Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/910

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838 '1‘rrLm L.-VESSELS IN DOMESTIC COMMERCE. afterward registered, or being registered is afterward enrolled or licensed, she shall, in every such ease, be enrolled, licensed, or registered by her former name. Name and rt Sec. 4334. Every licensed vessel shall have her name, and the port

  • 0 W P¤i¤*·¤dp(:>¤ to which she belon , painted on her stern, in the manner prescribed

mm ° "°°°l for registered vessel? and if any licensed vessel be found without such Ibid.,¤.11,p.309. paipting, the owner thereof s all be liable to a penalty of twenty 0 ars. [8••H1¤8·1 Change of mas~ Sec. 4335. Whenever the master of any licensed vessel, ferry-boats ter. excepted, is chan ed, the new master, or, in case of his absence, the Ibid_, s_ 1g_ owner or one of tge owners thereof, shall report such change to the collector residing at the port where the same happens, if there be one; otherwise, to the collector residing at any port where such vessel next arrives, who, upon the oath of such new master, or, in case of his absence, of the owner, that such master is a citizen of the United States, and that such vessel shall not, while such license continues in force, be employed in any manner whereby the revenue of the United States may be defrauded, shall indorse such change on the license, with the name of the new master. Whenever such chan e is not reported, and indorsed, as herein required, such vessel, if fours] carrying on the coasting·trade or fisheries, shall be subject to pay the same fees and tonnage as a vessel pf the United Stat? havgnigaa register, and the new master shall be iable to a ena tv o ten o rs. Inspection. Sec. 433li. Any officer concerned in the collection of the revenue may

 at all times inspect the enrollment or license of any vessel; and if the

"` master of anly such vessel shall not exhibit the same, when required by such ofiieer, e shall be liable to a penalty of one hundred dollars. Penalty for un- Sec. 4337. If any vessel, enrolled or licensed, shall proceed on a for- !*"*“HY P';°°°9d‘ eign voyage, without first giving up her enrollment and license to the Q,'g,·;°°“ °’°'g“ co lector of the district comprehending the port from which she is about -—-4--—— to proceed on such voyage, and being duly registered by such collector Ibid..¤.8.p.308. every such vessel, together with her tack e, ap rel, and furniture, and Tb . _ the merchandise so imported therein, shall bellilable to seizure and foreSloo Acme, . 7 CL, ]£; Taber folI•\1I'0. v. U. S., 1 Story, 1; U. S. v. Schooner Hawk, Bee 34; Sloo Julia, 1 Gallis., 43; Friendship and Cargo, 1 Gallia., 45; Lark and Cargo, 1 Gallis , 55; Three Brothers, 1 Gallis., 142. C¤rti6<>¤¤> {01* Sec. 4338. If the port from which any vessel, so enrolled or licensed K°“*:l,0l;_E’?°*§l;"$ is about to proceed on a foreign voyage., is not within the district where ag; gn y such vessel is enrolled, the co lector of such district shall give to the -—;?————— master of such vessel a certificate, specifying that the enrollment and I ‘ · license of such vessel has been received by him, and the time when it was so received; which certificate shall afterward be delivered by the {naster to the collector who may have granted such enrollment and icense. Papers for ves- Sec. 4339. All vessels which may clear with registers for the purpose ¤¤\¤ rn Wh¤1¤·6¤h- of engaging in the whale fishery shall be deemed to have lawful and ?`X;________ sufficientdpapers for such voyages, securing the privileges and rights of 4 April, 1840, c. registere vessels and the privileges and exemptions of vessels enrolled 6·¤·1·V-5• P- 370- and licensed for the fisheries. Enrollrnents at Sec. 4340. The assistant collector at Jerse City may enroll and license J¤¤‘¤¤Y City- vessels engaged in the coasting—trade andvtisheries, owned in whole or 5525 psp_ 18gé,, iq plart ljy residents of the counties of Hudson and Bergen, in the State ,v.1 ,p. . o ew ersey. Enrollments at Sec. 4341. The assistant collector for the port of Camden, in New Jer— Camden. sey, may enroll and license all vessels engaged in the coasting-trade and 28 Fcb_’1867' c_ iis ·GI'10S, owned_ in whole or in part by residents of that portion of the Hg, s. 2, v. 14, p. gpdgetpnudisgépttg Igirig nolrth of AlIoway’s Creek, in the county of · em, in e o ew erse . Enrollments at Sso. 4342. The owners of vesslels residin on New River, in Onslow W*l¤¤¤8*°¤» N·C· County, in the State of North Carolina, shallamve the privilege of taking 3 Mar., 1849, c. out registers or enrollments and licenses at Wilmington, in that State, 122,¤.7.v-9,p-410- and the collector of that district may grant the same on the conditions required by law.