Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/275

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 234. 1880. 245 For pay of commandant of cadets (lieutenant-colonel),·in addition to Commandom of pay as captain in the line, being a deiciency for the fiscal year eighteen °°f°*“S'°¥"’°“f,“?‘ hundred and eighty, rm nmama mum. €{°..§T‘° * "“ “ "" M1801¤LLANEOUs. That the proper accounting-officers of the Treasury Department are Lieut Col- T- L- hereby directed, without involving the payment of any money from the C.“°Y»C°"P*’ °fE“‘ Treasury, to credit Lieutenant-Colonel T. L. Casey, Corps of Engineers, g"`°°”' in his accounts for expenditures under the appropriations for improvement and care of public grounds", and " repairs, fuel, Executive Mansion", for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, with the sum of one thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars and live cents, being the amount of certain vouchers filed by him, but remaining unedjusted because said appropriations are exhausted. For contingent expenses of the office of t .e AdjutantGeneral in the _ Oliiee of the adold Navy Department building, five hundred dollars. .p;g¤lg¥&G<1;§,s:’;l];g> NAVY Dnrnnrrmnncr. l’,§”§’“"‘“" ”“"d To enable the Secretary of the Navy to make payment under contract Colossal statuo for the final installment due for the execution of the colossal statue of °f A€““"'*1 L M ‘ Admiral Farragut, ten thousand dollars. mgu ' 1 For transportation of officers of the Marine Corps, two thousand dol- mms, ars. To enable the Secretary of the Navy to pay for water furnished the Marine Barracks at Brooklyn, New York, for six months ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, two hundred and seven dollars and thirty-one cents. For the contingent expenses of the portion of the State, War, and Navy Departments building occupied by the Navy Department, for the remainder of the current year, two thousand dollars. That the sum of twenty-two thousand six hundred and ninety-two dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated for the purchase from T. C. Basshor and Company of such of their ship T- C- B¤·¤¤l¤o¢‘· knees now in the navy-yard at New York as would have passed the usual inspection at the time of their delivery; said ship-knees to be paid for at the schedule prices nxed by the Bureau of Construction and Repair September iirst, eighteen hundred and seventy-six. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. Initerior Depart- IIIOD . OFFIGE OF Tim Aumcron OF Riunnonn A00oUNcrs.—For traveling _ Traveling and and incidental expenses of the office, seven hundred and nfty dollars. 1;; :°¤*°·1 °’· ScrAr1oNn12.Y.—For stationery for the Interior Department and its Stationem several bureaus, five thousand dollars, for the year eighteen hundred and eighty. For publishing the Biennial Register, two thousand dollars; five hun- Biennial Regisdred dollars of which shall be additional pay to the compiler of said W- Re ister. Igor the expenses of the commission on the codiiication of existing Commission og laws relating to the survey and disposition of the public domain, and faxgliggéggn t°0 for the completion of such coditication, the sum of fifteen thousand dol- the ,,,,;,1;,, d,,m,,,;,,_ lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary for that purpose: 1’rovid4sd, 1¤.·omo. That said commission shall complete the same and make their final Roptggi, to l;° report on all the public lands in the United States on or before J anuav y ° ""“‘ * first, eighteen hundred and eighty-one. _ _ For the salary of Clarence King, Director of Geological Survey, from {71¤·¤‘°¤<>° K1¤8» May twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine the date of his “"‘ ""'Y‘ appointment as Director, under the act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, creating the office, to June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen