FORTYSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 222, 223. 1880. _ 199 CHAP. 222.—An act making an appropriation for the erection of a light-house and June 15, 1880. fog-bell on Old Gay Rock at the entrance of Wickford Harbor, Narragansett Bay. ·i—-———-——— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Un/ited States of America in Congress assembled, That there be appropriated, Wickford Harout of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, forty-five 00*- , thousand dollars, for the purpose of erecting a light-house and fog-bell ,iEf1Qf’,:‘0Q1';;‘ mf; on Old Gay Rock at the entrance of Wickford Harbor, Narragansett fo$g-b61; at ,,,1- Bay, under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, and that the trance. old light in said harbor be discontinued upon the completion of the new APPT°PTi¤*i0¤· one. Approved, June 15, 1880. _ CHAP. 223.-An act to accept and ratify the agreement submitted by the oonfed- June 15, 1880. eratecl bands of Ute Indians in Colorado, for the sale of their reservation in said —-——— State, and for other purposes, and to make the necessary appropriations for carrying out the same. Whereas certain of the chiefs and headmen of the confederated bands Preamble. of the Ute tribe of Indians, now present in the city of Washington, have agreed upon and submitted to the Secretary of the Interior an agreement for the sale to the United States of their present reservation in the State of Colorado, their settlement upon lands in severalty, and for other purposes; and Whereas the President of the United States has submitted said agreement, with his approval of the same, to the Congress of the United States for acceptance and ratification, and for the necessary legislation to carry the same into edect: Therefore Be lt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatryes of the United Ute Indians in States of America in Congress assembled, That said agreement be, and G010W10- the same is hereby, accepted, ratified, and connrmed: Provided, That Promo. the said agreement shall be amended by adding to the nrst clause there- Agreement for of, after the words “ guilty parties", the words following, to wit: "Unti1 ¤¤>»1<> <>f1¤¤<1¤- such surrender or apprehension, or until the President shall be satisfied raégsfdm ****1 that the guilty parties are no longer living or have rled beyond the limits ‘ of the United States, the proportion of the money, hereinafter provided, coming to that portion of the Ute Indians known as the White River Utes, except for removal and settlement, shall not be paid "; and by adding to the third express condition of said agreement after the word "forever", the words following, to wit: “Prov·ided, That the President Proviso. of the United States may, in his discretion, appropriate an amount thereof, not exceeding ten thousand dollars, for the education in schools es- Schools. tablished within or beyond the limits of the lands selected, of such youths of both sexes as in his judgment may be best qualified to make proficiency in practical. industries and pursuits necessary for their selfsupport and out of the portion of said moneys coming to the White Payment annu- River Ujtes, the United States shall pay annually to the following-named a 11 y for twenty persons, during the period of twenty years, if they shall live so long, ¥g:£uB*° °°’*“*"‘ the tollowing sums respectively: To Mrs. Arivella D. Meeker, nvc hun- P ‘ dred dollars; to Miss Josephine Meeker ive hundred dollars; to Mrs. Sophronia Price, five hundred dollars; to Mrs. Maggie Gordon, live hundred dollars ; to George Dresser, two hundred dollars; to Mrs. Sarah M. Post, nve hundred dollars; to Mrs Eaton, mother of George Eaton, two hundred dollars ; to the parents of Arthur L. Thompson two hundred dollars · to the father of Fred Shepard, two hundred dollars; to the parents of Wilmer Eskridge, two hundred dollars " ; and by adding to the fifth express condition of said agreement after word "reaiiirmed", the words following to wit: “This sum, together with the annuity of fifty thousand th$rS;0H';¤°d¤*¤ fu" dollars hereinbefore provided, may, in the discretion of Con gress, at the end of twenty-five years, be capitalized, and the principal sum be paid to said Indians per capita in lieu of said annuities " : And provided also, That WMI00- tliree-fourths of the adult male members of said confederated bands shall
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