Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/982

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Po o.· Pago. Lcilh, _ I , S ‘ Librarian o{ Oongraué-Continued., . , _·_ sslcry of consu1 ut...L..J . .-..,. . . 68 to comp em two sets o§_}_oertain' congres- _ _ nl1owancenr;:·c1crk-hire .. £. .. 70 s1om;ldoéuments..;... .Lg. ;i 209 Le smc,' Alexa ,` ‘ ° ’ ,r may mo e requisition upon cre o dlcim of, allowed by commissioners:'.;. 645 _ ‘ ·. the Interior .. .‘ .. l.. 209 Lemons, David .L, to give recei t for socqmsnu transferred claim of, allowed by commissioners,. .. 638 by Secregxry of the Senstqand Clerk Lcnt:,JoIm_}K _ . "_ 0 House... ..-. .` . ...·... 909 claim of estate of,ul1owed bycommissioners. 581 Libraqq,o A _ ' Lum, 8'amh·E,, adnnieeiutsudrtw, 4 of Surgeon-Genem1’s Office, appropriation claim of, allowed by commissioners 581 ir . . .. Q ... .. a.. 74 Lentz, Valentine, ._ Library of Congrau, clcim of estate of, ollowedby commissioners. 649 appropriations Io: librarian and assistants. 88, Leonard, Joignh B., _ ‘209, 347 claim of, lowed by commissioners.; .. 648 for purchase of books, periodicals, &c..._.88, 347 Lctlar-Balances, . for exchange of public documents 88, 347 . appropriations for, for Post-Onzice Depart- · for contingent expenses and - copyright . `—meut..,,... . ·.', .,.. . . 231,341 business..;.,, . -,. 89,347 Letter-Carriers, { r F _ , to procure plans for aocommodetion_0f.. . 25 nppropriations`for pay of. ._ . . ;.. .. 231, 341 use of books in, extended to Regents of not to be employed in towns of less than _ A _ Smithsonian Institution resident in 30,000 population .. i . .. . 2oi { Washington ,. .,,... . . ... 512 Letter Poamgc, - Librarieojlar Ships of War, single rote of, esteblislxed in postal oonven- · appropriations for purchase of books I0!. ..54,297 _ tion with Sweden sm! Norway ,. . 763 Lweusa of Vessels, _ ~ _ in second additional convention with Bel- , oct re ating to, &.c., on northern,·&c., irongium .. ..`.. ...' .. 795 tiers extended to all vessels navigatin postal convention with France ... L B10 ing waters of the United States .. 30 Latter-rate, , _ certain penal-boats exempt from. . . . -L. 31 on correspondence exchanged directlv be- Liege, _ ~ ` tween United States and Netherlands sslery of consul at .·. . . . .- . ., . .1.. . 69 by stenmship line .. . ... . - 831 Lien, • w Letters of Marque, , ‘ _ under intemalqmevenue laws not sifectedby provisions concerning, in trecty with Peru. 711 use of disti1]ery—wa1eho¤se·by nM9B!- in treaty with Salvador . 737 sors .in business.. 4 .. .s... . , .. . . 3 Letters, · __ _, not to be ground for refusal? to, approve appropriations ·Ior ship, steamboat, and bond of successors ._ . .. ., . i ..3 way .. . ... .: .. .231, 342 on propert of Louisville and. Portland Levy, Lieut. Uriah P., · _ cmg.? Company, provisions concernncceptnnce of bronze statue of J eifersou, ing .,. ... . ..,... . . .. ... . 43-45 presented by..; . . ... 286 for services rendered, Ms., in claims before Lewes, Dal., · • Court of Commissioners, of Alabama. ‘ appropriations for United States pier in· Del- Claims void  ; .. . . . . . . . . .. · 249 aware Boy, neair I . i . . . 240, 459 Life-Insurance Statistics; for A continuing construction of United appropriation for punting sud binding cir- Stntes pier at ... 457 · cnhrs nudreports on.-- -.'. .. · 209 Lewis, Arvassna, , Life-Saving »Scrviee,_ 7 , 'cloim ot estate oi David Lewis allowed by appropriations for superlntendents,.keepcrs, · commissioners .. . . . . _.; . . 594 and surfmen . .·. . . . . . . . . ., . . 205, 371 Lewis, Brackm _ _ · . ztorestablishing new stations . .. 205, 371 claim of, ztlljowed by commissioners 583 for contiu§ent expenses. . _. . 205, 372 Lewis, Charles HC, M . · ·‘ act toprovidefor theestablishment of andpaymont to Jesse F. Moore and, for tobsc-· ditional life—s;wing stations, &c.-,. 125-128 co improperly seized ot Mmcon,‘Ga.. .. 615 life-saving stations ... -.. . --. 125, 126 Lewis, David, - -“ slife-boot stations"-, . . . -.‘ 126 clcim of estate of, ellowod by commissioners . · 594 houses of refuge . ..- . . 126 Lewis, Fleming E., , 5 = superintendents, where to be 0]Q\0lI\t8d-t.. 127 claim ot, allowed by commissioners 509 to lmve powers and perform ntiss of in- A Lewis, Huriot LL, · spectors of customs . ; . .·. .., . ... . 127 clsim of, allowed by commissioners;--. 586 compensation of . ... . .. .._ ... . 127 Lewis, Jalm 1¢‘., assistant superintendent to for ‘ claim of Monnssnh Blackburn ond, allowed coast of Long Island an Rhode Islby commissioners . . . . L .. 596 and . ,. . . . . . 127 Lewis, John B., to perform duties witlun State of Rhode claim of, allowed by commissioners 641 · Island. ...,.. . .. . . . . . . , . . ; . . · 127 Lewis, Many A.,; . { ·; — ~ ; — residence and salary ... - 4. .. 127 claim of, allowed by commas" nsrs. - . ,-. -. 594 keepers for each station and house of refuge. 127 Lamm, Willwm R., compensation of.., ..,- .. 1.-.. 127 claim of, allowed by commissioners 641 on Florida coast to reside in houscsot Librarian of Congress ’ · refuge .. · .. , ... . -... . 127 fees of, for recording, dec., ussigmnents of compensation of.;.. .e .: 127 copyrights . . . . . . ., . , . . . , 7 9 employment of crews of surfmen at complete to cover certiiicqto of record under seal .. 79 stations, and at life-bout stuhom on to bepaidiuto thelreasnry -. . .. 79 Pzyciflc coast-.. ...:..-. 127 charged `with work of preparing index to compensation of.. . . 127 subjects of documents- and debates of volunteer crews of life-boat stations ... 127 Congress ... - ... ._ 209 compensation of . . .. . ... ... . 127