Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/298

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268 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. 11. cu. 235. isso, For ordinary care of greenhouses and the nursery, one thousand five hundred dollars. For ordinary care of Lafayette Square, one thousand dollars. For care and improvement of reservation number three (Monument grounds), one thousand dollars. For construction and repair of iron fences, five hundred dollars. For manure, and hauling the same, four thousand dollars. . For painting iron fences, vases, lamps, and lamp-posts, one thousand five hundred dollars. For purchase and repair of~ seats, five hundred dollars. _ For purchase and repair of tools, Eve hundred dollars. For trees, tree—stakes, lime, whitewashing, and stock for nursery, three thousand dollars. ‘ For removing snow and ice, one thousand dollars. For tlower—pots, twine, baskets, and lyeopodium, one thousand dollars. For care and construction and repair of fountains in the public grounds, one thousand five hundred dollars. For abating nuisances, five hundred dollars. For improving various reservations, ten thousand dollars. . . Executive Man- Executive Mansion: For care of and repairs to the Executive Mansion, sion. and for furniture, twenty thousand dollars; fuel for the Executive Mansion and the greenhouses. two thousand dollars; care and necessary repairs of the greenhouses, five thousand five hundred dollars; in all, twenty-seven thousand five hundred dollars. Lighting the Executive Mansion and public grounds: For gas, pay¤of lamp-lighters, gasfdtters, plumbers, plumbing, lamp-posts, matches, and repairs of all kinds, fuel for office for the watchmen’s lodges, and for I"f>’**¥*°· the greenhouses in the nursery, dfteen thousand dollars: Rrocidcd, P”'°° *>V§=*=*’·· That no more than twenty-five dollars shall be paid per lamp for gas under any expenditure provided for in this act; and in case a contract cannot be made at that rate the engineer in charge is hereby authorized to substitute other illuminating material, and to use so much of the sum _ hereby appropriated as may be necessary for that purpose. W¤·*¤F·I¤1><¤¤»&¤· liepair of water-pipes and iire-plugs: For repairing and extending water-pipes, purchase of apparatus to clean them, and for cleaning the springs and repairing and renewing the pipes of the same that supply the Capitol, the Executive Mansion, and the building for the State, Wai·, and Navy Departments, two thousand five hundred dollars. . D<+r>=¤"¤m<>¤* tel- Telegraph to connect the Capitol with the departments and the Glov- °g‘”"Ph· griiinent Printing Office: For repair and care of the same, one thousand o ars. NISIQYB Wap Hug; Building for_ State, War, and Navy Departments: To continue work h;miim§l’“‘ "“°“ on the north wing of the building, four hundred and fifty thousand dol- "' lars, to be immediately available. w it sh in g t on For continuing the work on the Washington Monument, one hundred £t;:gg;f"*· "PP“’· and fifty thousand dollars. Model. To enable the Joint Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds to defray expenses already incurred in procuring a model of proposed changes in the Washington Monument, one hundred and forty-seven dollars and eightynve cents. MISCELLANEOUS 0BJEcws UNDER WAR DEPARTMENT. Surviey of North- Survey of the Northern and Northwestern Lakes: For reduction of 2;; iif*;k1>i§"gE;i°¤*· the tleld—work of the Lake survey; for the preparation and publication ’ ‘ of the final report, for printing charts for the use of navigators, ior con- (tiuipance of water-level observations, and miscellaneous, forty thousand 0 ars. Wgé: Eeggifgmggg Military surveys and reconnoissances in the military divisions and degpsi Mississippi piartments, West of the Mississippi River, twelve thousand five hundmd _ 1V6X'. u·a'IS•