Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/926

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INDEX. 9 N6w8pwp62‘8—C0uti11L1ed. Paige` . . P ¤ as secon<rclass mail-matter, published in ‘ Ngimga R?"}aaa. io;-e1gneountries; copyrightsprotected. 359 Igor llieecgguh gllituqpmvgmont of° `' 371 transrent, cla.ss1Heati011 Of; postage OD 359 exa.mina.tion_ancl siiine-n in l l I l ll.- ll. "` 215 E60 tlalllpglh maulstm county when puh_ NM", POM, Ewpeduon V Y <> - - . , wo 9 "X°°P -----—·-- -· · ·--- - . ‘ · _2 _ rates at letter-carrier offices shlp Jgmimmi accepted fw; °»**l¤¤*m¤¤*¤ Lrmvtm, y of. _ _ - _ · 'I . _ _ l - - _ - _ ‘ .’. ¤ N.£“%'Q,‘¥§,§‘}.}.§’,,IL?§]“*°f ‘‘‘‘‘‘· · ···· · ······--- 4*6 ·¤6¤=¤>¤; of umm, of poi,,,, _,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, e ipropriaficue icr installments, etc. to 74 304 r · I0 .1,6 printed fOr 6*66; 1m°°¤ Gm ··-- 132 Nw wl Wzlliam ’ ’ Mmh Rm P N Cv Imyimmt to U H U _ _ 646 appmpriatiou for beacon-lights in ..._ _ _ _ _ 215 Maid,, George W., °` " " ‘‘`` ‘* ‘‘‘` " “N,.-i?,EQ3‘}*3i;‘L¥°¥.§‘“ °f "’“ “‘ ·=·········· M 3** N ggggjepgg 1,;,-- -—-— -· --·——- -- -----------. ce Nc4am,...,,,;,,,, ,;,,,.,6, ,,,_ __ 3,3 _pa.yment to . . . ... . . . . 630 qthez 5,;];:;,, f · 1, - lwclwlsou, Mary PP P S °!’P1¢1‘— cad hghts on 214, 331 payment to . . . . . . . . 651 Nortihomwr Slgvcyihcf l N H - uN uu`````` 2m' 388 Nwzwzm, rioting ,4. T"? "" I”f"6”6 Payment m # n.ppropr1a.tions for mstullments, etc., to ..., 74, 304 Nwkmg, ,p oai, `````````'``'' ' 569 N‘;`*’**;’g* Qlliywmvflrcciians, pgyyljgonl; to ,______ __ __ __ ______ _ ____ _ 418 J`, Pp _ PU*]*_1qDS 0I' l11SOU»llI1l@11TS, ctc,, to ____ 74, 304 NWN, RWM, S, -·-·· I orthrqa, Wzllmm M., adommairator, » .v=¤,m6¤* *6 ------ - ----- · ---·------- - ---.- ssc N£$?Z$‘§§"j»f,‘;,,,·  ;- ,;,·· ·-·- ·---- 666 Ai 381, €°""d* - eppropriutiofitr igmoigiiig liglit-house ot. . 381 imym n ° ’'' ‘ ’‘‘‘'···· · · --·-- 634 Northwestern Rivera ` Nw°dgmu'8’ Jacob' €1·]JpI0 l`lZLtlOIlSfo;‘(l(5£[(}' i 'o f' · · » · ¤ r P¤>’m°¤* *° -··--- · ---·· ------------ 634 .z~r0»·u..,,e£,,.,, ,;;,,,,;,,0,,, ,,,,g§’,‘,,‘j‘ *‘ °‘“‘“"‘*>**"’"· No 1N?;:;;:;, {Elon,--U H - -·· U l - U I-- i 634 N;pp;·o;E·'i;ti7§ folgézspzllnneiits to . 79, 309 ig w rooting ’ = - “S ’ _ at wild-fovxii, etc., in District of Columbia, _Aq,I;$(¥,?x$?,%,Z;,`i;]2gm011t to ``````` ""119’ 234 _ pens y . . .. . . . . . 135 ’ t to ______ _ _____ _ · Mm, uu, N£$Z.1f‘%‘$i.., M., ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘····` °’” Ng,;y$,$3;;;, ··· ······ · ····· - -··· - - ·-·- 634 credit in accolmts of .. . ..,____ _ __ _ 527 v . . · N lk 0 . Nggzlségzgigr m°;“*S"‘1 · ·········· - --·----·- 579 ;» 0i)l2;:;;LB for improvement of lmrbor vappmppgetion Eg services on . . . . .. 226 Nomay, 0 ``````'`'```````‘' M9' 369 1 uv of cnry, Med, tonnage-tex collected on vessels of anew bc

