Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/139

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. UH. 246. 1876. 113 For purolmso of additional land for sito at PoinbFormin light station, Point Fcrmin, California, the samo being horcby authorized, tabrco hundred dollars. Cal- For purchase of land requiroel for road ways at light stations and fog P”°*H° °°°¤°· signal stations on the Pacific coast, tho same being hereby authorized, tivo thousand dollars. " For establishing range lights for crossing Saint Ho1on’s Bar, Columbia. S M ¤ * H¤1*>¤’¤ River, Jr0g0n, ono thousand dollars. B*“"¤ O"°€· For orcctiou of pier-head lights on tho northern and northwestern N<>¤l¤*¤P¤‘ M1 <l lakes, Eve thousand dollars. And tho appropriation heretofore made §;;B°hW°“°°"" " ior an light-house at Port Austin, Michigan may be expended in 0om· pogt Austin_ mcncing tho construction of tho proposed light housc outa ou tho roof', Mich. instead of on tho shore: Provided, Tho total estimate for its completion PPOVW- shall not exceed eighty tivo thousand dollars. For tho construction of zi road from Windmill Point light-station, Windmill Point, Lako St. Clair Michigan, to tho main road from Detroit to Grosso M*°h· ‘ Point, two thousand dollars. ` ARMORIES AND ARSENALS. For repairs and preservation of grounds, buildings and machinery of S P Fi ¤ 8 H0] d tho arsenal at Springfield, Massachusetts, iilteen thousand dollars. ”"°“”l‘ Rock Island m·sennl: For an rolling-mill and forgiugslxop, (shop F) R°<>k ISM11d for tho armory ut; Rock Island arsenal, Rook Island Illinois, soventy ““°"“l‘ Evo thousand dollars, in addition to the uuoxpcndctl balances of appro priations wr cho year ending J uno thirticrh, eighteen hundred and seventy-iour, which are hereby made available for tho service of the tiscul year ending Juno thirtyictln, eighteen hundred mul seventy seven For an iron-woiking aud finishing shop (shop G) for the arsenal, thirty thousand dollars. For sewers, new roads, euro mid prosozwatiou of wntcr power, of porumnvut buildings and bridges, including painting, building iomzcs, and guiding grounds, and repairs and extension of railroads, twenty-two thousand dollars. ~ `

 For cairo and preservation of tho Rock Island bridge, nine thousand

ollurs. Benicia arsenal, Benicia, California; For putting lightning-rods on Benecia. mmml. · three magazines and thirteen public buildings, one thousand six hundred and seventy five dollars. For co11tiuuiug`of boring of ortcsizm well, or for putting down iron pipe and turbine wheel, to be run by How of water to force wator into reservoir, iivo thousand dollars. To repair old shop-building, and make it suitable for en store house, fivc thousand five hundred dollars. For repairing roads and constructing sewers and drains, {Ivo thousand dollars. · For grading grounds cmd for permanent repairs of post; machinery for shops, and fences, six thousand dollars. For repairs of smaller arsenals, and to meet suvh unforeseen oxpoudi- Smaller mamma tures at arsenals as accidents or other contingencies during tho your may render 1mc<·ssar·_y, forty thousand dollars. NAVY YARDS AND su‘Au‘1oNs. For repairs nt the different navy yards and stations and preservation Repairs at mwy of tho same, ono hundred thousand dollars, and tho act; entitled Mm 5’=¤’dS»°**’- act making appropriations for tho naval scrvico for tlmycar ending Juno thirticth, oiglxtoeu llllll(ll'€(l and sc—vcmy;suven and for other purposes " 187;;, 0h_ mg, approved Juno thixtictln eighteen lmmhwd and svve~ut_y-six is lmroby A»m·,p.6x>, amended as follows: Alum the word ‘*We1shiugto¤” in the clause appro- A¤**¤**<*<>**· priming for nccessmy re—p:¤ix·s of Naval Laboratory, 8:0., strike out. the last ton words, as follows: “And tho samo slmll be closed during tho . coming )“(3211“” . · For cominuing tho work ou tho dry dock ut Mum Islzuul, Ouliforuiu. Lum Island my fifty thousand dollufs. duckxix-was