Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/140

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114 FORTY-FOURTI] CONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 246. 1876, I · 'SURVEYS OF NORTHERN AND NORTHWESTERN LAKES AND MISSISSIPPI ‘ nrvnn. $*1*;****5*** °f¤°’*°b‘ For continuing surveys of Lakes Erie and Ontario ; determination of _ QfH’Q£0Q°;2EW°°° of points in aid of State surveys and construction of maps; continna,. l ’tion of triangulation south from Chicago and east to Lake Erie; survey of the Mississippi River, and miscellaneous, one hundred thousand j dollars. _ BUILDINGS AND G1z.0UNDs IN AND AROUND WASHINGTON. < Public grounds Improvement and care of public grounds; For filling in and improving l¤ W¤¤hi¤g¤0¤» D- grounds south of Executive Mansion, Eve thousand dollars. _ °· - For ordinary care and extension of green houses at the nursery, one thousand five hundred dollars. ` For ordinary care of Lafayette Square, one thousand dollars. For annual repair of fences, one thousand dollars. For manure and hauling of the same two thousand dollars. For painting iron fences, two thousand dollars. For repair of seats, five hundred dollars.· For purchase and repair of tools, five hundred dollars. For trees, treestakes lime and whitewashin g, three thousand dollars. For removing snow and ice, one thousand dollars. For flowers, pots, twine, Italian lycopodium, and so forth five hun- . dred dollars. · For abating nuisauces, five hundred dollars. For care of and repairs to fountains in the public grounds five hundred dollars. _ psd,,,, t ,,1 fo, For pedestal for the statue of General George H. Thomas, twenty five ‘ statue ar General thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of War and the chair- G· U- Tl¤<>¤*=*=°· man of the Committee on public buildings and grounds of the Senate 1’v¤tp.359· and the chairman of public buildings and grounds of the House of Rep- . Committee to resentatives are hereby appointed a committee to select and desig- ` ¤°l**°¤ SM- nate such place upon the public grounds in Wasliington City which in their judgment will be most appropriate, where said monument shall be erected N 8,,. ,,1 mmm- For the Naval Monument the sum of twenty thousand dollars, or so ment. much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same hereby is, appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, P°'*· P· 359* to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, for tho _ purpose of completing the statue of “Peace/’ platform, steps, and circular basin of the naval monument contracted for by the officers of the Navy with Franklin Simmons, and placing the same on some appro- Committee to priate part of the public grounds in Washington: Provided, That the ¤<¤l<¤¤¤ me- Admiral of the Navy, the chairman of the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds of the Senate, and the chairman of the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds of the House of Representatives are hereby appointed a committee to select and designate such place upon the public grounds for the erection of the said monument, as in their judgment shall be most appropriate. Monu ment in To aid in the completion of the monument in Fairmount Park, Phila- F¤i¤‘¤¤<>¤¤t_ Park, delphia, in commemoration of the emancipation of the colored race, ` P1"]“‘]°]i’h‘“· three thousand dollars, to be paid to the duly authorized officers of tho association having the work in charge. E,wc,,uv° MMP For repairs of the Executive Mansion, refurnisliing the same, and fuel sion. lor the same, and lor care and necessary repairs of the green houses, seventeen thousand dollars. Lighting Capi- For lighting the Capitol, and grounds about the same, including wi- Botanical Garden; for gas, pay ot lamp-lighters, gas litters, plumbers and plumbing, lamps, lamp-posts matches, materials for the electrical battery and repairs of all kinds, thirty two thousand dollars to be expended under the direction of the Architect of the Capitol.