Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 20.djvu/925

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900 INDEX. Page. { Page. New Hampshire, { New York City-Continued. appropriation for day-beacons on coast of.. 380 ‘ appropriations for salaries of commission post-roads established in ... . .. .. . . 450 I to investigate customs-service in 9 New Haven Conn. for dencieneies for court-house buildinrr appropriation for construction of break- at .. . . .. . . . . . 44 Water at .. . 371 for alterations in post-office building at.. 384 for improvement of harbor of .. .-..158, 363 for sub-treasury building at. . . . 211 New Jersey, for labor in navy-yard at .. . 45 post-roads established in .. . . . . 450 assay—ofticc at, may refine bullion; charges appropriations for light-stations on coast of . 214 and expenses ; exchanges. . . 191 New London Conn. barge-oftice to be erected in· appropriation · appropriations fdr deficiencies for labor in title to land; limit to’cost .. . . . .1 133 navy-yard at .. . .-.. 45 limits of port of, extended .. . . .. . . 324 V M · New York Indian Lands in Kansas, 1 gpprdpwggitions for expenses of government €Xt€HS§0¥é_0f fha? for l’Y00f of identiiy of 36 Of ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ ____ ____ 194 n ian se ers on .. at tiescit-mesa .. . . . . 117, 412 New York 5e3M I·•d¤w¤, _ _ for office of surveyor-general of 201, 228, 393 j*l’PfoPU@110QS for 2mm11i}'; 01% to ·--· ·- --78» -108 for incidental expenses Indian service Mw 10** gg'? 1V1W0n Indtafley f in ____ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ 85, 314 Yapypoprialtions for annuity to .. ...80, 309 dc'es` . . . .-..--. 422 1 Vw Ml fm fm-Ogg-viC;;$1;lC_, marshal of ______ __ _ _ 395 amendment to postal convention with . 699 for survey of private land-claims in . 392 New, OVW""! L-, _ claims of certain mounted volunteers of, . _P3}'m€¤f to ·--- -- ·---·· - -----—-·--·------ 663 maybe considered by Court of Claims. 324 ~ ]Ww“"k» N J-, _ _ _ constitution of legislature of; number, pay, part of <i<flle,ct1o11_d1str1;ct fog trapsfeérgtlt to 224 districts officers etc. ... .. . . 193 _ 00 80 1011 is F10 0 GW OY 1 Y- · timber from inincral ipublic lands in, for }0wb€""'» G€0"!I€’ W-; building, etc., investigation and re- YP33m6B1B to ·----- · ----·-·-—-- · -----··-··- 646 port of violations'. . . .. . 1 88 iiwvvvmb, {am, 138 penalty ______ _ _____ _ ____ _____ ____ ____ 89 PCDSIOD 0.. Z..-.. ..--.." 0 act of legislature of, incorporating Society N010C0mg", J08h“ay J"-, of Jesuit Fathers, declared void . 280 YP€¢Y¤1€11i5 U? ·----· - - - - - - ; -----·-·--·----·- 634 Mesita J uano Lopez land grant in, con- 1V’w€‘0”¤€7',t1;*6‘i07` H, ¢¢dm•m8"‘¢W07’, rm firmed . . . . .- ., 592 P¤)'¤1€¤ 0 ---·-- · -·--· · ----- · ----- · ·---- 0 1 proclamation prohibiting unlawful assem- Nvwvum, Land?} bites an .. . . .. . . 807 payment tq ------ - ·---- · ·---· - ----- · ----- 630 post-roads established in. . . . . . 18, 4511\¢w€¤771<'F,',¢1[©¢1¤¢€1, 634 New Mexico Apache Indians Piiymen ° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ t ‘ t' ‘ ‘‘'‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ appropriations for subsistence, etc., of'; pro- A °;f;£Q“5I;-"fg Sv adnumstmmrf 640 viso .. . . . . . . . . . 84, 313 · ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘’'‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘'‘‘' not to be removed to Indian Territory . 313 Newcuv J°h"> d€°“8°`d¤ _ Yew O,_,(_an8 La payment to estate of ..-- . b40

  • , v, ·v , , Neugfoundland

¤PIlfoDI`1€111011 fm" S7-‘~19·1'10S; etc-; H1 Omcc of agreement Jvith, forf1‘eecXGi121Dg00fIHOH6y- assistant tieasurcr at . . . 190 Orders _ 700 in mint at. . . . . . ..., -.,. 192 , ```````````````````````````` ' of cdmmiigion to investigate customs ser- 9 N?;7;gig,§`1O _ ____ _ __________ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ 421 .-...-..·--.4 T for custom-house building at ... 210, 377 A;;,;;;ié£q,aZl)e8’ __ _ ___ ____ _ _ _ __ __ 000 for deficiencies in .. .- -... .-.. 43 New,,,,,,, Jana,},;,;]} ``°`' ' for improvement of harbor of .. 155, 365 paymént to " _ _ _____ __ __ _ _ 507 no expenditures on mint at, until land is rc- NL,,,,,,,,,,, Sam,,;,"` `°```````` " . 1°aSBd ‘··‘ ·‘·· ‘ ··‘····‘ ‘ ···· 192 payment to ., ... . . . ... 561 salaricsopfcpaval officer and surveyor of 322 NL,,w,;,a,,, Wade H., ‘ survey and estimate for breakwater at new yggsylgligg g` " "````````" " `````` 646 lout1st.-.. .. . srs ‘ **1 . "* N R mu; · appropriations for manufacture of, for postal ew iver at. service .,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 357 3PPI`QP;i?ii0i1S fo; i¤1P1'0V€m$¤iFfof - - - - -152, 365 basis of commissions to postmasters of fourth ’ examina lon ant survey 0 l'0II1 ea glass OD _ _ ______ _ _____ _ _____ __ _ _ ____ 14] 11111108, 111 Nvyillé (lOl1H1T};, to H1011th of Llgqrtgpgpgr W;·apPg]·5, N P 217,1150% ip GFWSOU County -··- --- - · · 161 appropriations for manufacture of, for postal 870 10C f’ 6 A 3 Y- service ,.,... . .. -- . . .. 142 3'7 appropriations fob improvement of harbor ]\’ew8pap6,·8, i 0 of ---· - -- - ---· · -- - -··· - - ----·- —- - -159, 364 approprialions for, for Senators. .. .. . . 179 New Town Creek N Y. ‘ for deficiencies in .. . . . . 238 examination and snryey of .. .. 373 fo; M551w11i0H . . ··-- . ---·- - ·-·· - --·-- New York or e 'ciencirs in .-.. . . . . appropiiiations for light-stations on coast · mms for advertising ill ·--.-· - · -··- Z -·---· 216 of ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ ____________ _ _ _ _ ____ 214 penalty for defacing, etc., belonging to Cattaraugus Indian Reservation in, to be re- Uliitéfi States - . . . . -·.- · ------· 171 gtiyveygrl ____ _ _ _ _ _ __,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ 535 as S6(:O!1fl—Cl{1SS Hl;\il—m3.t1B1‘, postage OD ; Npost-roads established in . .. 18, 452 t _ lpaymcut K ,i);{ .i . -. . . - . ew York City . inc osures pro 11 1 et . . . .. .. I appropriatidns for salaries, etc., in assay- , Dcfmittcd .. -.. . . . -. — - .- . . 359 office at . . . . . . . . 192 false evidence of character of; penalty-. 359 in ofliee of assistant treasurer at ,,., , , , 188 385 . conditions of classification .. 359 I