Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/158

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mmcx. 153

 Page. Pago.

Aascuamen $ CODtlHU€d. Attachment of Propcr ly-Ccntinnucd. of property in Washiuglou and Gcorgw in suits by,pub1icut.ioumny bcsuhntitntcd town, rule for . . 140 10 for personal service, when .. 787 98 for miscellaneous purposes, limited 142 16 cortiin Frofmrty oxcmpt from . 797 94 of cemeteries, when .. . . . . 148 l 7 marsbu s co for sorvica of ... .911 107 tbr spccinl impwvemeuts, how made. .. 151 17 A¢torncy Gc••cral, for imprggsments around the Capitol, bin; to cause transfer of prisoners when {3115% m c . . 5 teutiar erected . . . of water-tax in Washington .. 199203 28 to allow dc§uctions from scutencc of of fim-plug tax .- ... 204-208 28, 24 prisoners for good conduct when, of water-tax in Georgetown. .. 209-213 24 llhl, 129, 180 of tax for lighting smaoblnmgs, may be to pay ton dollars to each prisoner legally made by Secretary of t 0 Interior, discharged from pumtc¤tia.ry.. .1143 180 when . . .. . . .. . . 234 27 Attorney of the District, of land-damages 0u account 0%%}- to pupseenigztadungtiond oxrnatinumormeg . . 33 3 un er gone w, w cn, of damages caused by laying out roads, @32 64 &c., (seo Highways) . .. 257-267 29, 80 to attend what prosecutions before pohco of damages for land taken by railroad court . .. . ...-1071 Isa company, (scc Bailroad•)..655 658 78, 79 bow paid for such services .. ...1071 128 0f tax to rc-imburse United States for com Attornry of fha Qnited Statul struction of new jail ... 1097 126 ucéditicnglélrwcs gang be lm¥;Jl0(é 0¤ . 7 Assets, i 0 co an u ieso , ow con nu J 0 of estate of decedent-, to be delivered to I to prosecute suits for obstructing curtain

 ugw administrator ..   976 114     strooa, &<;é.-.b..wé&.&.   26

ui men o Errors msecu su as n u e wma mué, in cétain cases of removal to detective whqn .. . . 428 50 United States Supreme Court.. .848 100 to prueccqto uiucatmnal coqpontious or- Aasi mmls, gsmzcd under genera law, wbou, ofgartuershi property, in contemplation 532 64 of ban£ruptcy, dw., void .. .510 61 to Elo mpgs-nntonogstcdu for taking dg; Mqrgy qybcm W, ,,,6 m,, nf i f..,. .,f??§£ F;,K}l:?;:. t::::::;:::: ::::897 {3%

       glé lag   to attend sitetiugsgaf cgrgirigl ccgrt  232  

Auiotant Attorney of the District, Q ¤PP°¤¤t¤9Q » 0% » ¤¤ “W5 ----··

  *   ~  ¤   ¤;};;: ,   T¥.H2$ 2€§ ¥.2 §IL?m 31e ‘‘‘‘ i   e.;;.???  

court I u g, an 3,35; how aid for such service ---- -----.1071 128 P Y ·············· ······ . · M x mos I - c.. 106 Acmtant gttornay of the Umtod States,  ; P • E may admiuiste& 0a;:hs, whgu .. % {36 PW my los s U n ow ai 6 lo', €gT€;g;cg;uin prue£uti0¤s before } ‘‘‘‘‘' m 1 6

   ____ gg lm m n 1  .. . ... 0

f g- ' ''` uy;) {gg to attend in certain prcnecutmns before

       ····     ····       police court .. 1069 na
   @f   F   g   fees for such attendance ...  1070 123

appointment and term of chico of .. .. .750 D0 Attorney,

W         ·····•··     taxable; fao to, in suits at common lnw.903 106

Anociationa, Attornmmt,

 V un cr u nw soo tr ,   ou consent 0 un or
¥$,,1§,2,,,:,,., G,.,?;}) . mlm ea-sn 5     iii???.]? ... .. .. mi as

Aanompeit, . Asctimwars of Watcher and Jewelry, no person shall be hold to bail in 80t10D %§ l qupgyvigigugg 5L .:94-4(5 |,7, Q nalty o r in ng vu po mo.. 8 Attached Property, Axim of Cinort, how may be digqbgrged. .. ...· 784 93 adjustment by, of accounts of clerk of Attachment, (soo Contenph,) supreme court .. . . . .925 108 committees of rofemnao of boards of msdn Avgnugg,

¤Y  P°l ¤W0¤d W      repair and improvement of  . . 77, 78 8

by ____ _,,,,,,,,,, . 616 78 [ gym; $4) be gqmjpigd fg); private pglrpmgmg, court may ouforoc order to gunrdim by ] 2312 95, 90 what process.; .. 6... --%;-944 lll mmiugg ae pgking . $25 S6 d li f decedent.; esta may ¤¤ im mv m S regu u. nuns or

  2;rgod by, when  .. .--- 1- ·Ré9g6 1]-4   protection of . ... . .. 226430 26

U s f th may compo ¤ ¤ A

  zn?:0 0;wg€:?ses by ----·-- W05 IIB   of rogoreapcz eif boards fg  

Attaoh t P, IH 0, ICO lll E B0 0 2 3 for 12;:, tg issgzgandavit, when ..679 Sl, SD my W ¤¤¤d¤ ¤ ¤N¤ Q ° on n s v returned non out against appcll i % j“d8:$ d 614 78

  $ r ss .. . ..

write 5T?r?;5::2 ¥;:S•g$?.¥???. -.782 98 a nubmigsiombond not required to be Glen} when writ nf; shag be qunshed ..-.783 98 | with ... .. -- ·---  ; property seized b , how discharged-. ..784 08 notncc of Hhng to glV0l1:i..£é..i. mgybgmld bgfgm mul judgment, when, of spgrauoro assocsing mn 1:0 a 735 93 amagu, how made ... 655 7 , . . 9 m cages of, where defendant 18 fo¤Dd l13b1Q; c P ·········· ® ° what judgment. .. .. 760 08 rvvww 0*3 by <=¤¤¤· ---·-· · ·-·-·-··- 8 7