Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/942

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870 Trru: 1.m.—MERCHANT SEAMEN.——Ch. 1. T I T L E L I I I. MEROIIAN'I` SE AMEN. CHAPTER ONE. SHIPPING-COHHISSIONERB. 4501. Appointment of shipping-comxnis— l 4504. Penalty_ for unlawfully acting as B1011C1S. 5 . 4502. Bond and oath of commisioners. ‘ 4505. (7l(<ii·l;“df Zliillirlissioner. 4503. When officers of the customs shall 4506. Seal of commimioner. act as commissioners. · 4607. Office of commissioner. , 4508. Duties of commissioner. Am,,,;,,,,,,,,,,, of Sec. 4501. The several circuit courts within the jurisdiction of which shipping-commis there is a port of entry which is also a port of ocean navigation, shall ¤¤0¤¤¤- _ ___ appoint ahcommxssioner for each such port which in their judgment may — J I 1872, _ require the same such commissioners to be termed shi in -commis· 32l, sill v. 17, siouers· and may,Irom time to time, remove from office anylliongniissioner 265- J un whom the court may have reason to believe does not properly perform his 260 p_'6j_ "‘ duties, and shall then provide for the proper performance of his duties y-§r-T until another person is dujiy appointed in his place. Such courts shall C0:“::iS8i:)Pl{’;‘;€ regulate the mode of con uoting business in the shpnping-offices to be PON of New york, established by the shipping-commissioners as hereina ter provided; and 13 Blatclm,339. shall have full and complete control over the same, subject to the pro— visgons herein contained. B0 d , d th mc. 4502. Every shipping-commissioner so a inted shall iv loud of collimisliionlgl. to the United States, conditioned for the faithlfhl) performanlbe bflthe ""’_"‘7 June, 18,,2, c_ duties of his office, for a sum in the_discretion of the circuit judge, of

22_,,_ 2, 3, v_ 17, not less than five thousand dollars, with two good and sufficient surcties

p. 262. therefor, to be approved by such judge; and shall take and subscribe the following oath before entering upon the duties of his office: " 1 do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and that 1 will truly and faithfully discharge theddutiis (if a fshiyépintg-corl§1mljssj<iner to the best of my ability, and accor ing o aw. uc oat s a ze indorsed n th i··- txficate of appointment, and signed by him., arlll cel3·tifi)gdmblv8lll1leli>Ifll:¢lid1· before whom such oath shall have been taken. I thiv·h¤;§mm- sj b Sec. 450}%. In any port in which no shipping-commissioner- shall have m_:>aL=¤;•;)muI:lejs:i0¤:l- een appointed, the whole or any part of the business of a shippmg- Us- commissioner shall be conducted by the collector or deputy collector of TEE.;... customs of such port; and Ill respect of such business such custom·houSe ‘ -»°· »P·263· shall be deemed a shipping·o(·lice, and the collector or de uty collector of custpzns to whom sinch business shall be committed, shall, for all pur'- poses, eem a s 1pping·commissioner within the meaning of this Title. lapgmxcggug wlS)m;>L3<;1érgny persajp cthés; thank a comnijlssioéiei- upder thas Titje, .. _ rmoraemp ope orm eiter ir t' t

_ the duties which are by this Title set forth as pertairlilznglltbrifldhipljgngl

jgiggnsg. {agp?. c gomm1ss1<¥]ier£_shall be liable to a penalty of not more than five hundred 35 V U -» 410, - dollars. ot mg in this Title, however, shall prevent the owner, or ’ ‘ *P‘ ‘ consjgnee, or master of any vessel except vessels bound from a port in the mted States to an foreign port, other than vessels engaged in trade between the United, States and the British North American possessions, or the West India Islands, or the republic of Mexico, and vessels of the burden of seventy-five tons or upward bound from a port on