Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/373

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FOBTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 105. - 1877. 34:7 est; and the same shall be re-imbnrsed to the Treasury of the United States from time to time as said revenues may be paid into said Treasury, until the full amount shall have been refunded. For the general purposes of the District of Columbia, to be expended Genemiexpenses. gylthe Commissioners of said District two hundred and fifty thousand 0 lars. . That the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized and directed to ed- Advance for supvunce to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia seventy-tive P°” °f P“M'° thousand dollars for support of the public schools of the District, to be °°h°°1S' available immediately; and said Commissioners shall refund the amount so advanced out of any revenues of the District for the current fiscal year not required for its actual expenses. For payment of judgments heretofore rendered in the Court of Claims J u d gm ents in in thvor of the iollowingmtmed persons, and for the amounts respect C°¤¥* of Cl¤i¤¤¤- ively following their names, to wit: Thomas W. Sweeney, seven hun- Tl10mm W· dred and sixtyeight dollars and eighty-one cents; Horatio Page, four S“§:;‘;g;) Page thousand four hundred and ‘dfty-three dollars und twenty-two cents; ' Francis Cole, two hundred and eight dollars and twentydive cents; I"P=¤¤<=i¤ 0016- John Campbell, one hundred and two dollars and forty-seven cents; J<>l¤¤ C¤¤¤rb¤1l. Albert Gittings, one hundred und thirty-tliree dollars and fifty-seven AIU6ft Gi¤¤i¤¤¤· cents; Edward M. Schaeffer, two hundred dollars; E. S. Houston, ior Sclijéélgfrd M· the use of J. H. Bemis, four hundred and twenty-ilve dollars and sev· S_ I{0um,,,_ entynine cents; in all, six thousand two hundred und ninety-two dollars and eleven cents. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT For casual repairs of the Interior Department building five thousand Repms. dollars GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE.--For the support, cloth- “S¤PD<>Y* i¤S¤¤¤ ing and medical und niorul treatment of the insane of the Army, Navy, °£A"“‘Y¤N‘“’$'¤"°°· und Murine Corps, and Revenue Cutter service, and of all persons who may have become insane since their entry into the military or naval service of the United States and who nre indigent. und of the indigent insane of the District of Columbia in the Government Hospital for the One-half or ex- Insane, one hundred and forty-five thousand dollars; and one hnlf of PMFCS of *¤d'£’J°l‘*° the expense of the indigent persons who nanny be hereafter admitted from }},‘§Q:‘°t‘;ga;’,f,b}‘“L‘} the District of Columbia shall be paid from the treasury of suid District Dimmu_ .Pr0*vidcd, That l1ereni‘ter such indigent persons shall be admitted only Inaigentinsnne; upon order of the executive authority of the said District. MW =*<l'mit°*l· For general repairs und iniprovenients absolutely necessary for the _R¤D¤iF¤ _<>f hosbuildings of the institution, five thousand dollars _ Wm b“‘1d‘“g‘ GOJ;.U1i11sm lNsu‘m‘Ur1oN FOR. trim DEAF AND DUMB.—For the sup- S¤I)P¤**= 9* C0- port of the institution, including salaries and incidental expenses, the }g;'§’;;‘fI:;;f,§3g‘;g’,;‘ maintenance of the beneticizwies of the United States, und five hundred ' dollars for the books and illustrative apparatus, forty eight thousand dollars. And the ztccouutingoiilcers of the Treasury are hereby author- mEl"°$;EfC,fgfB °§;`; ized, in the settlement of the accounts of the disbursing agent for the {UDL said institution, to give credit for voucher No five in the iirst qumter of eighteen hundred and seventysix, and for vouchers Nos. forty one and fifty eight in the second quarter of the smne year; said vouchers being receipts for moneys paid for fuel for the use of said institution, if the said acoountingolhcers shall and that said vouchers were for expenditures made for the beneiit of said institution _ _ For the completion of the work on the erection, furnishing and fitting B“*ml“¤‘#'*“‘h`°‘ up the buildings o1' the institution in accordance with plans heretofore Pm"' submitted, and for repairs on buildings already completed sixty-nine thousand five hundred und twentyfour dollars and sixty-two cents. _ Commmu HOSPITAL Fon Womziv AND LYING-IN Asymm.-For .f‘{’;?j§‘{l§j,m£f]°* support of the Columbia. Hospital for Women and Lying in Asylum, Pl a ° ' over and above the probnble amount which will be received from pay- - patients, eighteen thousand dollars.