Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/845

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838 mnmx mo PUBL10 m1mAm1ms. mmm. of 1mm-continued. Pm Duration of T¤¤¤*i¢»—C¤¤*i¤¤¤d· Pm Hayti,1864, .. .- .. . ... 412 New Granada, 1846, 1850 - ·----· - ----- 559, 560 Mexico, 1831, (ue revived by treaty of Sqn Ss1ved0p,1850- .---· - - ; - ---- ; · - - I - 675 1848{ __ ___ __ _________ __ _ _ 476, 499 C131mg commission to terminate in mx vom", 8 1360 ____ _ _______________ 797 mouths from date of organization- Terminnble on twelve months' notice after PGY5i 1863 ··---· · --·~----····--· · ·-·-· 628 ten yemrs- In tw VB m011th!-- Austm, was, 1870, 1871 . 21, 28, 35 Ecuador, 1862 .. . ----------··- - - - - 196 Belgium, 1845, 1858, 1868 . 48, 52, 62, G` New Gmueds, 1857 .. . . . . .. 564 Bolivia, 158 . . . .. . . . . 68 VOIIOZUQI8, 1866 -·--· · ---·-·---·- - ·--·- 806 Denmark, 1826, 1861 . . . .. 167, 175 In eighteen months- France, 1853 ,,,_,, , ,,,,,,,_.,, .. ,, 219 Mexico, 1839 .. . . . 487 Great Britain, 1854, 1862, 1863, 1870 Duties, (Se; Agrceguirita ; , a e · cnmma ng u ws · Hawaiian Islnds,1849 ... 406 Pera<ma1 Progeny; Beal Estate,) , Im , 1868, 1869 . 432,438 Americans to pay the usual- Netgerlnudn, 1839 .. . -. 542 Axiers, 17% .. . · . . 1 Orange Free State, 1871. . . . ... 580 Tar' og on imports and exports- Pamguny, 1859 . .. . . . . 594 China, 1844, 1858 . . . . . . .. 124, 138 Persia, 1856 . . 599 Japan, 1858 ..7 . . . .. .. 457 Peru, 1851,égW . . . . . . 612, gi Siem, 1856 a. ... 700 Sardinia, 1 .. . . .. .. Sweden and Norway, 1% . 736 E. Swiss Confederation, 1850. . -.. 748 Ecuador, Two Sicilian, 1845, 1855 .. 772, 778 Treaty. of peace, friendship, Terminable cn two years' notice utter ten nnvigagoll {III!} c0¤|k years- meme, unc 8 889 -1 5 Great Britain, 1871, (Articles XVIII to 1. Peace and ikiendship -. t-.. . . 187 XXV and Article XXX) .. .. . .364-366 2. Favors granted to other nations to be- Terminable onnotice given twelve mouths come common . ... , , , . ..,, 187 prior to the expiration of each tenth 3. greeczpm of egmmeree navigation lg year- one in ra e reserv it' . . . 1 Ecuador, 1872 . . . . 199 Prlvileggs to vessels built catlggzya- Termiuable in ten years eu six monthd quil . ... . . . . , ..,.. 188 pmvious notice, and after that time 4. Importatiens in vessels of either party 188 on twelve months’ notice- Equality of duties . . . . . . 188 $mai%0 - .. . ... . . § Iéxpettatiens in vesgelséf eiger pusy 188 BD. ·--- - ---··---·-- ---· ---·-- n es u a to n . 188 ggeria, . . . . . . . . 5. Eggadcggfn vessel; :151lt shall Eeucouzl¤¤1. ·----- - ---------···--·-· si er -.. .. . . 188 Denmark, 1872 . . ... . . 176 6. Duti n rod cts . f ' Ecvedvr. 1872 ·----- .--- . . 197 ee;:;;- isa Hem. Grand Duchy cf, 1868 .. 423 Probibitions to be gmmi . ..,,,, 188 Mexico, 1868 .. 512 7. Management of business, &,e . 188 M°!°°°° 1865 -·-- - ·-----··-·- - -····-- 525 8. N0 embargo without indemnification. 189 North German Union, 1868 . . .. 575 9. Asylum to vessels seeking refuge 189 Sweden and Norway, 1669 .. . .. 744 10. Captures by pirates to be restored . 189 Wiirt¤¤mbcrg,1B68 . .. - . L . 811 11. Assistance m case of shipwreck I- 189 Termiueble in ten years on one years’ 12. Disposal and inheritance of personal prgvigug noting, gudghqrthettiing prgpgrty ______ _____ ____ ________ _ 189 on twelve monthd notice- Succession to personal estates ... 189 German Empire, 1871 . .. . . 255 Duties same an payable by natives. . . 189 Grepw. 1837 ------ - ---···--·----·----· 373 RM1 www. tim ¤11<>w¤d heirs for dis- Terminebie on twelve mcuthe’ notice after pose] of .. . ... . ... 189 we ve years- u n rec an Brunswick and Liineburg, 1854 93 13- ff. Ti??, 1 P, u d 190 u.¤m;,1e40, 1846 .. asv, sm Access to fuaieau tri\;nnn1e:::.:: ```' wo ummm 1zep¤1»1m,1a2v,1ws,1sm..i6é4egh 14. gem?-ity 0: eeneeienee Z ..fZZZ 190 n · 198 fb -81 . u.. g£:;1£cx}§é847 .. . ... .. . . m 15. ifegmggkrnglelln time of wer. ... .

 , .. . . ,  .- . . ree 1 ____   _____

Swgns Confederation, 1847 -..-.-... 747 Ncutreliltg gwgdxlmus Termmeble on twelve months' notice after Applicability of stipulations i l - · - • 190 twelve years, relating to com- 16. Neutral property on enemy’s -eee0e11a-. 191 merce and navigation- 17. Ccntraband articles s ified I- 191 B=eq¤.18¤¤ -.--...--.----- . ..-.--.-.-. 89 18. cum ¤··=¤·¤·¤¤¤·» r»°¤'¥°3r··»ZZI`I"` 191 glgggh g?3 ... . . .. .. 104, 112 Blockededeiiued ... ..-1 191

 h      ..  187 19. Continuation of eoutnbmd articles.. . 191

¤¤¤¤¤¤ _=¤, 64 --------·--- -----· 378 20. B1¤¤k~1¤<1 ‘

 ports, regulations at .. 191

$:1L:$;:1 .. . .. . ... $2 Regulation of visits at sea. .. 192 1 ""•'•··¤-•••·¤¤••••·•' Termizamon twelve m0nthe’ notice after l vezigseiiortliggxtreelsbad with passport. 192 _ ¤ wm- za vm1s under wilt? '"£“L&'i>L `'``

  ;  566 amined y no cx- W

Termi::T:§u;we1ve months' notice after 24. Prize eeuses, eejetiieetilen-et 2;:::11: 193 25. Letters of marque not to be accepted. 193