76 FORTYSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 57, 58. 1880. such reliable information as he may obtain, all omissions and mistakes in E¤¤—mi¤¤¢i<>¤ of such enumeration, and to that end he may swear and examinewituesses, “‘(?;f§i$,0us L 0 who shall testify subject to the pains and pena1t1es of perjury. The l,., ,,,,,.1., 1.,,.,,,,, J.., result of such inquiry for correction and the whole number of persons by nysmnacis. him enumerated, he shall make known to the bystanders, if any. And the 'fi¤¤<> tv ¤¤=1»l<¤ time given enuuierators by said act to make return to supervisors is
da;°,?‘*“d°d hereby extended fifteen days. And each enumerator shall be paid for
"his services in correcting his schedule of inhabitants as required by this O th f m act a (pom to iixeddby the Superintendent of Clensuls, in po pasgito =¤_ <> 0 ¤¤ excee two dollars an fifty cents per day. And t at the oat.1 o' 0 ce
prescribed by section seven of said act be so amended as to authorize
,.,,,,,,_ ” gud require the making and Hling the list of inhabitants as required by his act. _ A1>l>¥<)1—>¤‘i¤·*i<>¤¤ Sec. 7. That to pay the enumerators for the additional services re- $:Q,_:‘l2}';;::gL§;;Q quired by this act, the sum of one hundred and twenty-five thousand t.,,,,dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same hereby is, appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Al¤¤l<=¤- Sec. 8. The Superintendent of Census shall collect and publish the statistics of the population, industries resources of the district of Alaska, with such fullness as he may deem expedient, and as he shall and practmilbletgutdpr the appropriations made, or to be made, for the expenses o e 11 census. Approved, April 20, 1880. I April 20, 1880. CHAP. 58.-An act to provide for theceatabléshing of terms of court in the district _t""'*"""" 0 0 01*8 0. Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United - _Un i md States States of America in Congress assembled, That terms of the circuit and Q:g$":j£u,;;",€;1_ district courts of the United States for the district of Colorado shall be ,,.,0, ,’,,· U.,,.,,,,d,,_ held at the times and places hereinafter designated, namelyf At Denver, 1‘erms. on the first Tuesday in May and the first Tuesday in October in each Where held. year ; at Pueblo, on the first Tuesday in March in each year; at Del Norte, on the iirst Tuesday in September in each year. Jm·m·s. Sec. 2. Whenever the terms of the said circuit and district courts · shall be held at the same time and place, grand and petit jurors summoned to attend in either of said courts may serve in the other of said courts, and but one grand or petit jury shall be summoned to attend on said courts at one and the same tame; but this provision shall not prevent either of said courts from procuring the attendance of several panels of jurors successively, as the business of the courts may require. 372, gh- _Sec. 3. The records of the district court in the several divisions of the ,,(_g,,Q,;,j ‘ · district of Colorado, as declared by the act approved February lifteenth. eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, entitled “An act to provide thr holding terms of the circuit and district courts in the district of Coloyvnmo nope, rado", shall be kept and retained in the c1erk’s office of the district court of _Colorado ; and the district court sitting at the places mentioned in this act respectively, shall have jurisdiction of actions, civil and crimi- Actions. nal, heretotbre brought and now pending at any such place. Actions, suits, and proceedings pending and undetermined in the district court ‘ for_the_souther11 and western divisions, as declared by said act, of which a circuit court has jurisdiction exclusive of the district court, may be _Fiual hearing or certified into the circuit court sitting at the same place, for tnrtherlprc
- ,9 h 82 ceglingg t,l;`c]?·ein ind fotrl tinaé hearing or trial thereoti
, . , c . -_, no. . e ac men 'one in the last section is repealed but such §‘;S;:l=éh29~t repeal shall not adect the power of the courts to proceed aeizording to Ego, 0{ lvm, the terms thereof U1 any action, suit, or proceeding now pending therein oroviogom umlm and undetermined, or according to the terms of this act. Approved, April 20, 1880.