Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/274

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244 FORTY-SIXTH CON GBESS. Sess. II. Ch. 234. 1880. James G- Blunt, To pay James G. Blunt for Army supplies furnished in eighteen hun. Army S“PP“°°· dred and sixty-two and eighteen hundred and sixtythree, two hundred d flft -three dollars and nineiynve cents being claim number forty- ddur thdyusand nine lirindregftaing sixty-twé,l_indHouse Executive Doon. t be thirt , or y- ongress 1r _ session. Caroline Gray- HRT1c p1g;1Cai·oline Drayson for wood furnished in eighteen hundred and ¤°¤· sixty four, one hruidred and thirty-five dollars, being claim number thirty-eight thousandsix hundred and eighty-three, in House Executive Document number thirty, Fortypnfth Cgmgressilghlird sessipn. h d I Wn L. S — To a William L. Sergeant or woo urms in eig een un rec $"“':"-mm Br and sixtyfive, six hundred and eleven dollars, being claim nu n~_ber forty- tive thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, in House Executwe Document number thirty, Fortyfifth Congress third session. _ ”""“°1“""f““‘ if “W°““y‘i°`t’ “°1i?’¥S “‘2‘§.§‘?3’.? iii5E "’§°“££'Z£§`;‘L“€.‘} - ( or s dgdiitsb di threpS(dutlEiJ§1¥)1i(C)idilJmls)1Ci>mmission"} prior to July nrstfeighteen [33,345 P, Bald- hundred and seventy-nine, to settle the account of Isaac P. Baldwin, of win. Manassas, Virginia. War D e p a. r t - WAR DEPARTMENT. mont. ENG·1`NEER’S OFFICE. _ Maps and illus- For the preparation and completion under the direction of the Secre- 'vw-¤i<>{1¤ SUTVOYS tary of War, of reports and maps and such other 1llustrations as may (‘;_‘f;b§€Dg£fd,g;“` be necessary 1H completing the work of the geographical andbtopo- ' graphical survey of the territory of the United States west of the one hundredth meridian, including cost of engraving and printing, thirty homo. thousand dollars: Provided, That the above sum shall be so applied as to close the work. D QuartermastefsQUABTEBMASTEB’S DEPARTMENT. epartment. Certified ae- For payment of accounts certified to be due by the accountinggg:;?, Army GX- onicers of the Treasury Department for incidental expenses of the Army, · being for the service of the nscal year eighteen hundred and seventy- eight, twenty-one thousand two hundred and ninety-eight dollars and ninety-two cents. Contingent ex- For contingent expenses of the portion of the State, War, and Navy w;§°¤;£g‘°}§;¤`fg; Departments building two thousand dollars, for the current nscal ’_ - - _ year. · D(H,,;`;1bl1}lii00n_ For the payment of Alonzo A. Noon for improvements embraced in the military reservation at Fort Cameron, Utah Territory, as awarded gyua board of military officers, one thousand one hundred and twenty 0 ars. v,,,],,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-1,;,,, _For_ detecting and bringing to trial and punishment persons guilty Of internal-revenue y1o1ating the internal-revenue laws, or conniving in such crime, includl¤»W¤· mg payments for information and detection, being a deiiciency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, seven thousand five hundred and forty-seven dollars and thirty-tive cents. MI1»ITARY ACADEMY. Acccuqts cerfii For payment of accounts certiiied to be due by the accounting-officers g:g,gS‘;g;S°’0¥33’h°0 of the Treasury Department for pay of professors of the Military Acad- Mmmy Academy emyi beim g {or tlhre (sierviize of the iiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy - year 1878. e1g ve l11I e an sixty-two dollars and fifty cents. For payment of accounts certified to be due by the accounting-officers _ r service o · e sca year eig en un am f.$2.£°tiE‘.f";’ }3°‘}t?'“°“* "°‘* £‘}?."‘};’ °€ "“ "”°i"%?2§ °€§°“°.fl2é““‘i sevegnty-nine, four hundred and seventy-seven dollars and seventy-nine cen s.