Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/981

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INDEX. 951 Low'. ,,-— - . 1’¤z¤ _ _ . . P¤r;¤- gw twe, §·c., E<c_p0naee—Ccnt1u11cd. Legwlauve, 4*::., Expenacs—Contiuuod. , Koviernlnent in thi! T€fPlt0I'l€S, Colorado .. , ,..., . . 105, 366 A!'iZ0¤¤· -i'-`-=· - -- - - --- . . 98, 357 Dakota. . ...,.. 105, 356 C¤1¤r~1<> ..- . . . . . 9s, sw Florida. ..,,... 105, 366 Dgukofm . . . . ... 98,357 Idaho ,.,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,___, · ,,_,,,,. 106, sas Dxsmct of Columbia . . . ..,. . ..98, 359 Iowa ______ _ __________,___ _· ____ 106, 366 gddnhzv · -----·--·--·---.. . - . . . . 39, 357 Kansas ,_,_ , , ,. . . . .`105, 366 OH ¤·¤¤· ·· ·~·---- ·· ·-··-- · -·-·- . » 9, $8 Louisiana . . .. . . .; . 105, 366 §mMoxico- · · -... . . . L . .. gg, 358 Minnesota,. , ,,__, _ , __,,,,.,,,,_ . ,, . . 132, ggg ···-·· - ·--»- . .. . . .,358 Montana. .. ;.  ;.1 , W95h1Q300D .·-.. . . .. . .. . . 99, 358 Nebraska. . - . . ‘ . . . . .. 106, 366 JVy0;mg .. . . 99, 350 Nevmlu . · . ‘ . 1 05, ur cpurtment New Maxi -0 . . ., . .`..:; . 05 Secretary, clerks, and contingencies. . .99, 350 Oregon, _ ,,,. , ,,,,. . , . , .. 106; 366 examining and copying rebel uxehivas.100, 359 Utah .. . . . . .,.. 106, 366 Adjutaut·Gencra.l’s officc . 100, 360 Washington ..._.. .‘ . , .. 106, 366 ofiicial postage . . Q. . . . . . . 100, 359 Wyoming ... .: 106, 366 jgxspwtcr-G2n¤1éx.1’s ofilne. E. . . ... 100, 303 ;·ccorder of lunrl-titles in Missouu 106, 356 umrtermas or- anew s o 'cc 100, 36 Posbomce Department P“Ym¥“°Y'G°“°’“1"f’m°° ·-·-~·----·· 1°°» 391 Postmaster-General, auistnnzs, clerks, Commxssury-General s office . . .,.. 100, 301 gw _ _____ _ _ __________ _ _____ _ _ _ _ ____ wg, 366 §l;¥g§§n·q°D°;M’$§’mc9 ·-—--· ‘~ -·-·· · · contingent expenses .. . ,_,, , , ,,,, 106, 367 `IB n use so ca ,2i . oem or Eghiof or omnmc. .. 101,261 ”§¤"“‘F'!‘°“‘ '{*` ,*}¤g‘°"““"°· ,0, ,6, 01*600 of Military Justice . 101 300 °m.m‘°°"‘°°qr> ° °r 8* ° ‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ " ’I . sigma 01-me · 101’ ·=s00 °‘°“°‘“I ¥’°““**" ···· · ··········· · ····· *3* ` `'‘' "'1"I’ '’'‘`‘``'‘‘' ..’I.` Imports .. . . .-..172- wal- Department bm1m¤g¤..101 102,301 me _ “*”‘“‘°“ ““‘ . . . » · B\IPOIiDt0Hd0DtS,W3;1J011mBD,f€D1Ir,f\l01, ) pH5E1g8E3a;?? dmmbuwm of mw swdi)7 368 and contingencies . .. 101, 102,361, 369, f mp‘Z‘ "& ‘‘‘’‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘'‘‘' lm! 368 NNY ¤•>r·¤¤¤·¢··*» 3i22E1E31E2f "‘§`€a.m°s¢a ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 10v’ 368 §?£;`§;?;%g$§;kS’ &° ’‘' '‘'‘‘ stationery ang miscgllaneous ... . .107; 368 stationery, furniture, &c. . , · .. 102, 362 Bpggliilsints in muswm a“d P5l})107 368 Bureau of Yards smd Docks. ; 102, 362 chewing1g5Sé' St"' ' 108* 368 gi gggégagggx Md R°°mm“g ‘‘‘‘‘‘ unutorials for miggrescopilalsz  ::.:108; 362 _ ·.--••·.»-·-·-··· ---· , • , f O  ; , , 102 362 ctomologncul, &<,., works .. . . 1 , gf Cgggiglnigaion Kumi? Repair . . ..102 362 judlciulv _ _ - _ · _ ,· ’· ~ Chicf·Ju¤tice and associate gusmces of of Sbca,m_Eug1ne0rit1g . 102, -503 _ 108 3 .8 of Provisions a.ndC10thin·* .· . 102 363 ,S“P’°m° CP"? · ·: ······ · ···· ·· ···· · t? or -M¤a1¤m» and Surgéry? .. 103, 363 ¤¤¤¤1¤ Md <l¤¤¤¤¤° J·;gS{>¤-i-- ·é ··-·-· Wi 3*)** lnwhol, Department reporter und mum a 0 upmmo Sccrglzry, Assistsmt Socnetary, clork? MQ?;:;;`; Xf·%Hé;ég· £08»&69 ·····‘ : ····‘········‘‘‘‘‘‘ " · ,, 08 369 S crctary to sx ··n1zu1d-pntxmts ... ,103 363 ,°f Qommbla · -······ - ······· ·· · · 1 · , cgptain of wutzh and wamchumn. . 103; 363 · dlstglct °·;“I"}i’X“ Mig “€lf}"ib“;“· 6(;1;l;08· 369 stationery, furnibu1·0,&c .. . .. 103, 303 W? Bu ° JM in S lc 0 108 369 distribution of public documents . . 103, 363 C 1**}%- · -···· · ····· · ····· · ····· my ,,69 _u.<1ditioual rooms for Pc>nsion—OHic0 and Qui] 0 in kg zi: &·· ···· · ···*· 108* 2,69 Bureau of Education .. . . 103, 363 Ju 89*% ° ‘¥` v dm I J _ $1 ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘’'‘ 3K_ ’ mmm, mm, and lights .. . ... 103, 301; °°;;:;§2“ "·“ “““°° “‘·‘°°““ ° 108 369 completing south p0rl:ic0.. . . .. 0: _ . " "T‘. '‘ " ‘` '°'’· _ 0m.,,,.] ,,,,.,1;,,,,,., _,______ __ _,,,,,.. 103,363 . ¤¤1><¤¤¤z <1·—¤¤····<·¤¤ -—-~·— - ---·· —·-·l°*’· *0* . g 108 369 ¤··»¤¤m1¤~¤¤·0*¤¤;·-,;·—,, -—-·· · -··-- {3%;; ES¥S§t5;g‘;;;.;,;;;·1¤;;······· ···· ···=m6e» Commbssionor ccr s c ..> . ¤ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘"‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘. ‘ additional clgrks on rwcount of mill- , 1***.7 men? Of J“dgm°m’s_' ‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘' 108*369 ~ . t9,ry·bouuty lands . .. 103, 364 A D€D$Ttm9“t Gf Jqsucev diagrams, Stationery, gw _______ ____]04,3(i4 Augomey—Gcneml, s011ext0r·g<1¤6¤¤J, v~¤· _ · Indmmomce __________ ______ _______ 104, 354 SiS15mm a,t;torucy¤—ge1mml, clerks, &c. 108, 360 Ccmnrissicner, clerks, 6::0 .. ...104,364 ccngtgugcnv ¤xp<ms¤'s . . .. _. 109, 36J miscellaneous expenses . ... 104, 304 sohcltor of the lrczmsury, asn1st2mb, Pension·OtH<>e .. . .. . . 184, 364 cl crl;s, gc"? T. 5.. .. hiéég. &-3Hg09, 340 C issioncr clerks &c. .. ·. ,.1 4, 364 r0n _ 0 0 ces 01* epar — .`“‘¥§g§“’:-·“*é"‘“‘ “”;“““"‘° “?"f‘FfTiI 364 0£;€21‘g;g;;.,gz;i:::;:::1::;:::;::::183; E13 ° ""-"·- 104 364 national lonn expenses

