Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/228

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{gg FomJY.*rHI1·:D CONGRESS. Sess. L Ch. 406, 407, 408, 409. 1874, To su bstitute without prejudice to existing rights, and to substitute therefor the F*°”E°8°°. °“lh°’· mortgage or mortgages hereby authorized, which substituted mm;. “°d Y ms “°°‘ gages shall expressly reserve all rights which may have been aequi;-gd Limit heretofore under the existing mortgage: Provided, That the aggregate of the said

        • 6 ¤°* *° *’° 6* bonds to be issued under andsecured by said mortgage or mortgages

°°°d°d‘ shall not exceed the limit heretofore iixed by Congress; and said mort. What new mm- gnges for the division east of Fort Worth shall embrace the roads and 8¤8°¤¤b¤**°¤*b“*°°· property of the Southern Pacitlc Railroad Company and of the Southern Trans-continental Railway Company, heretofore merged in and con~ solidated with the said Texas und Pacific Railway Company, under the authority and requirements'ot' the laws of the State of Texas; and which roads so merged as aforesaid shall for that and all other purposes Co ns ol i d at ed be deemed and taken to be a part of the said Texas and Pacific Rail- ¤>¤<l¤» Mw t 0 b *> way,'and shall hereafter besubjeet to all the provisions and limitations d°°'“°‘1‘ ef' the act of Congress incorporating said company and ot'· the supplements thereto: And provided further, That nothing in this act shall be N, ,1,],,,, 0, fm, construed or have the effect to entitle said corporation to any other or nm rights granted. further rights to public lands, or in any other respect as against the United States, than such as by law it is now entitled to. Approved, June 22, 1874. June 22, 1874. CHAP. 407.-An act to change the name of the brig Sidi to Sea Waif. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Ameriqan register States of America. in Congress assembled, That there be granted to the W Mic Sidi- brig Sidi, lately wrecked at the mouth of the Columbia river, Oregon, Name changed to and now owned by an American citizen, an American register by the Sw Wm? name of Sea. Weif, and that the proper maritime papers be granted by the Secretary of the Treasury. Approved, June 22, 1874. · JUN 22»1874· CHAP. 408.-An act to authorize the issue of an American register to the ship "A1ha.mbra..” . Be it enacted by tim Senate and House of Representatives of the United A¤3<·>ri<=¤¤ r¤%i¤¢<;}‘ State; of America. in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- "°“]“P A“‘“‘” ’“· · ury is hereby authorized and directed to issue an American register to the British ship “Alha.mbra.," built in Boston, State of Massachusetts, in , eighteen hundred and fifty-nine. Approved, June 22, 1874. ' June 22, 1874. CHA?. 409.-An act relinquishing the rights of the United States in certain lands in ""__"""‘* the State of Michigan. Be it cmwtcd by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Rights or United States of America, m Congress assembled, That all rights and title of the Fam: .*° S°°!"”*i¤ Uniwd _States to the middle ground or island in the Saginaw River, R?;;, ;Q,iu§$ lying within the prescribed limits of fractional section live, in township 3,, riparian ,,wm,,,_ thirteen north, of range five east, and sections twenty-nine and thirty- two, in township fourteen north, of range five east, in the State of Michigan, are hereby relinquished to the riparian owners respectively of the lands on the shores of said river in front of or opposite to said island, Saving clause. saving and reserving to all persons or parties other than the United Pmvise. States any legal rights acquired therein: Provided, That this act shall not be construed or held to imply a claim of title on the part of the United States to said middle ground, but only as a relinquishment of any apparent right therein to the persons respectively to whom the lend on said shores were patented, their heirs and assigns :.Provided _ Contain right¤¤¤t,f1prthe·r, That nothing contained in this act shall be construed to affect °“°°*°d· in any manner therights of Stephen Marston, one of the proprietors and occupants of said middle ground. Approved, June 22, 1874.