Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/142

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116 FORTYFOURTH CONGRESS; Sess. I. Ch. 246. 1876, and the unexpended balance for contingent expenses may be used for * the contingent expenses of such commission for a like period and that _ it the amount which may remain unexpended on the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and seventy six, of the appropriation of the salary of Q Acknowiudgmmt the umpire or so much thereof as may be necessary for the purpose may of services or um- be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State, in acknowl- “ pipe. edgment of the service of the umpire. _ BUREAU OF ENGRAVING AND Pmnrxms. Engraving and For labor and expenses of engraving and printing, namelyé - l°*`l¤“¤H Human- For labordby the day, piece or contract) including labor of workmen skilled in engraving, transferring, plate-printing and other specialties necessary for carrying on the work of engraving and printing notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, the pay for such labor to be fixed by the Secretary of the Treasury at rates not exceeding the rates usually paid for such work; and for other expenses of engraving and printing notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States; for ‘ ·paper for notes, bonds, and other securities of theUnited States, including mill expenses, boxing, and transportation ; for materials other than paper required in the work of engraving and printing; for purchase of engravers’ tools, dies, rolls, and plates, and for machinery and repairs of the same, and for expenses of operating nnacerating machines for the destruction of the United States notes, bonds, national bank notes, and other obligations of the United States authorized to be destroyed, eight hundred and thirteen thousand dollars, One month’s ex- And each of the employees recently furloughed and finally permanently lla Pg? *01 fl? discharged from service in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing shall mgm (imp Oy s' receive one months" pay, for which purpose the sum of twenty-five Proviso. thousand dollars is hereby appropriated : Provided, That said pay shall be given personally to said employees respectively only, and not to any _ pmviw agent claiming for them: And provided further, That in case of their restoration to employment in the Government service, one half of said ) months’ pay shall be deducted from their first months’ wages after such I °“·¥’·2°3· restoration and the remaining half of said months’ pay shall be deducted from their second months’ wages after such restoration. COAST SURVEY. A · •’ colxsr _ Sufi/vy 0¤'M1¤¤- Survey of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts: For every purpose and object °‘° "°‘*"· necessary for and incident to the continuation of the survey of the At lantic and Gulf coasts of the United States, and the Mississippi River to the head of ship-navigation with soundings and observations of deep-sea temperatures in the Gulf-stream and the Gulf of Mexico, and observations of currents along the same coasts, and the preparation, engraving, lithographing, and issuing of charts, the preparation and publication of the Coast Pilot and other results of the Coast Survey, the purchase of materials therefor, and including compensation of civilians engaged in the work, and pay and subsistence of engineers for the steamers engaged on those coasts, three hundred thousand dollars. Sm·vt~yofPacinc Survey of the western coast: For every purpose and object necessary °""***· for, and incidentto, the continuation of the survey of the Pacific coasts of the United States, with soundings and observations of deepsea tem- ‘ peratures in the branch of the Japan Stream oil, and observations of ' other currents along, the same coasts, and the preparation, engraving lithographing, and issuing of charts, the preparation and publication of the Coast Pilot and other results of the Coast Survey, with the purchase of materials therefor, including compensation of civilians engaged in the work, and pay and subsistence of engineers for the steamers engaged on those coasts, two hundred thousand dollars. ‘ (,;,,0,,8,,,, S,,,.,,By_ Geodetic surveying, Coast Survey :_ For every purpose and object ing. necessary lor and incident to the continuation of the triangulation ot