   _ _ _ _ _________ _ _ 104; 365 ju gf§g5 of Sggrgggry of the Trrgusury . ,    

C biissidncrclerks &¤. :104 365 ln cfficerof '1‘raa:sm·•=>r .. . -. , `°‘?‘:2‘“g°°° M ‘“ié°°“““°°““ · °"i0r, 365 Eli $$23 S? ¥?£F‘fC£m;»;‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ "1;1i}}3’ $33

    I           365 in Bureau of Engraving and Printing.11O,  

Bureau of Education .1..-1,.,. r. .. 10g, labor, é by day;&1£>;:::, gr contrucv) lla vl r l -’ ;___,__,,_,1 )& QI` l`{],]]SI)() '_, ,,__ ______1__ €<?:tg?1}gs;nzng§pgg5s€s1;?,,£i;g:;. ... . 105; 300 ¥:l.‘&£lS};O1`17&i)1OD of notgas, bonds, &c. ,. .. 110 sm·v<¢y0rs»gcncral and their blcrks, in- Lcipsic, G9 Arizona, . J ,.. . . 106, 366 salary of consul :11;,.., .. .. California. ., , - . -L- - - .1 . - Q. ..,. 106, 306 . :1.ll0wnnce=forc1crk-lxxra .. . ... . . . . 70