Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/935

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Tm.; m.-anoumrios or srnsnvnssnns.-cu. 1. 863 the original shall be delivered to the collector or other chief officer of the customs of the district. They shall also keep a like record of certificates authorizing gunpowder to be carried as freight by any steamer carrying passengers, and of all licenses granted to masters, mates, pilots, and engineers, and of all refusals of the same, of all suspensions and revocations of license, of all refusals, suspensions, or revocationsof which they shall receive notices from other districts; and shall report to the supervising inspector of their respective districts, in writing, their decisions incases of refusal of licenses or of the suspension or revocation thereof, and all testimony received by them in such proceedings. They shall also report promptly to such supervising inspector all violations of the steamboataws that come to t cir knowledge. They shall also keep an accurate account of every steamer boarded by them during the year, and of all their official acts and doings, which, in the form of a report, they shall communicate to the supervising inspector of the district, at such times as the board of supervising inspectors. by their established rules, shall irect. Sec. 4458. Before issuing any license to any steamer, the collector or Fees. other chief omcer of the customs for the port or district, shall demand and receive from the owners thereof, as a compensation for the inspec· 457. tions and examination made for the year, the following sums, in addition to the fees for issuing enrollments and licenses now allowed by law, according to the tonnage of the vessel: For each steam-vessel of one hundred tons or under, twenty-five dollars; and in addition thereto, for each and every ton in excess of one hundred tons, five cents. Each master, chief engineer, and iirst-class pilot, licensed as herein provided, shall pay for every certificate, granted y any inspector or inspectors, the sum of ten dollars; and every chief mate, engineer, and pilot of an inferior grade shall , for every certificate so granted, the sum of five dollars. Such fees shlill be paid over to the chief officer of the customs in such manner and under such regulations as shall be prescribed by the Secretar of the Treasury. gmc. 4459. Every supervising and local inspector of steamboats shall B¤¤d¤¤fi¤¤p¤¢f- execute a proper bond, to be approved by the Secretary of the Treas- °"· ury, in such form and upon such conditions as the Secretary may pre- Ibid., n. 67, p. scribe, for the faithful performance of. the duties of his office, and the 458· payment in the manner provided by law of all moneys that may be received by him. Sec. 4460. The Secretary of the Treasurv shall procure for the sev- IP¤**¤m<=¤_*¤» eral supervising inspectors and local boards of inspectors such instru- muwqiorpmj ments, stationeryhiprinting, and other things necessary for the use of b,-,,{,d,,_ ’ their respective offices as may be required therefor. Ibid', B. 65. Sec. 4461. The salaries of the supervising inspector-general, of all _Payment ofsalasupervisin ins ctors, local inspectors, assistant inspectors, and clerks, ms wd °XP°¤¤¤'~ provided for dy this Title, together with their traveling and other Ibid. expenses when on official duty, and all instruments, books, blanks, stationery, furniture, and other things necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Title, shall be dpaid for, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, out of e revenues received into the Treasury from the inspection of steam—vessels, and the licensing of the officers of such vessels, which revenues, or so much of them as may be necessary for these purposes, shall be permanently appropriated therefor. Sec. 4462. The Secretary of the Treasury shall make such regulations Rezuhtionswbe as may be necessary to secure the proper execution of this Title. :}“3;l2,¥r§:·fl’I:;"fY Ibid., s. 65.