Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/362

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336 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 103. 1877. every such letter or package to entitle it to pass free shall bear over the words “Oiiicial business” an endorsement showing also the name of the Department, and, if from a bureau or office, the names of the Department and bureau or office, as the case may be, whence trans- 1•mm1¢.yfo;u¤;¤g mitted. And if any person shall make use of any such official enoliiqialenvelorestc velope to avoid the payment of postage on his private letter, package, “"°;‘1 P“Y'“°”" °f or other matter in the mail, the person so odending shall be deemed p°° °g°' guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a line of three hundred dollars, to be prosecuted in any court of competent jurisdiction. · Omega; (,,1,-.,].,,,,,,, Sec. 6. That for the purpose of carrying this act into effect, it shall to be provided. be the duty of each of the Executive Departments of the United States to provide for itself and its subordinate offices the necessary envelopes: I U .1 0 r S 0 m O H t and in addition to the endorsement designating the Department in which thereon. they are to be used, the penalty for the unlawful use of these envelopes shall be stated thereon. _ Scuamys, mam- Sec. 7. That Senators, Representatives, and Delegates in Congress, bers, etc., may send the Secretary of the Senate, and Clerk of the House of Representatives, d°°“'“°“*§ *}‘°°- may send and receive through the mail, all public documents printed P""·P·“°· by order of Congress: and the name of each Senator, Representative, llow {ranked. Delegate, Secretary of the Senate, and Clerk of the House shall be written thereon, with the proper designation of the office he holds: and the provisions of this section shall apply to each of the persons named therein until the iirst day of December iollo wing the expiration of their respective terms of office. t Eqs;-rgutes es - Sec. 8. That the following post routes be and are hereby established: ar is e inmsinzc, pp. 8, 12, ALABAMA Alabama. From Louisville, via J oiner’s Bridge, to Troy; From Delta, via Flint Hill, to Union. From Paint Rock Station to Princeton. From Detroit to Allen’s Factory. From Fort Deposit, via Kirkville, Sandy Ridge and Panola, to Steiuer’s Store. From Lake City, via Alford Mills, to Geneva. From Perote to Brundid ge. From Crossville to Rising Fawn, Georgia. From Crossville to Friendship. Arizona. ARIZONA- From Tuckson to Greaterville From Florence to Goodwin via Globe City and San Carlos. From Globe to Camp Apacha. From Phoenix to Prescott - From Tucson to San Carlos. From McDowell to Camp Verde. From Gila Bend to Sasabi Flat. From Clinton to Witt’s Springs. From Harrison to Marshall. _ From Maysville, via Germantown, to Tahlequah. From Fort Smith to McAllister. From Jasper to Dover, via D. Hapley’s and I. D. Barrett’s. From Charleston to Alma. California. CALHORNIA. ~ From Winters to Monticello. From Uncle Sam to Lower Lake. ' From Santa Rosa to Tomales. From Belmont, California to Beveille, Nevada. From Coffee Creek to Altoona.