Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/105

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FORTY-SIXTH CON GBESS. Sess. II. Ch. 56, 57. 1880.7 5 Sec. 2. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict with the provisions _ Bs1M] DPM5- of this act be, and the same are hereby, repealed ‘°”“· · Approved, April 16, 1880. _ cmp. s•1.—A¤ act to mem an aa entitled un act to provide for taking me mm APN 2°· 188** and subsequent censuses", approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy- HIHB. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That all mail matter of what Tenth wud wb- · ever class, relative to the census and addressed to the Census Office, to S°§g1%“’c°,f“fg§°“· the Superintendent, his chief clerk, supervisors or enumerators, and in- 20 Sim; 473; dorsed, ‘fOilicial business, Department of the Interior, Census On°.ice", Matter _ relating shall be transported free of postage; and 1f any person shall make use of ig. free vfhlivsf-Qse any such indorscment to avoid the payment of postage on his private i {";3gl_£m;::z-il; letter, package, or other matter in the mail, the person so offending shall ,,,,,,,,1 p,,,,,,,,,,,,,, of be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of three hun- postage a mismadred dollars, to be prosecuted in any court of competent jurisdictuon. 2';¤¤°¤`» 1****1** Y Sec. 2. That the seventeenth section of an act entitled “An act to pro- ,2,.,9, 0h_ ,95_ · vide for the taking of the tenth and subsequent censuses” be amended 20 gmt_, 4;;;_ by striking out so much thereof as provides that schedule one contain Schedules (Hue an inquiry as to the naturaliaation of foreign-born persons, and that Wd f°¤* ***1****** **d· schedule four contain an inquiry relating to the ownership of the public debt of the United States, by whom owned, and the respective amounts: · Provided, That the Superintendent of the Census shall collect and collate, grouse. h_ f as far as possible, by experts and agents and from officers of the gov- pubgxiaglfte IP 0 ernment, information in relation to the ownership of the public debt of the United States. _ Sec. 3. That section seventeen of the act aforesaid be so amended, as Sep, 33,,,1 to allow the report which the Superintendent of the Census is requued Fiscal yém 0,, to obtain nom railroad corporations, incorporated express companies, mpomiom, telegraph companies, and insurance companies to be made for the nscal year of the incorporamon or company having 1tS termination nea1est to the first of June, eighteen hundred and eighty._ d Sec. 4. That section nineteen of the aforesaid act shall be amende Sec. 1e,d so as to require the enumeration to commence upon the flrst day of {uae, Elgexczmoll 0, eighteen hundred and eighty,_and further so as to reqmreht bat te mics_ enumeration of population in cities having over ten thousan in a E1 an s shall be taken within two weeks from the iirst day of June, e1g teen h d ed and ei hiy _ — HSI12d. 5. That iection five of the act aforesaid shall be amended so as eee. ¤,1 to allow that in case it shall occur in any enumeration d1str1ct that no E¤Se;1;l;¤;l}Mm person qualified to perform and willing to undertake the_dut1es gif uppm ,,,1 Sm of > enumerator resides in that district, the supervisor maiydepipcéniz they person, resident in the county, to be the enumerator o - a is ric . b S0 9 _ Sec. 6. That section nine of the act aforesaégd be, anGg_tl;§.1san;_,e llregeuy Agglmhm - ~ ‘ h imm 1a yae - ,_ iii.-i?..§“€i‘é‘i*l.3;,£3ti§3“饰if ,..`}‘1.‘i§$§.*l .3% his district ,,.1 ga,,, ,,5;,~;,.q;,,,;·m forwarding the same to the supervrsor, to make andhnle mutpe 0 beeuod 2,, ` the clerk of the county court or in the ofliee of the_ co_ oe for- , , administering the aifairs of the county to which his d1str1ct bleaeggsba _ list of the names, with age, sex, and color, of alllperilselns egilifesc aid alt him, which he shall certify to be true, and for w 10 H e emu ivcpmticc Nome of ming _ the rate of ten cents for each one hundred names e s _ d_ met md cormmon of by written advertisement at three or more public places 11; 0 1pm;? day 1mg_ that he will be at the court heuse of siaid cgurlhynesc 0,010ck mm after tiling said list, not including Sun ay,f Ho _ da for the pm. meridian to six o’clock post II1CI'1d.l3»ll and the 0 owing _ y d _ - pose of correcting his enumeration by striking out or addling tcm; defégnéio tion of persons improperly enumerated orgmxetezl , Iagicmpdiito Conga; on designated he shall, in accordance with said no IQ aP 7