FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 133. 1881. 449 UNDER THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Casual repairs, Interior Department building: For casual repairs of Repairs of Into the department building, eight thousand dollars. rliegd Department Reconstructing Interior Department building: For new model·cases llliodgloases. lor the west wing, eighty thousand dollars. For repairing rooms in north and west wings injured by fire and water _ Repair of rooms in September, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, ten thousand dol- "{ ”°1'*·h' **%**1 .“’°S” mrs- wing of building. For the purchase of Ingall’s portrait of the late Thomas Ewing, first Ingalrs portrait Secretary of the Interior, six hundred dollars. g:*:l};°g1¤·**;) g1;]?;;; of. i Capitol extension: For work on the Capitol and general repairs _Capito1 extenthereof, for fire-proofing the gallery of the National Statuary Hall and “‘°“· the rooms adjoining, for shelving the rooms for the accommodation of the House documentary library, for cutting doorway from the northwestern room to connect with the Congressional Library, and for shelving such rooms in the basement story of the south wing of the Capitol as the Speaker may designate for the reception of the stationery and tiles to loc moved from the rooms connected with the Hall, fifty thousand dollars. For passenger elevator in south wing of the Capitol, to be located by Elevatorthe Architect of the Capitol, seven thousand dollars; such elevator to be so located as to interfere as little as possible with the use of the offices and committee-rooms of the House. — To enable the Joint Committee on the Library to purchase works of Works of art. art, ten thousand dollars. _ Improving Capitol Grounds: For continuing the work of the improve- Oepivelgreunds ments of the Capitol Grounds, sixty thousand dollars. _ _ Lighting Capitol and grounds: For lighting Capitol and grounds L*Sh*m§» °*°· about the same, including Botanic Garden and Senate stables; for gas, pay of superintendent of meters, lamp-lighters, gasiitters, and for materials for electric lighting, and for general repairs to lamps and pipes, thirty thousand dollars. _ Court-house, Washington, District of Columbia: For annual repairs Court-house. to court-house in the city of Washington, eight hundred dollars. Wmhmgmn CIW Furniture and fixtures, National Museum: For cases, iurmture,_and National Mu. Hxtures required for the exhibition of the collections of geology, miner- ¤*>¤m· alogy, Datural history , ethnology, and technology, belonging to H10 United States, sixty thousand dollars. _ Heating and lighting National Museum: For expense of heating, lighting, telephonic and electrical service for the new museum building, six thousand dollars. , , BGM of building for Court of Claims: To enable the Secretary of the fo£ien1bo(flb;n1r1n¤;g Interior to pay the rent fer that part of the Freedmanfs Bank budding (mums_ as is occupied by the Court of Claims, three thousand six hundred dollars. BOTANIC GARDEN. For removing earth ever Tiber Sewer, for laying concrete footwalks, B°*’*m° G"·'“"”· for cutting and setting edging, and for repairs buildmgs at the Botanic Gardens, seven thousand two hundred and eighty seven dollars and sixty cents PUBIC LANDS. Contimgeixgsc exf P011S8S 0 0 BS 0 OFFICES OF SURVEYORS-GENERAL OF PUBLIC LANDS. :_‘u;ayors—general COUMUQCDE expenses, office of surveyor-general of L0l11SlH·I18»¤ FOI' I*°“”“m“’· fuel, books, stationery, messenger hire, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. xxx-29
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