450 V FOBTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 133. 1881, Florida. Contingent expenses, office of surveyor general of Florida: For rent of office for surveyor-general, fuel, books, Stationery, and other img. dental expenses, one thousand dollars. Minnesota. Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Minnesota: For fuel, books, stationery, pay of messenger, and other incidental expenses one thousand five hundreieli dollars. ’ Dakota. ontingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Dakota: For rent of office of surveyor-general fuel books stationery and othe‘d . tal expenses, one thousand live hi1ndred’dollars. , r mm en Colorado. Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Colorado: For rent of office for surveyor-general, fuel, books, stationery and other inciden. tal expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. New Mexico. Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of New Mexico: For rent of office for surveyor-general, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. California. ontingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of California: For fuel books stationery pay of messenger and other inoide t 1 fom? thousand dollars., b 7 D a Bxpmscg Idaho. Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Idaho: For rent of office for surveyor-general, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental N mb. exgenees, one thousand five hundred dollars. ev on ·ngen expenses office of surveyor general of Nevada: For re t eglomce for surveyor-general, fue], books, stationery, and other indus;. expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. 0¤·>8¤n. Contmgent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Oregon: For fuel, g<:§§:5;32E$>;1erly,dp`e§ye1£e1a•?;enger, and other incidental expenses, one W¤¤h*¤z*¤¤· Contingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Washington: For rent of office for surveyor-general, fuel, books, stationery, and other in Nobmku cideeeliizlnexpenses, one thieiusanfd eight hundred dollars. · gen expenseso ceos *e - 1fNb k dI : r...; me of .s... for ..:...,0..g..E£}.i§°i.§f‘f§2k§, ..§..£?5..§‘.,“§.‘.d .§’.‘£2. incidental expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. M°“t*‘”“· Ofggélgggent expenses, offaeefof eutryeyongeneral of Montana: For rent surveyor-genera ue ooks st t' d th'd t.l expenses, one thousand nvelnundred do11ai?s.1OHBry,aD 0 umm an (L . Utah. Heontingent expenses, office of survey-general of Utah: For rent of o ce for surveyor-general, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental W _ expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. yonnng. Contmgent expenses, oflioe of surveyor- general of Wyoming: For rent of office for surveyor-general, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental M expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. zona. fCioIetingent expenses, office of surveyor-general of Arizona: For rent 0 0 n00a§01(;:l;fg’ley0I-general, fuel, books, stationery, and other incidents} 6X1m S , ousand ive hundred dollars. EXPENSES or THE COLLECTION OF REVENUE 1H10M SALES OF PUBLIC LANDS. c°§°£“°‘;§,“ “;fb’,; F 01* Sfi•]3»1'i6S and commissions of registers of1a·od.oftices and recciVe1`¤ m,,,,.,,.,, of public moneys, at district land omccs at not exceeding three thou- Imidwml ex- saed dollars each four hundred and fifty thousand dollars. ,,.,,,,6, Smé"hgH*;£§¤*al expenses of the several landcmces, one hundred thou- 6yE°I’°*’m“g ‘”°“' Imggg gggigxigsggéieigeeeegng money received from the sale of public Timber mm' SME? ('£3gIf;XP°¤$€¤ of PT0UB0ti11g timber on the public lands, forty th0¤· Swamp lands. For oxpoosos of ad' ‘ · · · . _ JuSt1I1g eleilms for mdemmt for swamp lands Mid for mdcmmty for swamp lands, fifteen thousandydollars. ’
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