FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 133. 1881. 4,43 eighty, making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government. North American ethnology, Smithsonian Institution: For the pur- North American pese of continuing ethnological researches among the North American °*l¤=¤l¤!v· Indians, under the direction of the secretary of the Smithsonian Insti- . tution, twenty-five thousand dollars; nve thousand dollars of which shall be expended in continuing archaeological investigations relating to inoundbuilders and prehistoric mounds, and be available immediate . y ARREAR-S on PAY AND BOUN1·Y. — That with a view to the prompt payment of claims for arrears of pay Pur Md bounty and bounty due to officers and enlisted men of the regular and volun- d" °“*j’“f" mg teer forces, and their heirs and legal representatives, there shall be and ${,°§{{},§,*;° °§,,Z“§,, hereby is, appropriated, the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dol- heirsand legal rep; lars, or so much as may be required to pay said claims, under the thllow- ¤¤¤¤¤t¤¤iv¤¤- ing heads of appropriations: "Pay of two and three year volunteers", .
- ‘Bounty to volunteers and their widows and legal heirs", and “Pay,
and so forth, of the Army": Provided, however, That the Secretary of Pwvfwthe Treasury shall report to Congress, at the commencement of each regular session, the amount that has been paid out under this provision during the preceding fiscal year. UNDER THE WAR DEPARTMENT. ARMORIES AND ARSENALS. Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, Illinois: For continuation of shop Rock Island Ar- I, a wood-working and leather-working shop for the arsenal, seventy- ¤°¤**l· five thousand dollars. d Eor shop H, an iron-finishing shop for the armory, fifty-tive thousand o ars. For shop K, the last of the armory shops, twenty thousand dollars. For machinery and hop-iixtures, nfteen thousand dollars. For general care, preservation, and improvement: For building new roads; care and preservation of the water-power; painting and care and preservation of permanent buildings and bridges and shores of the island; building fences and grading grounds; and repairs of and extension of railroad, twelve thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the water-power pool, hfty thousand dollars. For care and preservation of the Rock Island Bridge, and expense of Bock Island maintaining and operating the draw, nine thousand dollars; for pro- l’“‘]€°· tecting piers of bridge by sheerbooms, six hundred dollars; in all, nine thousand six hundred dollars. Arsenal at Benicia, California: To build machine and armorer’s shop, Benicia Arscum. aing for rebuilding the carpenter’s and blacksmith’s shops, fifty thousand o ars. For one timber-shed, two thousand five hundred dollars. For continuing repairs on wharf, two thousand dollars. For building freight-house, one thousand dollars. _ _ For continuing boring the artesian well, or, if artes1au water 18 procured, for putting down permanent iron pipe and turbine-wheel, to be run by flow of water, to pump up water to reservoir, nve thousand dollars. Armory at Springiield, Massachusetts: For repairs and preservation Spnnizfield Arof grormds, buildings, aud machinery not used for manufacturing pur- m°”’· Poses, nfteen thousand dollars. _ Répairs of arsenals: For repairs of smaller arsenals, and to meet such Relgam et nr- ‘mf9I'6SG6I1 expenditures at arsenals as accident 01* other c0I1t1l1g0H0lBS “°““’ ‘ during the year may render necessary, forty thousand dollars.