Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/936

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864 Trrnn ur.-REGULATION OF STEAM-VESSELS.—Ch. 2. C H A P T E R T W O . TRANSPORTATION OF PASSRNGER8 AND HEROHANDIBE. Sec. . Sec. 4463. Officers and cnew of passenger- l 4484. Stairways and gangways on riversteamers. steamers c _ in passe is 4464. Number of passengers allowable. main deck."`, g nge on 4465. Penaltyimforf carrying too great a , 4485. Accommodation of deck-passengers. num ro passengers. 4486. Pen lt f n t ·' l' . gg?. ipecigl permit for excursions. { cdmmddatihnhrmllphggehgzlssr ac . 'sto passengers. 4487. Riv. —st no tz bea h d ·h 4468. Penalty for failure to keep passen- · nhxvigsfilonig uhsafelw Om “ an ger- ist. 4488. L'f be ts, & ., ocean lak , d 4469. Recovery of penalties. isb-und steafnesslr 7 8 an 4470. Precautions against fire. l 4489. Penalty for failure to provide life- 4471. Fire·pumps and hose. l boats, &c. 4472. Dangerous articles not to be carried l 4490. Water·tight bulk-heads, in lakeon passenger-steamers.steamers carrying passengers. 4473. Pep:.rltyrfpl;lp]r:awfully· carrying cot- 4491. Uspfof instruments for security of . ne. 4474. License for use of petroleum in the 4492. Barges ca ing passengers. production of motive- w . , 4493. L' b'lit nfy te a d r fr

 glodelpf paclging dpngprgds aiirticles. i udahlaygsmlgdsmbgsm. (mmm O

. unis ment or un aw u s' 4494. Tth' `tl t be k t dangerous articles. y lppingvhliigagellspgssenlgger-stgarrler. ep 4477. Watchmen on passenger-steamers. * 4495. Name of steamer to be exhibited.

 geualtytfor faillmetokeepwatehmen. 1   gutzels 0; customs ottigexés.

. ire-ex mguis ers. . t iss' t 4480. Wire tiller-ropes, bell-pulls, &c., for T etlomgoihcgilx mn 0 u Y by cu,. passenger-steamers. A 4498. Registry enrollment, &c., denied to

 Ildgats for river-stpamers. _ · vessels not complying with the

· . i e-preservers orstea l ·. _ carrying passengerslwer- mem j 4499. Perialty for failure to comply. 4483. Fire-buckets, axes, &c., for river— 4500. Penalty in cases not provided for. steamers carrying passengers. Offiverrandcrew 81:0.4463. No steamer carrying passengers shall de rt from anv §ém£;;f‘°”€°" unless she shall have in her service a full complemgdt of licensed -72GGa officcrs and full crew, sufficient at all times to manage the vessel, includ- 100 S·<§4·»v· {6, ing the prtépennumber of watchman. But if any such vessel, on her mj ’ * ‘ voyage, is epr1ved of the services of any licensed officer, without the consent, fault, or collusion of the master, owner, or any person interested m the vessel, the deficiency may be temporarily supplied. until N be others licensed can be obtained. 'um r of Sec. 4464. The inspectors shall state in ever · certiticat ft° I r _ . . y e o inspec ion

 granted to steamers carrying passengers, other than ferry-boats, the

Ib1d.,s.48,p.454. guznberfof passlengers of eachbclassghat auydsuch steamer has accommoa 1ons or an can carry wit pru ence an safetn Penwy for Sec. 4468. It shall not be lawful to take on bohrd of any steamer a

 gfgfémf greater number ot passengers than is stated in the certificate of ins c-

gcm tion; and for every violation of this provision the master or owner slhiall ——E§l·————— be liable, tiaéxenylpelpson guing fir the same, to forfeit the amount of passage- ‘_ money an n dollars or eac passenger beyond the number allowed. foggginlgllsioigemt Sec. 4466. If any passenger-steamer engages in excursions, the inspect- _; ors shall issue to suc steamer a special permit, in writing, for the occa- Ibid. sion, in which shall be stated the additional number of passengers that may be carried, and the number and kind of life-saving appliances that shall be provided for the safety of such additional passengers; and ther shall also, in their discretion, limit the route and distance for such excursnons. Lists of pamem Sec. 4467. The master of eve sen er-steamer hall k 0 · U15_; rect list of all the passengers redcyiggd and delivered from dsyzptgdgayl, glndéébs. ::,7 0 pgting thejplaces w ere received and where landed, whi·ch record shall 69, v` 19;}). 252r · [opene [open] to the mspectnon of the inspectors and officers of tht pustomlsgt all times; and the aggregate number of passengers shall be _urn1s e to inspectors as often as called for; but on routes not exceedmgjgggthundred miles. the number of passengers, if kept, shall M