Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/589

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CONVENTlON—EMPIRE OF JAPAN. AUG. 6, 1873. 553 Each mail exchanged between the United States postal agency at Lmepnsiis ne- Shanghai and the Japanese post-offices of Yokohama, Hiogo and Naga- *’ "'°°¤ Smughei saki, respectively, shall be accompanied by a letter-bill following the °`g°°°y and J°'P”‘“' Form C, hereto annexed; its receipt shall be acknowledged by the next dispatch, in accordance with the Form D, hereto annexed. Anrrcnn II. . The correspondence dispatched from each exchange-office shall be Making up mail made up in separate packages corresponding with the entries on the letterbill. Each of these packages shall be wrapped in strong paper, tied with twine, and shall bear a label indicating the nature of the correspondence in English characters. ARTICLE III. The registered letters dispatched shall be described in a registered- Registered lotletter list, following the model E, hereto annexed, and the total number *’°'“· of registered letters sent shall be entered in the corresponding blank on the letter-bill. In case no registered articles are sent, the proper blank of the letterbill shall be filled with the word “Nihil" or “N il." The package of registered letters sent in the mail shall be plainly inscribed with the word “Registered? Ancrronn IV. All letters exchanged in the mail shall bear the stamp of the office of Marking-stamps. origin andthe date of mailing, and also the stamp of the exchange office dispatching them. . insufficiently prepaid letters shall bear the stamp “ lnsufficiently prepaid," and registered letters shall bear the stamp “Registered." Anrxorn V. In conformity with the requirements of Article VII of the Convention, _EX¢h=¤}1g¤¤<>f f<>¤- a table, F, is hereto annexed, showing the countries with which, and °‘g“ "““1“· specifying. the terms and conditions on whicl1,.Japan may exchange correspondence in the open mail through the United States. _ Aarionn VI. The United States exchange office shall mark in black tak in the P¤=§h¤]s<;t£_¤<>h upper left corner of the address of unpaid letters passing in transit ‘*· through the United States, the amount of postage for exterior service due the United States on such letters, and, in like manner, but in red mk, shall mark on letters passing in transit through the United States prepaid to Japan, the amount due the Japanese office on such letters. Aitrronn VII. The accounts arising from the extranational correspondence shall be A¤<=¤¤¤l¤· prepared quarterly by the United States Administration, shall be based upon the Acknowledgments of receipt, and shall be promptly forwarded to the Japanese Officc for examinations _ The amount found due shall be paid by the debtor to the creditor office in the money of the country of the creditor office.