CONVENTIONS.—UN1TED STATES AND CANADA. MAY 21, 31, 1879. 661 Mcaljteation of Article I. of the “Convention between the Postal Depart- May 21,31, 1879. ment of the United States of America and the Postal Department of the "°""‘_‘*‘ ])ominion of Canada, signed on the 8th and 23d of June 1875, and ap- _ proved by the President of the United States on the 7 th of duly, 1875." l`oi· the purpose of establishing uniformity in the maximum amounts Preamble. for which money orders may be issued in the United States and in the Dominion of Canada, the undersigned, duly authorized for that purpose, have agreed upon the following: lst. Article I. of the “Convention between the Postal Department oi the United States of America and the Postal Department of the Do— minion of Canada," is replaced by the following new article: ARTICLE I. There shall be a regular exchange of money orders between the two Exchange of countries for sums received from remitters in one country for payment *¤°¤°Y °Td°¤*· i11 the other. The maximum amount of any money order, issued in either country, M a x i in u m is iixed at fifty dollars in the lawful money of the country in which the *3;°'”'* "Y *****1* °"· order originates; but no money order shall include the fractional part of ‘ a cent. 2d. The provisions of this new article shall take effect on the Iirst day eioinmeneomtnt. of June 1879. _ Done in duplicate and signed at Washington on the twenty-hrst Signatures. day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine, and at Ottawa on the thirtyiirst day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. {Seal of v,fli;ehPo:;·f)fli({·g Department.; D_ M. KEY, JPostmaster General of the United States. {"°“'.‘i'.l‘;°i»‘Z.‘¥$.¥;.?.‘E‘.$.1€:::;t:"°"‘§ A· OAMPBELE Postmaster General of the Dominion of Canada. I hereby approve the foregoing convention, and in testimony thereof Approval. have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto affixed. _ By the President: R. B. HAYES. %.»S:::L·*&:t*:..; wm. M. Evims, Secretary of State. JUNE 4TH, 1879.
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