Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/581

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rms xxxrv.-—COLLEC’1`ION or nurms.-cs. 1. 509 Second. In the district of Teche, a collector, who shall reside at Bra- '1`11¤ T¤>11¤· SW"'- 25 Feb. 1873` e. 198, ¤¤- 1, 2, v. 17, pp. 1175, 476. Sm. 2570. The master of every vessel, bound to a port of delivery Vesselsboundw onty, other than the port of Bayou Saint John in the district of New P°'*¤ 01 d°11"°1'>' Or eans, shall first come to at the port of New Orleans with his vessel, :“§t mgkf mm? and there make report and entry, in writing, and pay, or secure to be lg`-- Eid, all legal duties. port-fees, and charges, in manner provided by law, ,32* 1,°b·1218°‘*»°· fore suc vessel shall proceed to her port of delivery; and any vessel, ’ s' ’ v' ’p`253' bound to the {port of Bayou Saint John, may first proceed to that port, and afterwar make re rt and entry at the port of New Orleans, within the time by law limited)? and the master of every vessel, arriving from a foreign port, or having goods on board of which the duties have not been paid or secured, an bound to an port within the district of New Orleans, other than New Orleans or Bayou Saint John, shall take an inspector on board at New Orleans before proceedin to such port. If any master of a vessel shall proceed to such rt of dgivery, contrary to the directions of this section, he shall be liable to a penalty of five hundred dollars. S1·:c. 2571. All vessels bound to the port of Bayou Saint John shall, Vesselsboundto after proceeding thereto, and making report and entry at the port of New gm °1B°*Y°“ Saint Orleans, within the time limited by law. be permitted to unlade their cargges at the town of the Bayou Sa1nt John, or at the basin of the canal 26 511111, 1816, ¤- of ‘ rondelet, adjoining the city of New Orleans, under the rules and 81*'*‘1·"·3#1’·3°2· re lations prescribed by law. Siizc. 2572. All vessels bound to the port of Lakeport shall, after pro- Vessels bcundm eeeding thereto and making report and entry at the port of New Orleans, P°’* °1 1·¤k°P°¤‘*~ within the time limited bv law, be permitted to unlade their cargoes at 2 Aug., 1854, c. that port, under the regulations prescribed by law. 189,¤.1,v.10,p.334. Sec. 2573. All vessels about to depart from the port of Lakeport to _ V¤¤¤¤1¤ departforeign ports shall be rmitted to clear with their car oes at the custom- £‘u$kg"°’Ift‘ P0" °f house, in the city of Igdw Orleans, and depart under the same rules, reg- im, ulations, and restrictions, and in ever 1 respect in the same manner as 2 #1118-, 1854, ¤· vessels clearing for foreign ports from the city of New Orleans by the way sig? ’· 2· V` m1 1’· of the Mississippi River. ' Sec. 2574. Al vessels bound to the port of Pontchartrain shall, after V¢¤¤>1¤1>0¤¤•1t¤ roceeding thereto, and making report and entry at the port of New 1;; °f P°““’h“" Orleans, within the time limited by law, be permitted to unlade their —é—i{——iéé—— Ergoes at the port of Pontchartrain under the regulations prescribed by 76, s_ Tg, ,,,1,,; w. 475, 476. Sec. 2575. All vessels about to depart for foreign rts from the town _ Vessels depart of Ba ou Saint John, or basin of the canal de Carondiilet, or the ort of ,}*8 g,;’mh_£9’t&°f Pontchartrain. shall be permitted to clear with their cargoes at the cus- .‘i'E.;‘..'_;E;E tom-house in the city of New Orleans, and depart under the same regu- 2 MM'-. 1831, c- lations as vessels clearing for foreign places from the city of New Orleans 76· ”· 2* "· 4· 1* *76 by the way of the Mississippi River. Sec. 2576. The collector for the district of New Orleans may, when ?<>11¢¤¤>1'¤*N¤W the public service requires, with the approval of the Secretary of the Ogg? w’;£{,0:1;‘, Treasury, appoint, in addition to the inspectors otherwise authorized by §,¤p,,,,m,,,_ law, tem rary inspectors, not exceeding twentv in number. But this 3E45E section shall not be deemed to authorize the whole number of inspectors N0_15y Q_ 5, pj 801: employed at the rt of New Orleans to he at any time greater than the 28 Sept,, 1850,,1 actual number of)0 vessels from foreign ports, having cargoes to be dis- 79, vs.29, v.9,p.512. charged, then lying in the port. Sec. 2577. The collector of the customs at the port of New Orleans O(E¤11¤¤t¤1‘¤¢N¢W may appoint, with the approbation of the Secretary of the Treasury, three pgiliigzéngiggg head gaugam for the port- 31 Aug., 1852, e. 108, s. 6, v. 10, p. 9s_ SBC. 257 6. There shall be in the State of Texas five collectiomdistricts, Tggtrlcts 111 as follows: —+*——————- First. The district of Galveston; to comprise all the waters and shores lf2s1f- of the State north and east of the counties of Matagorda and Wharton 31 1)%, 1845, c_