   of- - - -•- - - - - - - - - - - - — - · . -          

wom 0 f'! r protest and nppon] ______ _ _____ _ _ ___ 171 ,P”*Ym°“ 0 Judgmmt t°· ············-- --· 23—’ convention with, wojghtg and ,m,,,m,.(,S_ __ 709 1`°“hr J“°"b Ju _ Postal Union .. . . . ...,. , ,,,, 734 NP‘;'Y%‘?“i’ t° ······ · ····· ·· ·· ···--···--· - ·· 257 Notaries Public, °° r ‘u’“'”‘ B-: “°°"'°"> r for District of Columbia, 5LI)]l011llllI10lll1 n,n<1 payroent to .. . . . . .301 tcm of Gmcé of ______ _ __________ 101 Nomom Creek, Va., _ _ Nom and Bonds, N”’PP*Y°_pmm°“ fcr 1mPI°"°m°m’ of —- ·- ----- 364 appropriations for tmnsportntioxi of . . 216, 383 orwuculable Blotter, Nome to gympmws, .d°hV°rX¢ ‘?t°·> °f · ····· · ····· · ············ 360 style ei} rc uired by game-lsxw for District Jvomeonzmwewrzed O_[i‘iocrc, Army, of Cglumbiag penalty for defining promotion of, to second licutemmts. . .. 150 Bm ____________________ _ __ _ ____ _ __: 135 Norfolk, Via., I Ir_ Notlwwaiy River, Va., appropriationsfor1mprovementofl1e1bo1 of 1.:3, 364 cmmmution and Survey of ______ _ _ _ _ ______ 160 survey and exa.minu.tion of wa.ter—lincs cou- Noticegy ¤6<=ti¤z, with A‘¤1=¤¤i¤i<= Owen Swth _ rates to be puicl for advertising .. . .,,.. gw of Hatteras .. , . ...-.. .. 162 Nome,,, Jam, Aw M mv_;,1:»¤·*3g·,¤;¤l¤0i1;1E¤¤t¤ be ¤¤¤1¤d¤<1r¤¤¤rv<»y- 162 mam Or, iefigea to oimueoemtmami .. . ses a ·» Nozvabcc River ics. Nmmgghto ··¥·-· ··-··· · -··-··-·-·· - ---·- 646 examiinution and survey of .. . . . . . . 373 8 my Nursery Payéleut tv ····•·•·' '‘''*’’·' * ·'··* 634 Whmbzbroos, etc,, {jo be propagated in Public _ 220 N•>"i#, Wham, dvrwedi Nutty, James L., _ Paimcub tc €¤t¤»W of -·---------— · ·—-· · -—-· 629 contested-election expenses of .. . . 400 Norms, Zebulon, deceased, MM Ez,-a 0,, payment to estate of .. . . . . 629 pension to ____ __ __ ____ __ _ _ ____ _ _____ _ ____ 578 North American Etlmology appropriation for completing, etc . 397 0, North Carolina Oak Orchard N Y. 2»l)])1`0PI‘l£LtlOillS for 1igl1t—sta.tion.s on coast of . 214 appropriations for improvement of lmrbor terms of district and circuit courts for west- of .. . . . ... 157, 369 · ern district ot) to be held at Charlotte. 173 Oakland, Cal,, _ _ elections for Representatives in Congress iipproprmtiousior rmprovcinent of lmrbor r ( ifomy when to be held .,,_,_ _ _____,_ 175 of ; proviso __________ _ _ ______ _ ____ 15,;, 369 issue of tents, etc. for militia. of; proviso. 254 for light-house, etc., ot <—ntrz1.uce to herpost-roads esteblisixed iu. . .. . . 18, 452 i bor of .. . . .. 381