RORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 78. 1881. 345 For interpreters, guards, and other expenses at the consulates at Con- Interpreters, stantinople, Smyrna, Cairo, Jerusalem, and Beirut, in the Turkish do- 8¤·”d¤· minions, three thousand dollars. For loss by exchange on consular service, eight thousand dollars. hLcss by ex- 0 Bill 6. For connngentexpensesof United Statesconsulates, suchas stationery, Oegtingeut exbookcases, arms of the United States, seals, presses, and flags, rent, P“““¤· freight, postage, and other necessary miscellaneous matters, including loss by exchange, one hundred and thirty-ive thousand dollars. " For salaries and expenses of the United States and Spanish Claims Spanish Claims Commission, namely: For commissioner, three thousand dollars; for C<>mmi¤ei¤¤· counsel, three thousand dollars; for secretary, nine hundred dollarsfor messenger, three hundred dollars; for translation, stationery, and other contingent expenses, seven hundred and fifty dollars; making, in all, the sum of seven thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. For rent of prisons for American convicts in Siam and Turkey, and Primmfor wages of keepers of the same, including loss by exchange, two thousand dollars. For rent of prison for American convicts in China, one thousand five hundred dollars, For wages of keepers, care of offenders, and expenses (China), nine thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of prison for American convicts in Japan, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For wages of keepers, care of offenders, and expenses (Japan), five thousand dollars. · For rent of courthouse and jail, with grounds appurtenant, at Yeddo or such other place in Japan as shall be designated, three thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars. For rent of buildings for legation and other purposes at Peking, or 3¤i1<i_i¤g¤f<>r1e- such other place in China as shall be designated, three thousand one $****0*1 ‘“ Ch“‘“· hundred dollars. For bringing home from foreign countries per ons charged with crimes, EKi¤¤>»dii»i¤¤· and expenses incidental thereto, including loss by exchange, ilve thousand dollars. For relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, Relief of Amerisixty thousand dollars. - °““ mamm- For expenses which may be incurred in acknowledging the services of liescuing shipmasters and crews of foreign vessels in rescuing American citizens from jj,j1j°k°d Am°“' shipwreck, four thousand five hundred dollars.‘ For postage on copies of the Daily Congressional Record to be sent Postage on Conby the Public Printer to each of our legations abroad, under the pro- €f‘£“‘g2§nsR“°’d visions of the joint resolution approved December eighteenth, eighteen g ' hundred and eighty, one thousand dollars. For expenses of shipping and discharging seamen at Liverpool, Lon- Shipping and don, Cardiff, Belfast. and Hamburg, six thousand dollars. ggplharging nea- To meet the necessary expenses attendant upon the execution of the Neutrality Mtneutrality act, to be expended under the direction of the President, pursuant to the requirement of section two hundred and ninety-one of the Revised Statutes, ten thousand dollars. _ For annual proportion of the expenses of Cape Spartel and Tangier Cape Spaiiteland light, 0n the coast of Morocco, two hundred and eighty-ilve dollars. T°*”€’°" *8 *· For allowanceto widows or heirs of deceased diplomatic and consular Widows and officers for the time that would be necessarily occupied in making the megjuggguggi transit from the post of duty of the deceased to his residence in the c,,,.,, United States, five thousand dollars. Approved, February 24, 1881.
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