Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/299

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1880. 269 For transportation of reports and maps to foreign countries through Ti-anspl.i·talioiio£ the Smithsonian Institulion, five hundred dollars. ;_gIl}££¢=:»J}(;$lr¥3*;§:;l8l<> For the completion of the necessary buildings for headquarters of the Felt Snelling. Department of Dakota, at the military post of Fort Snelling, Minnesota, one hundred thousand dollars. For the construction of a new military post at or near the Musselshell M ii ss e l s li o ll River, in the lerritory of Montana, at a site to be approved by the Rl"°¤`i P°=**» <>¤l·¤l>· Secretary of War, forty thousand dollars. h“l‘“d· For the construction of necessary buildings, including officers’ quar- Military pos l, ters, for the headquarters already commenced of the military Department SM 1******** lllof Texas on the military reservation at San Antonio, Texas, seventy-tive thousand dollars; the total cost thereof shall not exceed one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. For continuing the construction of quarters at Fort Omaha, N ebraska, Fort Oliialni. twenty-nve thousand dollars. For the repair of the government quarters at Fortress Monroe, Vir- Fortress Milimie. ginia, twenty thousand dollars. For the continuance of Fort Assinaboine, Montana Territory, eighty F ori. As s iiiiithousand dollars. l>0i¤0- To enable the Secretary of War to continue the tests of iron and steel, Testingiron ami ten thousand dollars. _ ¤¤><·>l- To complete the purchase of Ringgold barracks, Texas, ten thousand Ri¤l4l5*>ld b e 1‘- five hundred and thirty-eight dollars and nineteen cents. mcksl r1"”“· To complete roadway from Vicksburg, Mississippi, to the National Roiillway iroiii Cemetery near that city, eight thousand dollars. =l· , For continuing the preparation of the publication of the official Rec- Rebellion Records of the War of the Rebellion, both of the Union and Confederate ****1*- armies, and for the printing and binding, under direction of the Secretary of War, of ten thousand copies of a compilation of the official records, Union and Confederate, of the war of the rebellion, so far as the same may be ready for publication during the fiscal year, forty thousand · dollars; and of said number seven thousand copies shall be for the use of the House of Representatives, two thousand copies for the use of the Senate, and one thousand copies for the use of the executive departments; and for the compensation of temporary clerks and other employ- ees engaged thereon, the collection of such Confederate records as may be placed at the disposal of the government by gift or loan, for rent of necessary offices, for fuel, stationery, and incidental expenses, forty thousand four hundred and ninety dollars; and the Secretary of War is authorized to negotiate with the legal representatives of the late Confederate Generals Bragg and Polk for the purchase of their private papers relating to the late war, and said Secretary shall report thereon at the next session of Congress. Expenses of military convicts: For payment of costs and charges of _Military con · State penitentiaries for the care, clothing, maintenance, and medical Vimattendance of United States military convicts confined in them, sixteen thousand dollars. Support and improvement of the Leavenworth military prison, Fort h e av e n worth Leavenworth, Kansas : For purchase of subsistence stores, oil, wicking, mllltefy l°¤****¤· and fuel for heating and cooking purposes and running machinery, twenty-eight thousand one hundred and sixty-five dollars; For hay for prisoners’ beds; for blank books and stationery; for stoves and stove-pipe, for use in buildings not heated by steam; for miscellaneous stores, drainage of grounds, disinfectants, and other general purposes, nine hundred and twenty-ive dollars; For material for clothing, for hats, for each prisoner on discharge; for payment of five dollars to each prisoner on discharge; for expenses of _ pursuing, and payment of rewards for apprehension and deliveryof, A1>vg>b¢>{1¤1<>¥l_<>f escaped prisoners, three thousand two hundred and thirty-one dollars °“°"*PB ¥’“*‘°“°"· and twenty-five cents; ‘