Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/227

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FOBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 404,405,4%. 1874. 197 navigation of said river ant. allow the easy passage of vessels through said bridge. A $1:0.2. That the right to alter or amend this act so as to prevent or Right to amend remove all material obstructions to thenavigatiou of said river by the wi *¤¤°¤"¤d- construction of said bridge is hereby expressly reserved, and any change needful to that end shall be made at the expense of the counties in which such bridge shall be erected. Approved, June 22, 1874. ‘ CHAP. 40§.—An act to authorize the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi June 22, 1874. River at or ucar the city of La Cresse,iu the State of Wisconsin. """"*—" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Itepresentatiees of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Milwaukee and Saint Bridge across the Paul Railway Company may construct and maintain a bridge across M’““‘“°‘Pi“ Rl"' the Mississippi River at a point heretofore selected by said company Ilyxiffffgufgg between the county of La Crosse, in the State of Wisconsin, and the sam Pauimilmm county of Houston, in the State of Minnesota: Provided, That the Sec- 0e¤¤1>=¤¤y- retary of War shall convene a board of engineer officers, whose duty it Sccrmry of War shall be to ascertain and report whether a bridge at the location ‘° ‘E°”"°”°£°°·”d °f selected by said company can be constructed and maintained without §Q§,Q;’§Q °:,,,°§", 3 material interference with the security and convenience of navigation port, &c. of said river at that point, and shall also ascertain and report what accessory works it will be necessary to construct and maintain to secure the best practicable straight channel-way for navigation of said river at and near that point; the board shall further determine the nec- Power of board. essary height of said bridge, the location of its piers, and make such recommendations for the security and convenience of navigation as may be deemed essential and proper; and that upon the approval of the re- mlL§Q“ Qf"’Z‘;1lQ’¥ port and recommendations of the boardby the Secretary of of War, the Mami.,,, {{,,,,1 bg said company, upon being so notified, may proceed to construct aid commenced. bridge in accordance with said report and recommendations, subject to ’ the provisions and limitations of the act entitled “An act to authorize Provisions an u. the construction of a bridge across the Mississippi River at or near the1ir¤it¤ii¤¤¤- town of Clinton, in the State of Iowa, and other bridges across said xv¥’2· "},‘,_Zg· "°l· river, and to establish them as post-roads/’ approved April iirst, eight- ’ pp' ' een hundred and seventy-two: And provided farther, That said com- _ ` pany shall construct and maintain all the accessary works found to be t necessary as hcreinbeforo provided, for the security and convenience of ,,,,,3, wom, &c_ navigation- at their own expense, and subject to such supervision as the Secretary of War may prescribe, and that until the said works shall have been constructed to the satisfaction of the Secretary of War, and are approved by him, the superstructure of the bridge shall not be com- _ menced: And pfovidedfurther, That this act shall not he so construed as P’°"’S°· to relieve said company from the provisions of anyexisting laws, ex— cept as to the location and height of said bridge : And provided further, That said company shall not charge more than three dollars a car for £.’}r;’{“g*" _ . . g fr each freight-car transported across said bridge. ms ]jmj(;6d_ Approved, June 22, 1874. ` CHAP. 406.·—An act supplementary to the act entitled “An_ act to incorporate the__Q}\¤<> 22. 1874- Texas Pacific Railroad Company, and to aid in the construction of its road, and for 1871, ch. 122, voL other purposes." · xvi,pp. 573, 579. Be it enacted by the Senate and 'House of Representatives of the United T°X‘” ““d P“°‘H° States of America in Congress assembled, That the Texas and Pacihc Railway O01I1pm1y is h61'Gby 6II1p0W8I'6d to SBCHPG, by CDG O!' DJOFB m0I`C· construction bomls gages upon the whole or any portion of its line, the construction-bonds by new rnvrtzezw heretofore authorized to be issued, and to cancel the mortgage now on To cancel m 0; f~ record with the Secretary of the Interior so far as the same can be done §:5r°°;’:r;°§?’31:{fR terior.