Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/21

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Appropriations for carrying certain Indian Treaties into Effect. An act making appropriations for carrying into effect certain treaties with the Cherokee and Piankeshaw tribes of Indians. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1807.
Post-roads. An act to establish certain post-roads, and for other purposes. (Repealed.)March 3, 1807.
Disapproval of the Bank of Detroit. An act disapproving of an act passed by the governor and judges of the territory of Michigan, entitled “An act concerning the Bank of Detroit.”March 3, 1807.
Compensation for extra Services of the Officers of the Government of the Indiana Territory. An act making compensation for extra services to the governor, judges, and secretary of the Indiana territory. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1807.
Prevention of Settlements on the Lands of the United States. An act to prevent settlements being made on lands ceded to the United States, until authorized by law.March 3, 1807.
Land Claims in the District of Vincennes, &c. An act confirming claims to land in the district of Vincennes, and for other purposes.March 3, 1807.
Public lands. An act making provision for the disposal of the public lands, situated between the United States military tract and the Connecticut reserve, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)March 3, 1807.


To publish the report and chart of the survey of the coast of North Carolina.March 2, 1806.

STATUTE Ⅰ.—1807, 1808.



Appropriations for the Support of the Navy. An act making further appropriations for the support of the navy of the United States during the year one thousand eight hundred and seven. (Obsolete.)Nov. 24, 1807.
Additional Compensation to the Secretaries of the Mississippi, Indiana, Louisiana, and Michigan Territories. An act allowing an additional compensation to the secretaries of the Mississippi, Indiana, Louisiana, and Michigan territories.Dec. 5, 1807.
Districts of Biddeford and Pepperelborough. An act to change the name of the district of Biddeford and Pepperelborough, in Massachusetts, to that of Saco.Dec. 15, 1807.
Appropriation for an additional Number of Gun Boats. An act to appropriate money for the providing of an additional number of gun boats. (Obsolete.)Dec. 18, 1807.
An Embargo laid on Ships and Vessels in the Ports and Harbours of the United States. An act laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbours of the United States. (Repealed.)Dec. 22, 1807.
Fortification of the Ports and Harbours of the United States. An act supplementary to an act entitled “An act for fortifying the ports and harbours of the United States, and for building gun boats.” (Obsolete.)Jan. 8, 1808.
Supplement to the Act laying an Embargo. An act supplementary to the act entitled “An act laying an embargo on all ships and vessels in the ports and harbours of the United States.” (Repealed.)Jan. 9, 1808.
Right of Suffrage extended in the Mississippi Territory. An act extending the right of suffrage in the Mississippi territory, and for other purposes. (Obsolete.)Jan. 9, 1808.
Grants of Land South of the State of Tennessee. An act supplemental to an act entitled “An act regulating the grants of land, and providing for the disposal of the lands of the United States, south of the State of Tennessee.”Jan. 19, 1808.
Duties on Merchandise. An act to revive and continue in force for a further time the first section of the act entitled “An act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States against the Barbary powers.” (Obsolete.)Jan. 19, 1808.