662 CONSULAR CON VENTION-NETHERLANDS. MAY 23, 1878. May 23, 1878. Convention between the United States and the Netherlands concerning the ’_"'—’—"" rights, privileges, and immunities of eonsulaxr officers. Oomzluded May 23, 1878; ratification advised by the Senate June 6, 1878; ratified by the President June 21, 1878; ratifieations ewchanged July 31, 1879 ; proclaimed August 1, 1879. [NoTE.—This convention was ratited by the Netherlands Government July 10, 1879. The postponement of the exchangp of ratifications was made in compliance gvithtrepuests irom the Government of t c Netherlands by advised authority of the 0118; 0. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. Preamble. Whereas a Consular Convention between the United States and the Netherlands, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipoten- - tiaries at the City of Washington, on the twenty-third day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight, which convention is word for word, as follows: Consular con- Consular Convention between the Consulaire Overeenkomst tusschen V°'m°¤- United States of America and de Vereenigde Staten van Amethe Netherlands. rika en de N ederlanden. _Contracting pm- The United States and His Maj- De Vereenigde Staten en Zijne
- 1***- esty, the King of the Netherlands, Majesteit de Koning der Nede1·-
being equally actuated by a desire landen, beide even zeer wenschende to determine with precision the re- wederkeerig de regten, voorregten, ciprocal rights, privileges, immuui- vrijdommen en verpligtingen, alsties and duties of their respective mede de werkzaamheden Himner Consular Officers, together with respective consulaire ambtenaren their functions, have resolved to naauwkeurig vastte stellen hobben conclude a Consular Convention, besloten eene Consulaire Cvereenand_have appointed their plenipo- komst aan te gaan, en hebben tot tent1ar1es,v1z: Hunne gevolmagtigden benoemd, te weten: The President of the United De President der Vercenigde States of America, William M. Staten van Amerika, William M. Evarts, Secretary of State of the Evarts, Secretaris van Staat der United States: His Majesty, the Vereenigde Staten: ZijueMajeste1t King of the Netherlands; Jonkheer de Koning der Nederlanden; Jonk- Rudolph Alexander August Ed- heer Mr. Rudolph Alexander Auuard von Pestel, Knight of the gust Eduard von Pestel, Riddcr der Order of the Netherlands Lion, Orde van den N cderlandschen His Majesty’s Minister Resident in Leeuw, Hoogstdeszelfs Minister the United States, who having Resident bij de Vereenigde Staten, exchanged_ their respective full die, na uiiwvisseling hunner wederpowers wh1ch were found to be in zijdsche volmagten, welke in good and due form, have agreed goeden en behoorlijken vorm zijn upon the following articles: bevonden, omtrentde navolgendo artikelen zijn overeengekomen: