Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/582

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510 Trrmu xxxrv.-COLLECTION OF DUTIES.——C1-1. 1. 2, ¤¤- 1, 2, 3, V- 9, as bounded on the third day of March, eighteen hundred and forty-seven· P- 2- 1847 in which Galveston shall be the port of entry, and Sabine, Velasco, and 57?J,{?;j’9, ,,_1’B§Q Houston ports of delivery. 14 July, 1870, c. 269, v. 16, p. 278. __S¤1uri¤. Second. The district of Saluria; to comprise all the waters and shores 8 MM`-, 1847, 9- of the State from and includin the counties of Matagorda and Wharton ggésa L 2» 3·"·9· l’· as bounded on the third day of March, eighteen hundred and forty-seven, 3' Ma,. 1849 c_ to the county of Refugio as bounded on the twenty-eighth day ot July, 122,s.1,v.,9, p. 109. eighteen hundred and forty-seven; in which Indianola shall_be the port 28 July, 1866, c- ofgentry, and Matagorda, Copano, Lavaca, and San Antomo, ports of 328} ¤·3· "· 1*·P· delivery. [8¤¤I|004·l 5.June, 1868, c. 50, v. 15, p. 63. Cufpuu Cllfluti- Third. The district of Corplus Christi; to comprise all the waters and 28 July, 1866, ¢· shores within the counties of neces, Zalpata, Duval, [E'nm}na0¥[Encinal], 2°°{ff·":}4ig,,2°8· Webb, La Salle, McMullen Live Oak, ee, Refugio, and San atricio, as 103 ,,_p]r; ’P_ 53[°' bounded on the twenty-eighth day of J ully, eighteen hundred and sixty- 27 Feb.: 1877, e. six; in which Corpus Christi shall be the port of entry, and Aransas 89, ¤‘- 19,1*- 245- a pprt of delivery. _ Brazos de San- `ourth. The district of Brazos de Santiago; to comprise all_the waters 11880- and shores of the State south of the district of Corpus Christi, in which "E M"` lg; Brownsville shall be the port of entry. 122, s. 1, 2. 9, p.,409. 16 June, 1860, c. 134, ss. 1, 2, 3, v. 12, p. 39. 17 April, 1872, c. 103, v. 17, p. 53. P¤¤¤<1¤lN<>¤·¢- Fifth. The district of Paso del Norte; to comprise the country of El ‘_**‘ ‘·‘ Paso, in Texas, and the Territory of New Mexico as bounded on the 2 Aus-,1854, u- second day of August, eighteen hundred and fifty-four; in which El £gj°“·1*2·"·l°·P· Paso shall be the port of entry. {Sas lm-J 3 Mar., 1855, c. 175, s. 13, v. 10, p. 671. 3 Mar., 1857, c. 107, s. 10, v. 11, p. 221. 3 Mar., 1863, c. 88, s. 1, v. 12, p. 761. 0111<>€1'¤l¤T€><¤¤- Sec. 2579. There shall be, in the collection-districts in the State of Q‘T‘_‘_"—r Texas, the following officers: ’ v°°t°"‘ First. In the district of Galveston, a collector, who shall reside at Gul- 31 Dm, 18,5, c_ veston; a deputy collector, who shall reside at Sabine, and shall exercise 2,ss.1,2,3,v.9,_p.2. such powers as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe in pursu- 3 M"-, 184 , ¢· ance of law; a surveyor, who shall reside at Velasco, and a surveyor §g§·4·"·9· 1*1* l82· who shall reside at Houston. 14 July, 1870, c. 269, v. 16, p. 278. $*111*1*- Second. In the district of Saluria a collector, who shall reside at

  • >‘;"; Indianola, a surveyor who shall reside at Matagorda, [and] a surveyor

5,3¤%";·31?;·;: who shall reside at Lavaca, [and] a surveyor, who shall reside at Copanoisa 2s iii1y, isms, t-. 293, s. s, v. 14, p. sca. 27 1w,., isn, p. ss, ,,. is, p. 245. /%¤;{ Third. In the district of Corpus Christi, a collector, who shall reside 293’¤.2uv>ji4’p· at Corpus (,hr1st1. _ Bums de San- Fourth. In the district of Brazos de Santiago, a collector, who shall l¤*}B<j____ reside at Brownsville; and a deputy collector, who shall reside at Bram! 3 Mn, ,849, c. de Santiago, and shall have the power to enter and clear vessels. 122, s. 1, v. 9, p. 409. 16 June, 1860, c. 134, ss. 1, 2, 3, v. 12, pp. 39, 40. __Y¤¤¤ del N<>¤'*¤- Fifth. In the district of Paso del Norte, a collector, who shall reside at 2 Aug., 1854, c. E1PaS0' 193, s. 2, v. 10, p. 335. 3 Mar., 1863, c. 88, s. 1, v. 12, p. 761. A¢1<ll*10¤¤l lu- Sec. 2580. The Secretary of the Treasur shall a int ins mrs

 of the customs to resi_de at San Antonio, Edgle Passfiiihe Presidiii del

30 Aug., 1852, c. Norte, and San Llizario, or at such other points as he may designate 9*% ¤· 3»V· 10-1*38- not exceeding four in number, upon the routes by which goods entefefl and bonded and withdrawn from warehouse may, in pursuance of law, be exported to Mexico; and such inspectors shall make a re rt semiannually to the Secretary of the Treasury of all the trade theft passes