Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/899

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INDEX. B _~ _ Page. _ Page. a..k»·uptoy—Contiuiied. Banltruptc —Cout1nued. · when alleéatron _ as to number und resolution of the meeting andstetemest amount petitxoning creditors is de- of the debtor to be presented to the medhccéirt shall order e. list of eredi- court .. . . .. 183 is e .--- - --------·--------·---- 181 such resolution to be iewr · court shall ascertain whether the credi- statementfiled . . Jil? 183 ` 1:ors,1n number and amount required, resolution not valid until recorded and have petitioned . . .. . . . 181 statement filed .. . . . 183 when debtor admits the number and any creditor may inspect record and · amount of creditors; court shall so statement .. . . . . 183 adgudge, and Judgment is final -. 181 composition may be varied by subseif required number of creditors have not quent agreement without prejudice.: 183 _ petitioned, court may grant time for resolution to be presented to court as in others to join . , . . . , . 181 first instance ... 183 sufficient number of creditors joining· on whomprovisions of second resolution the_ bankruptcy may proceed 181 of composition are binding.. .. .. 183 sufficient number of creditors not join- debt on lll of exchange or promissory _ ing the proceedings shall be dismissed 181 note where holder is unknown, statesuch person being adjudged a bankrupt, ment to be made . . . . L . I. . 183 the assignee may recover back the inadvertent mistakes in statement of money, property, &o., paid, assigned, 181 dlebts may correlctefl by <l%>t•}r . . . 183 ·-·~ - -·-·-·· - ---·- -·. ·----· -.·= -··- SHO com osl IOHB a 1‘0Vl e or u , provided trausierrer had notice of the prowatgpaymentqin mdlney, &Ic . 183 f1'¤¤d UWBDGBG ·-.- . . ..·... . ...- 181 provisions of such composition may be fraudulent transferrcr,i£ an actual cred- enforced in a summary manner by " _ ito1·,_ admitted to prove only one-half court, on motion snd'uotice ’-.. 184 of his debt . . . . . 181 may for sufficientressous refuse to conpetition sudiclently veriiied by oaths of ilrm or set aside the composition. .. 184 first five signers '.. . . . . .. . . . . 181 debtor may then be proceededwith in case of absence of one of first live pe- us u. lmukrupt .·. .. 184 tition muy be signed and verified by time during which a composition set attorney .. . . .. . 182 · aside may have been in force, shell creditor of not more than two hundred not be counted in the periods pre- _ and fifty dollars not to be'counted.. 182 scribed in the bankrupt act. 184 ifno creditor of more than two hundred fees, commissions, &c., to liereduced one- . and iifiw dollars, or if the requisite lmlr] except, &.c . . I.,,.. . .. · 184 number of such fail to sign, creditorsprovision to remain lu force Hi j!1b· of less amount may be counted .. 182 · tices of Supreme Court HYQKQI new on return of order to show cause on debt- rules and regulations . . . . . 184 or, court finding that all recpliirs- when such rules, &c., shall bcmade. 184 .ments of ·1cw have been ful led, 01E cérs. duties of register, assignee mar-. the court shall so adjudge and the shal, and clerk to be simp ltied and judgment shall be final . . ,,. 182 consolidated and fees, costs, and if otherwise, proceeding must be dis- charges reduced .. .. 184 missed, and hereafter with costs. 182 counsel, solicitor, or attorney in court may on u plioation of debtor di— bankruptlciv eases, who shall not 184 rect the marshal to summon ajury to executor, mm.istrator£ucr¢li;in, comtry the issue .. . . . . L. 182 nnssicner, appraiser, vider, or ascnbeariuiii alleged facts are found true,. si gnco, who shall not be . . ... 184 or if de for has satisfied all liens doo., fees, &c., arising from such trusts, who proceedings are dismissed, and re·shell not be interested in 184 spondent recovers costs .. . .. 182 l'0p0l‘tS,_0f marshal to clerk. . . . . . . 184 maybe discontinued on notice, with op- of register .  :.,.. 185 provsl of court, assent of debtor, and of assignee . , . ,... .,. . , ·. 185 one-halt of creditors -.. . 182 of cler to Attorney-Qencrol . -,. . . . . 185, 186 all parties are then remitted to the con- _ any person tonuikeproseribed red tion they occupied before the tiling p)orts to be smxssed om olncc. .- 186 of the petition for bankruptcy L. 182 to e deemed guilgy of umisdemeonor, bankrupt must submit an inventory and end how puuis ed.._ , . 186 valuation or his property . ... 182 nomrics pgubllc, authorized to take zomposltion with creditors 182 proof or ents . ... . . we when proposed by debtor, in what man proof to be ccrtrtled hy notary, &.o ._ 186 ner it may be accepted by creditors. 182, 183 repeal or inconsistent acts. .,, .., ... . , 18b resolutions of acceptance must be adopt- Banks, see National Banks. _ ed by a majority in number and three- Banks, Elrzabcth, _ _ _ iourths an value .-. . 183 claim of, ullowed by commissioners". ... 592 mustbe confirmed bysignatnre of debtor Banks, llonry, _ _‘ , _ · and two-thirds in number und one-‘ claim ot, allowed by pommmsmuers ,. 645 bali in value of the creditors .. 183 Banks, _Suaan, A., _ _. how majorities are computed . . . . _ 183 claim of, allowed by commissioners.-, ·-· 647 creditors with security cannot vote or s Bamzaeks, _ _ __ _ sig; without relinquishing security. . 183 wleiicieney appropmtion for fulfilling treaty deb must be present at meeting and with .. . ...·-. : . .- »·»-· 141 answer quest£>:&..é&%. E.;é..,£i. 183 approprxatiwontnng rpéxaafegal ot, tc. Fort Hell 158 mustjytoj ucen m s 0 n 0 I reser ar ,_ .. ,... wholeof his assets, debts, &c.§..`. _ 183 ~ior payment or installments, &.c., to 166,440