the Treasury for receipts or Exyments issued by the Postnmster-General, when warranted by law. 0 shall rform such other duties in relation to the tinancinl concerns of the Igexpmtnient as may be assigned to him by the Secretary of the Treasuryaxnd make to the Secretary or to the Postnmster-Geneml such reports respecting the same as either of them may require. [SM S 270-3 SBC. 278. The Second Auditor shall audit and settle the accounts of Settlementofavline officers of the Armv. to the extent of the pay due them for their €<>¤¤*¤<>fA¤¤}‘0fB- services as such. notwithstanding the inability of any such line officer °°"‘ to account for property intrusted to his possession. or to make his ?9Mm·.,1867,Res. monthly reports or returns, if such Auditor shall be satisfied by the 1***- 22· "· W P- 25- andavit of the officer or otherwise that the inabilitv was caused by the officer"s having been a. prisoner in the hands of the enemy, or by any accident or casualty of war. Srzc. 279. The Second Auditor may detail one clerk to sign. in the Signing bounty place of the Auditor, all certificates and papers issued under any provis- "f['*’§°*}f°S» f¤€'- ions of law relating to bounties; but the Auditor shall be responsible for 19 Mu, 1g6H the official acts of such clerk. 31, s. 4, v. 15, p. 44. Sec. 280. Any moneys paid by a. paymuster in the Army to an enlisted Sett lemeutpf man as an advance bounty shall be allowed in the settlement of the “d‘?‘;’“°b l’°“““f’8 accounts of the paymastar. notwithstanding the dischur e of such enlisted £; ;mm i pa} ` man before serving the time required by law to entitle him to payment of `· g·jgI;;{w6§·; such moneys. 78,s. 6,v.l2, p.';43. Sec. 281. The proper accounting officers are authorized, in the settle- Settlement of ment of the accounts of the puymasters of the Armv, to allow such cred- vverpaymenbs by its for ove yments made in good faith on public account, since the PE‘{?f? ‘;”; fourteenth lll):;' of A ril, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and before 16 Mar.,1868, c. the sixteenth day of giarch, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, as shall 29» V- 15, P- 42- appear to them, by such vouchers and testimony as they sha require, to be 'ust. gut:. 282. In all cases where it has become necessary for any officer Evidenceofhonor enlisted mam of the Armv to file his evidence of honorable discharge g;*bl€d’“gg’t;€°éi° from the military service of the United States, to secure the settlement cérgglurg euugwi of his accounts`, the accounting officer with whom it has been filed shall, mem upon application by said officer or enlisted man, deliver to him such ·—Eu evidence of honorable discharge; but his accounts shall first be duly N0 42?`; 16 l; 37,; scttledmnd the fact, date, and amount of such settlement shall be clearly written across the face of sucbevidence of honorable discharge, and attested by the si uture of the accounting officer before it is de ivered. S1·:c. 283. The Kgnditors charged with the examination of the accounts _ M¤1m¤¤‘¤f kB6P- of the Departments of War and of the Navy, shall keep all accounts of the ‘“€“°°°‘““‘ °f D°‘ , . . . partmeuts of War receipts and expenditures of the Eublic money 1D regard to those De- md the N"! partxnentsqnnd of all debts due to the United States on moneys advanced -3-i——iEG— relativeto those Departments; shall receive from the Second Comptroller 45 as fg v 3 · E: the accounts which shall have been finally adjusted, and shallygeserve 36¥,·_’ ’ ' such accounts. with their vouchers and certificates, and record a requi-