4,02 FOBTY-SIXTH GQNGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 130. 1881. War Depart- WAR DEPARTMENT. ‘ ment. Compensation of For compensation of the Secretary of War, eight thousand dollar-B;
- 1*6 S*>°*°*>¤·*'5’;;>h**>f one chief clerk, at two thousand five hundred dollars; one disbursing
°1°’k· ““d °° °"‘ clerk, at two thousand dollars; one stenographer, at one thousand ei gm hundred dollars; two chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each ; live clerks of class four; four clerks of class three; four clerks of class two; twelve clerks of class one; one clerk at one thousand dollars; two messengers; six assistant messengers; seven laborers; and six watohmen for the department building; in all sixty-nine thousand six hundred and forty dollars. Rebel archives. To enable the Secretary of War to have the rebel archives examined, and have copies furnished for the government, including stationery, seven thousand dollars ; but no part of this sum shall be used to increase the salary or compensation of any officer or employee of the government. Contingent ex- For contingent expenses of his office, eight thousand dollars. 011588. T 0¤‘i<>¤ of the M- IN run Onnrcn or run Anmorxur-GnNnnA1..—One chief clerk, at J“$g;l*‘;Q‘:;`1QJ§Dd two thousand dollars; eleven clerks of class four; seventeen clerks of nth0H_ class three; thirty-five clerks of class two; one hundred and iifry-one clerks of class one; six clerks at one thousand dollars each; eight assistant messengers; in all, two hundred and ninety thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars. · Fifty-five clerks For thirty additional clerks of class one, and twenty-five clerks at one
- 0 °¤P°di*° ¤Q**l¢· thousand dollars each, to be exclusively engaged in preparing and mak-
'“°““ °f P°“°’°”“· ing reports to expedite the settlement of pension applications called for by the Commissioner of Pensions; one assistant messenger; in all, sixty-one thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars. And for the employment of twentyfive clerks at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum each, for the like purpose, thr the balance of the current liscal year, and for one assistant messenger, six thousand four hundred and thirty dollars; the latter sum to be immediately available. Bentofbuilding. For rent of building, one thousand ive hundred dollars; three hundred dollars of which sum shall be available for the current iiseal year. Contingent ex- For contingent expenses, to wit, for stationery, printing, purchase of P°¤°°°· additional filecases, and for office furniture and repairs, fourteen thousand five hundred dollars ; one thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars of which sum shall be available for the current hscal year. Oilice of Inepee- IN THE OFFICE OF THE INSFEGTOR-GENERAL.—One clerk of class "°"G°¤°¤’·l> °1°¤'k» tour; 0116 assistant messenger; in all, two thousand five hundred and “'“d m°”°”g"‘ twenty dollars. name of Mm- 'BUREAU OF MILITARY Jnsrrcn.-One chief clerk, at one thousand
- =¤3iJ¤;ti<=¤· eight hundred dollars; one clerk_ of class three; one clerk of class 0110;
°' · 3.113 assistant messenger; in all, nve thousand three hundred and twenty o ars. peggmiugent ex- For contingent expenses, five hundred dollars. Mw b<¤>k¤ et For supplying law-books for the offices of the 'ud e advocates std-~ gQP,,_f,‘fg°“*’ hm' tioned at department headquarters, one hundredJdo%lars to each, five ' hundred dollars.
Oftiloo. IN run Siena;. Onr1cn.—Two clerks of class four; one of class om ,
Smgu ““ m°¤· and one assistant messenger; in all, five thousand five hundred and ’ twenty dollars. malice; og Quap- IN THE OFFIGE OF run Qunnrngmxsrnn.Gnwnnnn.-One chief Ch°f°°;." é’{‘:;`;· 0lGl‘k, at two thousand dollars- seven clerks of class four; nine clerks ,;,,,,,,8;,;,,,,,,,,,,; of class three; twenty-four clerks of class two; forty-eight clerks of clerks, etc. class (mc; twenty copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; one female messenger, at forty dollars per month; one messenger; two assistant messengers; six laborers; one engineer, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one fireman; and five watchmen; and one draughtsman, at