Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/909

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'IHTLI: L.—VESSELS IN DOMESTIC COMMERCE. 837 Sec. 4328. Whenever it becomes necessary for the owner of any ves- Renewal when sel of the United States navigating the western rivers or the waters on "€’“”‘?l ‘”“"*“°*h°" the northern, northeastern, and northwestern frontiers of the United d.+.;.mtr1°f States otherwise than by sea, and being in a district other than that to 28 Feb-- 1885» C- which such vessel belongs, to procure her enrollment and license, or 69,.;},13*.,P* 44* license, or renewal thereof. the same proceedings may be had in the dis- 106 ,.1;,; ’,}Sgg’ c' trict in which the vessel then is, as are required by law on application i l i i I for such enrollment and license, or license, or renewal thereof, as the case may be, in the district to which such vessel belongs, excepting the giving of bond and the enrollment and issuance of license; and the omcer before whom such proceeding is had shall certify the same to the collector of the district to which such vessel belongs, who shall thereupon, on the owner giving bond as required in other cases, duly enroll the vessel and issue license in the same form as if the ap licatiou had originally been made in his office; and shall either deliver the license to the owner, or forward it by mail to the officer who certified to him the preliminary proceedings: and in the latter case, such officer shall deliver the license to the owner or master of the vessel. Sec. 4329. Vllhenever it appears, by satisfactory proof, to the Secre- Renewal upon tary of the Treasury that any vessel has been sold and transferred by ****19 Of V<*¤¤¤l· process of law. and that the certificate of enrollment or license of such 2 in,",, 1191 c_ vessel is retained by the former owner, the Secretary may direct the 7, v. 1, p. 498. i collector of the district to which such vessel belongs to grant a new certificate of enrollment or license, on the owner’s, under such sale, complying with such terms and conditions as are by law re uired for granting of such papers, excepting only the deliverin up of the former certificate of enrollment or license. But nothing in this section shall be construed to remove the liability of any person to any penalty for not surrendering up the papers belonging to any vessel, on a transfer or sale of the same. Sec. -1330. No license, or enrollment and license, nor renewal of either, Om, as to Pay- shall hereafter be issued to any vessel until the collector to whom appli- ment for repairs. cation is made for the same is satisfied, from the oath of the owner or master, that all equi ments and repairs, made in a foreign port within 201, ¤.23,’v,14,’p, the year immediately preceeding such application, have been dul 184- accounted for, and the uties accruing thereon duly paid; and if such owner or master shall refuse to take such oath, or take it falsely, the vessel shall be seized and forfeited. {See ss 8114, 8115-1 Sec. 4331. Before any vessel, of the burden of five tons, and less than Measurement of twenty tons, shall be licensed, the same measurement shall be made of vessels less than such vessel, and the same provisions observed relative thereto, as are §fjYY_“fS;__A__ to be observed in case of measuring vessels to be registered or enrolled; 18 Feb., 1793, c. but in all cases, where such vessel or any other licensed vessel shall have 8: S-26. 1‘· 1. p- 315- becn once measured, it shall not be necessary to measure such vessel 836sLg“{_·g64¤6g· anew, for the purpose of obtaining another enrollment or license, unless ’’’p' ' such vessel shall have undergone some alteration as to her burden, subsequent to the time of hcr former license. [See ss 4148-41%] Sec. 4332. In every case where the collector is by this Title directed Signaturesco ento grant any enrollment, license, certificate, permit, or other document, wumentv license, the naval officer residing at the port, if there be one, shall sign the same; __ and every surveyor who certifies a manifest, or grants any permit, or 18 ljeb., 1793, e. who receives any certified manifest, or any permit, as is provided for in 8»¤· 2011* 1,1*815- this Titie, shall make return thereof monthly, or sooner, if it can conveniently be made, to the collector of· the district where such surveyor resides. Src. 4333. The collector of each district shall progressively number Record of lithe licenses b · him granted, beginning anew at the commencement of @59; each year, and) shall make a record thereof in a book, to be by him kept [bid_,g_1,p_3()8_ for that pur se, and shall, once in three months, transmit to the Register of the qlreasury copies of the licenses which shall have been so granted by him; and also of such licenses as shall have been given up or returned to him, respectively, in pursuance of this Title. Vl henever any vessel is licensed or enrolled anew, or being licensed or enrolled is