Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/143

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‘FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. OH. 246. 1876. 1147 the Ooast Survey to lbrm a. connection between the Atlantic and Paciilc coasts of the United States, and furnishing points-for State surveys, guuluding compensation of civilians engaged in the work, fifty thousand o ars. - Repairs of vessels, Coast-Survey: For repairs and maintenance of R°D¤iF¤ of Vw gbezcomplomcub of vessels used in the Coast: Survey, thirty thousand “°]“‘ ol ars. Publishing observations, Coast: Survey: For continuing the publical- Publmius Obtions of observations, and their discussion, made in the progress of the '°"“‘°"”· coast survey, including compensation of civilians engaged in the work, the publication to be made at the Public Printing Office six thousand dollars. General expenses, Coast Survey : General expenses of the Coast Sur- G°¤°”*l °¥P°¤· vey, in reference to the Atlantic, Gulf) and Pacific coasts of the United °°°‘ States, namely: For rents of buildings, number two hundred and eleven, . New Jersey avenue, south, and number two hundred and fiftcon, South Capitol street (excepting the workshops for standard weights and measures) {br offices, workrooms, and workshops, thirteen thousand six hundred dollars. For rent of sub. offico in San Francisco, California, two-thousand d01- lars. For rent of tim-proof buildings, number two hundred and fivc, New Jersey avenue, south, (excepting rooms for standard weights and measures,) for the safe-keepin g aud preservation of the original astronomical, magnetic, hydrogmphic, and other records, the original topographical and hydr0grap·hic maps and charts, the engraved plates, instruments, and other valuable articles of the Coast Survey, five thousand dollars. For fuel {br all the offices and buildings, two thousand dollars. For the tmuspmtation of instruments, maps, and charts, the purchase of new iustruumnts, books, maps, and charts, and for gas and other miscellaneous expenses, nine thousand four hundred dollars. T0 ciléct. a. truusibr of accounts in bbc Coast Survey appropriation Tmuslm. ibr tho fnscal your ending June Lhirticth, eighteen hundred and seventy- five, and involving no expenditure of money 11*0111 the Treasury, namely, from the item entitled “Repuirs of vessels " to the item entitled “Survey of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts/’ in tha said appropriations, four thousand seven hundred zuul niuctysix dollars and iifcy-one cents. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS. . Expenses of na.tiona1 currency: For paper, engraving, printing, ex- National cm-. press·chm·gcs, and other expenses, two hundred thousand dollars. macy- Transportation of United States securities: For transportation of Transportation of notes, bonds, and other securities of the United States, twenty-iivo murims. thousand dollars. Inquiries respecting food-[ishcs: For continuing the inquiry into the Food-nebea. causes of tluydccrcasa of food-tishes of the coast, of the rivers, and of the lakes of the United States, tivo thousand dollars. Propagation of ibud-fishes: Fo; introduction of shad into the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic States, the Gulf States, and of the Mississippi Valley, and of salmon, wlxitcflsh, and other useful food-iishcs into the waters of the United States to which they arc best adapted, thirty thousand dollars. . Illustrations for report ou food-fishes: For preparation of illustrations thr bbc Report of the United States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries, one thousand dollars. Metric standard of weights and measures: For construction and ver- Weights and ification of standard weights and measures for the custom houses of m°““‘“"“· the United States and for the several States, and of metric standards ibr the same, eight: ighousand dollars. · For muh of workshops in building number two hundred and fifteen, Rent of shops, South 0alp1m1smm, my mmuma dollars. ging C =~ v ¤ Ml