Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/898

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868 INDEX. Page. _ Y*Z°· Bcnkruptcy—Continued. Ba·nln·uptcy—Cont1nued. _ concurrent jurisdiction of circuit courts to report to court under oath the condiin suits brought bfy assignee . z .. 178 tion of the estate and state of his acsupervisory power o court over sales of counts, when. .. . Z- .. 179 bankrupts property .. . . 178 required to account for all interest, admay set aside sale and order resale . 178 vantage, &c., received from proceeds may order rcal estate sold for oue—fourth of estate . - ._. ._ _ -. . 179 cash, residue in installments within, to file affidavit as to receiving interest sw .· · 1 78, 179 or benent from the use or deposit of installments to hear interest, and how funds .. . ... . . . . 179 to be secured ... 179 may be examined orally on same subduty of, to remove assignee failing To ject . . ..._. -..._.. 179 faithfully discharge duties respecting willfully swearing falsely in affidavit, sale, dw., of property .. . --- . 179 examination, or report, to be deemed may order notice of bankruptcy to be guilty of perjury. Z. ._ . .. . .. . 179 given by publication in lieu of by punishment on conviction. 179 mail, &,c., when . . -- 179 recovery of property fraudulently conmay require involuntary bankrupt to veyed, &.e. . . .. . ---- 190 file list of creditors, &.c., when .. 181 reduction of fees, commissions, and alto ascertain if requisite number and lowances .. -.-. - ---. 184 amount have petitioned, &c . -... 181 simplincation of duties of, by justices final judgment on debt6rs’ admission as o the Supreme Court of the United to number and amount .. . ... 181 States -..., . . ..,. 184 when requisite number have not peti· who shall not be appointed as .-.. . _ 184 tioned, to grant additional time, not duty of, in J ull of each year to make exceeding, &c . ... 181 report to eler of district court- 184, 185 final judgment as to number and what report must contain .. -- . 185 amount of petitioning creditors . 182 neglecting to make report, to be disdismissal of proceedings, when ---. 182_ missed om office and deemed guilty may award a venire facias for trial of of a misdemeanor . ,. .. .. 186 issue underpetition of creditors, when 182 may be punished by line and imprison- . discontinuance of proceeding, when 182 ment . . . . . - . . . .. 186 power to make needful o ers and de- creditor roving debt not held to have crees- . .. . , - 182 waived) right of action when discharge order of adiudicatiou to require va1ua· has been refused or proceedings tertion of estate .. . 182 minated .. . . 179 transfer of jurisdiction from supremeto · voluntary bankruptcy`, no disdistrict courts of Territories. . . . . 182 charge to be granted to de for whose to direct form of notice for meeting of assets do not equal thirty per eentum creditors in cases of composition 183 of claims proved, without assent of nearing upon resolution of composition. 183 one-fourth of creditors and one-third to cause resolutions to be recorded and of value. ... .. . . 180 filed, if, &.e .. . r .. . . . . ., . . 183 act requiring fifty per eentum rrgpealed- 180 e.d<‘itional resolution varying provisions in'cases of actual fraud in p rcnce, of composition. proceedings upon 183 creditor allowed to prove only moiety mayenforce provisions of compositions . 184 of debt ,. . . . . - .. 181 disobedience of order to be deemed a valuation to be annexed toinventoryu 182 contempt .. . 184 involuntary bankruptcy, no setmay make rules and regulations in rela- otf allowed in cases of, after, &c ,... 179 t 011 to proceedings in composition. .. 184 provisions requiring payment of any on cause shown, &c., may refuse to cou- portion of debts o bankrupt, or assent firm or set aside a composition. .. 184 of any portion of creditors for dismay dismiss marshal, clerk, register, or _ charge, not to apply to cases of .. 180 assignee from office for neglect to manner and effect of discharge . . .. .. 180 make reports prescribed by law . 186 preferences given within two months witnesses, in trials under bankrupt before Bling of petition void 180 net, who are competent . 180 when this provision takes effect .. . 180 assignee may take possession of prop- certain eonveyances, &,c.z made within erty and carry on business of debtor, three months before filing of petition vhen .. .. . . .. . . 178 void . . . ... . 180 but not for a period exceeding nine when this provision takes efect . ,- _ 180 months . 178 further amendments to Sec. 35 .. -- 180 mlcof bankrupts’ property by, et public loans of actual value and security made auction, &e . .. . . 1,78 and taken in good faith not invalipublication of notice of sale .. 178 dated . ... . . . . -- 180 to keep regular account of all moneys re- act of bankruptcy, what shall be deemed ceivcd or expended .. --.e... 179 an . . . . -. .. 184},181 creditors tohave free access to accounts 179 persons committin an cet of bankruptremoval of, for failure to faithfully dis-cy to be adjudged. a bankrupt, how. . 181 charge duties respecting sales ... 179 petition of creditors to comprise one forfeiture of fees and emoluments . 179 fourth in number and one·thi.rd in wrongfully selling or fraudulently com- amount e . .. . . . . . . . . 181 bin ng, &,c., to wrongfully sell or dis- to be brou ht within six months after pose of, property in violation of duty, act of baniruptcy committed. . . 181 _ punishment for .. . . .. ... 179 provisions of act to appéy to cases compenalty for combining, &c., with .. _179 menced since Decem I 1, 1873 .. 181